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... LA I iV i'EL LIGENUCE. CUUiUlOF l.X(lI| :l'.1U.R--IiCURSi)AV. '1iv (olm, t up to i, ing at ;ue Vo'clock, was occupied Wsillh t11' SpMCiil plpTW, hichti ciu1; d no case of general inter.t. Tlheir Leortllhips then rose to ineet thue JIdges ol the Court o' Common I'lcas o EIrror frolm 'I Kiiig'sBec i. EXCIIEQU ElR CllA1IB1ERv-Tnuuti' i%5 - il°!a- 'The KlxG (on the prosecution of Mlicllaek Scalei, ...


... COVRT Op CoMbION PLEAS-June 9. t.OttD NViSCOUOT V.ELDOtrrs. , Dayle) 'a that his respect for the Court ren- thatin this case ho shoulh mention a Dp;ad it ~C~e; irtih lad ocurred since it had last been urC5 Lnie l~lP 'f Their Lordships would recol- h jorc tll sdt ma'/,1 an oppliedtin for a Commiession to , t jt le m55 v. waa residing with Lord Alulgrave ~nrflen a N tnDli. ?? Attorney- Gencral ...


... I I ',I C ?? ?? - J).jy. o (H A Nt F:Ri'. I N.NS I:N Si t ten,| Il.'i I' [jI allp11111 , I . ' I.v I - ;i arn5 In IIFline * ~~~I 'nf :.1 jr ?? 1 1. 1, A-ol{s -Ir crct.:4j; , .I ':f:,;ilrl ''tCi, 1,1.r-ilrelI'l~tr *n t. ' g~ tc ,tl~~ [11 , l't \ ' (I ?? I.t' IX N(1X.:N S INN-Cit t Ijrrr I; ' c ti -r IRv T ll oV IAint -- 1>I! 5 st~jt , :, E!.il~l. lirri'\ Alrcr'l:-;1\5 tltf 101 f {, ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCB. COURT OF KING'S BENCII-TuESDAY. [Sittings before Lord DIENtMaN and Common Juries.] THE KING V. DOOLY. Mr. STrER appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. C. JoNES for the defence. This was an indictment for an assault. The circumitanees were similar to those proved in evidence in the case of the King v. Turner, which was tried en Saturday, the assault arising out of the same ...


... LAW INTEL LIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH-I'IFIDAY. [Sittinrgs it, London before Lord 1)ISiAN and Common Jutries.] SCOi1 tBR ASS A.ND '1111 ERIYA 1,. Mr. PLATT(tit Dhomal w i Mr. Utuaitrv)stated that this was an action to recover danmages for an excessive distress. The dtefentante laitd pleaded that the (listless in qunestion had been taken in rtspect of rent to the amount of £18 is., deie to ...


... POLICE INTELLIGBNCE. e BOW-STREET. e 13RuitAL ASStAlrs.-On Suturday Th)omas Wright and t George Bridges, men of respectable exterior, were placed at the bar before Mr. Mlinoshull and AMr. Ifas, charged with having committed a series of violent assaults on two poor women, named Rachael halt a and CatherinelBrown,andtheir chil~dren, and on Weston and two other constables of the F division of ...


... ?? NOTICES-Tills DAY COURT OF I(ING'S BENCH-Sitathalf-pilat nine. MieinthEX: Srnriat . It nix,.-Due, on the denmise of Pgiggotv Strange-'ilsmi v Hoare. COMIMON -RtufSt-Iiic King v Dooley-Phlifilps V Cullaingtoii- Fansurd v Buston. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS-Sit at half-past ninle. HMMI NXLRaX SPECIAL Jumtis.-Ryan V Stackp(oel. CouLr ZJure.-Foulkes v Trevethan.-Lord v Wardle-Jujies v Robson-Davia v ...


... Yesterday Etnunetl Aatonio, a tall man of colour, who has undergone several examinations, was brought before Mr. Ballaminc, at the Thamres Police-office for final examination, charged with tihe wilful murder of Jacob Kettles, a Belgian seaman, at Zanzebar, on the eastern coast of Africa, on the 27th of December last. James Richards, who since the arrival of the chip to which the parties ...


... POLICE IMNTLLIGENCR. Iran MANSION-HO0USE. a~tle~rs Yesnterday a great rival o'eurii'isity anve, excited by thre ilees- sat in ligation into it erase lin w:acih a very young tiran, nirred John tnt it) Ifilhitc, ars Chairgedi ailir Irirving decfraudled tree elderly Iro holici ci nearly ;E1,i0Wi in a irrnon tiaoo canniceted with dire Iheir purchaise rat Spnrridi Blondl on ?? Stock Excanlinge. Ci ...


... CORONER'S INQUEST-EXTRA ORDINARY CASE OF SUICIDE. On Saturdav afternoon an inquisition wvas held before Mr. Higgs, and a highly-respectable jury, at the York- shire Grev, Woodstock-street, Oxford-street, on the body of Willim lFerris, aged 2il years, who shot himself on Wednaesday evening, under most painful and singular Cir. cunistances. Tihe deceased was a remarkably fine-looking young man. ...


... BENCH OF AIAGIS'TRATE'S. THunsrAsv, r23ldl Jlne.-Present.-Sir 1). SCOTT, JOIIN HALL, R. PEDDL1, and G. BASEVI, Esqrs, HI'illinnri Willey was charged by Nlr.iBartlett, the governor of the workhouse, with coming there frequently drunik, and disturb- ing the inmates. The prisoner's mother ismatron of the infirmary, who he thus annoys to induce her to give him money. He was ordered to find two ...


... I CENTRAL CiRMINAL COURT-TlTHRSDV4'| I Meforo Alr. J ustice 'AIrIsON amld Alr. Bar11on GU ItNFV.) FORGERY. S'arah Slow, 29, wais indicted for feloniously forging an order for the payment of £80, with intent to defraud Messrs, Han- key bankers, of Fenchurch-6treet. She was also charged under another count, that having an order for the payment of £8 in her possession she feloniously added the ...