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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... On entering the House of Commons on nesday night, after Lord Melbourne's trial had con- eluded, the Attorney General was loudly cheered by the Ministerial Benches! Oh! shame, where i* thy blush, HOYAL ASSENT.—'The Royal Assmt was give by commission, in the House of Lords, on Tuesday, to 39 public and private Bills, amongst which arc the follow ing:-rije Bishopric of Durham Bill; the ...


... Wc have received the following particulars relative to the destructive tire that, has ravaged the beautiful cathedral of Cnarlres The fire, which is attributed to the negl geOce of two plumbers, who mutually accuse each other, began at half-past six on Saturday evening, in the timber-wharf, at the junction of one of the arms of the; cross formed by the sides of the nave. The tocsin was ...


... THE IRON MOUNTAIN. Mr Featherstonehough, in his report upon the mineral and geological character of certain parts ot \!issouri and Arkan-» ...


... RAILWAY MEMORANDA. The Thames Haven Railway and Dock Bill was read a third time in the House of Commons on Thursday se'imight. The London and Croydon Railway JBill passed the House of Commons on Fi-idav se'tiiiimlil, as (ii(i the Leith Harbour Railway Bill. M. Iobaid, of Brussels,'has discovered a hitherto unnoticed power in steam as a motive force, by the use of which the expensive machinery ...

[No title]

... The Death of the Old King of Saxony adds one example more to the moral of Thrones. He lived to the great age of 81, without use, and without regret. He has gone to the place where his ancestors so long awaited him. The only marked period of his lingering existence was during the French Invasions. Then he distinguished himself by abject submission to Napoleon, who made him a King that he might ...

-----4---.__---.----GLEANINGS α

... GLEANINGS f ir David Baird s'uffercd much in his early military career in the way of personal hardships, which his iron constitution enabled him to go through with compara- tively littic suffering; hence arose perhaps the little sympathy he had for others and gave some counte- nance to the anecdote related of his mother, who it is said, on hearing that her son was chained to another person, ii ...


... RESISTANCE TO AGITATION AT IPSWICH. (From a Morning Paper). lpsvvictl, THURSDAY, MAY26.—A public Meeting was held this evening, which was most numerously and re!lpectably attended, at which it was resolved that the itinerant Irish Agitator should not be listened to by the inhabitants of Ipswich in any attempt to address them generally. C. Cobbold, Esq., was in the chair, who opened the ...

MEllTHYli TYDVJL, S\Tt)I;DAV, June 11, JH36 4w

... MEllTHYli TYDVJL, S\Tt)I;DAV, June 11, JH36 The debate on Lord Stanley's motion only adds to the conviction, that evil days are at Iland. The time was, when the very mention of Church robbery would have been met, less by all outcry of indignation, than by a genera J gitZe of astonishment. It is now recognised as a principle. Men, and those men too professing themselves to be Protestants, and ...


... EISTELDFOD AND GRAXD CAMBRIAN CONCERT TN LONDON. On Tuesday, the ° 1st u:t. an Eisteddfod and Grand Cambrian Concert washed at the Freemason's Hall, Great Queen-street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, under the auspices of tne Royal Cambrian Society, of which his Most Gracious Majesty is the Patron. Tin: Prur-ide:;t j of the day was the Right Hon. Cliar'.es Wat kin | Williams V/y;m, M.P., but owing to a ...


... (From the Gloucester Chroniclc.) The absorbing topic of conversation in this city and neighbourhood during the present week, has been the discovery of a codicil to the will of the late Mr Wood, under very extraordinary circumstances. These are detailed in a report of an application to the Prero- gative Court by the Executors. It may be interest- ing to our readers, however, to briefly state ...


... TIlE MOUNTAIN DECAMERON. Th«se volumes contain natch Hint is clover anti original. They profess to embody in a series of Tales th, !)(;p¡¡ar habits, custom. superstitions, and modes of thinking of the Welsh.—• W e have no t;me for present analysis, and our extracts arc taken almost at random, and have reference rather to that which is inci- dentally sponcn, than to the staple commodity of ...


... AGRICULTURE. DISTRESS OF THE I-IAYMAKKRS.—It has been a heartrending sight during the past week to travel in the suburban parts of the metropolis, particularly on the northern roads, where hundreds of English and Irish mowers and haymakers, with their numerous families, are grouped about the roads in the most abject poverty. The severity and length of the winter, taiid the present precarious ...