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July 1836
38 2



Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... P Per r*lCe' w'c'1 seems destined to exhibit a picture of the crimes of llepublican- fttt just reinforced the moral by a renewed to murder its King. Louis Philippe ^Cen 8',ot at t',e ^ace *'ay» 'n the s'°f his family, surrounded by guards, and i'6 w'10^e» under every circumstance that 'he d°l|bt from the guilty reality of ^j.^tra,,saction. A ruffiin, of the name of ea» a merchant's clerk or ...


... POETRY WOI A V. If oace on feeble woman's head The sin of Man's transgression fell, A brighter page may now be read, And of her faith and virtue tell. The first reproach—the early scorn, A pitying Saviour put away, Incarnate God of her was born, And on her virgin bosom lay. Without a home to rest his head That Man of Sorrow was her guest; Her tender nature soothed and fed, When bis own siuful ...

13cecongiurc. 4-

... 13cecongiurc. BRECONSIIIRE MIDSUMMER QUARTER SESSIONS. These Sessions were held 011 Tuesday and Wednes- day last, before Hugh Bold, Esq. Chairman, and a very numerous bench of Magistrates, among whom we noticed Penry Williams, Esq. the Lord Lieutenant for tile county. There was not one parish appeal tried. The trials of the following appeals were respited until the next Sessions, viz:—- ...

.8:'!EJIIJII!I'.--I'i(rn. -----------------THE Si'[IUT OF IVHiGGlSM. I>Y III] NNYMEDE

... THE Si'[IUT OF IVHiGGlSM. I>Y III] NNYMEDE. (From the Turns.) It may be as well to remind the English nation, that a revolutionary party is not necessarily a liberal one, and that a republic is not indispensably a democracy. Such is the disposition of property in England, that, were a republic to be established here to-morrow, it would partake rather of the oligarchical even than tiie ...


... Such is the announcement of this morning's Free- mail's Journal: and right happy arc we to learn, that the commissioners of rebellion have encompassed the infested territory—are narrowing the circle round the fiercest of the rebel-tribe—have driven many of the leaders into the meshes of the Exchequer—and that the barons have actually siezed tlw lion by the beard. Mr. O'Connell has been wont to ...

[No title]

... We are sorry to say that great discontent still prevails among the Carpet Weavers at Kidderminster, and it is with deep regret we inform our readers that they have had the temerity and wickedness to injure some of the machinery belonging to their employers. Several of them were convicted before the Borough Justices a few days s-ince, of moleatiiio, one of their brother weavers because he would ...


... VEiiSES, Written in a Blank Leaf of Si'ARKE's Guide for Travellers. Yc travellers from England. You'd better stay at home. Nor leave your ale and roasted beef In foreign climes to roam: Let Mrs STARKE go ramble From Petersburgh to Spain, While you all in your quiet, At peace, and ease remain. Her book will oft mislead ye, Though wriiten for the use Of travellers to whom she is Of good advice ...

[No title]

... H. B. has published three new sketches in his. own peculiar style. An Interesting Subject for discussion represents a fat ox standing between. Lords Spencer and Brougham. The likeilesses at-e Trell preserved, but the print is not so striking as ia many of his other performances. The Bedouin Arabs Outdone Exhibits Mr Hume and Lord John. Russell mounted on the broad shoulders of Mr O'Con- ...


... M ^OUSE OF COMMONS—WEDNESDAY. tl|e petitions were presented on the subject of tit!. r'S'' Corporations Bill, and for the abolition of oft|GS .r S. CRAWFORD represented that one t||e '°.m implored the House to assist in promoting l)^, Vl.Cwa of the universal liberator of mankind, O'Connell—language that produced no orili- v,°ntertainment. 8hojS. CRAWFORD stated that on Friday he t|le ...


... ORTHOGRAPHY OF EDITORS.—There is an agri- cultural paper printed somewhere in Indiana, with the title of Western Plow Boy. The Indiana Palladium recommends the editor to is spelling book. The New York Adver- tiser, of the 6th May, has the following -Quite a Buzz in Wall Street, in consequence of the arrival of the little schooner Racer, burthen only forty-five tons, Captain Toogood, from ...

[No title]

... We wish to direct the attention of our readers to Lord Lyndhurst's speech on the Irish Municipal Bill, on the debate on the 28th. It is the noblest Parlia- mentary effort since the days of Pitt. Its exposure of the pitiful artifices of the Russell's and Melbourne s, the puerile attacks of the Shiels and the feeble fictions of their echoes in and out of the House was a fine (lisplty of easy ...

-------CHIT CHAT

... CHIT CHAT. A REM\HKABLR BOLSTER.—An American writer in describing the last scene of Othello, has this exquisite passage—Upon which the Moor, seizing a bolster full of -rage and jealousy, smothers her. -41 3IR TOMKINS IN SEAHCH 01 A WIFE.— On Wednesday se'nnight, the following amusing notice was made public through the agency of the town-crier of Gra vesend This is to give notice, a ...