... CO VENT- GARDEN THEA TR'BE. A new Operatic Romincecallel The Settanoof'olagrlre, was brought out at this theatre last night ; theddrama written by Mlr. ' rrzALi,, and the music cemp-tsed by Mr. RoniriLiL. 'li'e piece is founded on a well known German legend of a sexton whos!' desire to possess himitelf of the jewels upon the person ofa t veailthy man, who had been prematurely buried, was ...


... TJIE BEGGAR'S CHILD. ri J:. 1. I,0:TALrJE. OH ! giee me i ,aed 1-this stricken child I el larilish ;; on my li-ust; Ti,,,, ho lir 4 0. en. I sing to him, Yet rcarw m ave him rest. IIQ wiakes alad piies-my wrelched boy llis ery esoatds strarllg and wild Al}sg t sxe~t etpep its ,or the ricb, N.jt f'r Lbe Eeggar's Child The childien of the great are born To hent t nnd to power; The eon of Hope, ...


... 'THIE CONCERT. The musical part of ?? was remarkably interesting and good, for it differed from the concerts _ which come so thick upon us just at this seasonand, above all, it was replete with the soul of music-me- lody . Miss Hawes sang abeautitiul song, written by the late Mrs. H1emans, to the sir of ' l be dawn of day, alluding to Talinsin's prophecy that the Welsh langbung would live ...


... Return'd I returnd ! a welcome take In the joyous voice of Spring I Gladly across the glassy lake, The fresh clad field, and the opening brake, I trce thy glancing wing. Again I again ! but I tell thee, bird! Thy lose is a sunshine glow I Whose voice at our thresholds like thine Is heard ? Thou art gone if decay but her wand has stirr'd I Thou goest as other joys go. As the summer beam goes, ...


... LAWRENCE GALLERY. (RAFFAELLE'S DRAWINGS.-SECOND NOTICE.) The drawings of Raffaelle are, in some respects, perhaps, scarcely equal to those of Michael Angelo. Yet he was, in our opinion, by very much the more accomplished artist. He combined more and greater excellences, and was altogether more complete in his way. But, as mere evidences of power-that is to say, of a powerful hand-there is, ...


... Essays touwards the History of Painting. By Mrs Callcott. E. Moxon. To Mrs Callcott we are indebted for more than one agreeable and instructive work, written with that mastery of the subject, which enables -a writer to grasp and condense it, and mould it into an intelligible and easily remembered form; and written, at the same time, in a broad and liberal spirit. This alone would induce us to ...


... Isi S REvktsrA : An Inquiry into the Origitt, P reres s ndil Present State of ANIaI.AL J. YJ C. C olquboun, Esq., advocate, F.R.S.E Edin- {rg ulac hlaolauan & Stewart. LondnO, Baldwin & Cralock- 1836. Ii n the work before us is contained an account of tI te existence, End of the evidence in support of [litt existe enc, of a novel and very extraordinary series of phenomena which, being supposed ...


... HORUICULTURAL SOCIETY. a This society held their second exhibition for the pre. *r, sent season on Saturday last. The proceedings of this e pseudo scientific body are always observed with great id interest by the fashionable world, and accordingly, in ve defiance of threateningskies and dusty roads, the route id to Chiswick presented from twelve o'clock until four In an unbroken line of ...


... MIRRORi Of FASHI ON. -IIItillCOURTv CIRCULAR. ?? stierday icesq tile b);rih.thy of the, Ijoke of Cumeberland. Soine of the fatr lga nutci~itceo anid rosey otfthe liability Called Juring the day to huavic their nabni-, at his Royal Hilghnesm's res'id lice iaSi. Jurrcius', Palacev. i is Royal I ighness hadl a (tin icr ?? ail tilt ccveii ii at hi. rc--dcnc' at Kow. 13:r oi die Mone cmoi, tile ...


... YE rocks, and woods, and verdant scenes, That grace the bAnks of Avon hiver: Great Nature's blesaings on you rest, And your sweet beauty bloom for ever For there the Mluse delighted roves, . ing Now summer flowersare freely epsfgIng Enraptured with the tenders5ings The weild birds to tilsirlOOCS ace sniging. The garden gay hath many charms, When bud antd flaer,carerc lutured,blosson: The ...


... FA t HlZ I IN JUIAN. 1V. 1J Arbronth-Dfosmulir (2 (lavs)-Dtillfries-Daviot-Ellon-Fort- Th. 1I. Drae vijlr-f)Dlar-EcClesfecCiati-I iverheith lg. F. 17. Kir11yetdIltr-Stratlrder (cattle)-StrathuneigiC. 1U. 20. Ruthrieston. To. 21. Broadick - Banelockburn - Biggar -ryete--Gilford-Lautder Nairn-Roth ven of ?? lechory. -%V. 22. ?? Deer. Th. 23. CornhiltGrcCitO-iQsie, 1.. 24. Balpgir-MeiUleotr. Sat. ...


... FAtIlS IN JUNE. ix. 2 Ablla.e-tlarlsom T bo--M ?? ?7aaaton Sl.v. art. ?? 30, Crieff- Coldstraeam - Fatlklaanatl-daaiouth-Locke L Y-O QgtiC-- Stratlaven-Sheelv and Timber Mratket of St. Sairs (2 days). FAIR9 IN IiJLY. ' 31 4. Ellota tryst. ?? 5. Ardrowa.Aastraaber-Broal~at-Brialga of Don--Dingwalal- Greetnbtirn-laris ?? lgreat horse ?? ROSet learTty. , 6. Ct ?? gnir's Fair. Th. 7. syr (ii ...