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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... GLEANINGS I-VCRKASEO IMPORTANCE OF SOVTII NVALrS.-Ill TLIC year IGSi), Thomas Earl of Pembroke, was Lord- Lieutenant of Wilts and of South IVales. Lord Chesterfield's career would have been, 0:1 the whole, rather distinguished than otherwise, if the circumstance of criminally prosecuting his tutor, and the degree of commiseration excited hv Dr. Dodd's ignominious end, however deserved it might ...

[No title]

... RAILROADS ON THE CONTINENT.-The railway system, which has excited so much interest in England and Ainer>ea,iS now beginning Itsprogresa throughout the continent of Europe. In Belgium they are already in highly profitable operation; and in France and Germany many projects on an ex- tended scale are matured, and will be shortly carried into effect. The international Railway, by .which it is ...


... We have had no time to do more than treat ourselves with a glance at a few of the best of the Magazine8-Blackmood, Eraser, and the United Set vice are all excellent. We must con- fine ourselves during the present week to the first and our selection shall be made from an able review of the posthumous volume of Sir N.Wraxall; reserving Fraser and the United Ser- vice for our ensuing number. ...

POET K, 1l '2

... POET K, 1l SONNETS BY THE SKKTCHER.—(Blackwood.) THE STEAM VESSEL. Old II Oilier says that the Phoenciau hark The aim and purpose of it:' owner knows, And self-moved to ail parts and havens goeR; Nor sJccrM nor tack'd, as arrow to its mark, Cover'd with cloud and vapour; so the lark Str,light to Heaven's gate soars upward, and then thro.vs Herself unheeding through the vapours dark, That ...


... CARMARTHENSHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES. (Abridged from the Carmarthen Journal.) These Assizes commenced on the 18th inst. The Hon. Geo. Rice Trevor M.P. Foreman of the Grand Jury. J. G. Philips, Esq. Foreman of the Grand Jury for the borough. His Lordship after congratulating the Grand Jury on the lightness of the calendar which had been pre- sented to him, said there was no case in it which called ...

[No title]

... H. B. has published three new sketches in his. own peculiar style. An Interesting Subject for discussion represents a fat ox standing between. Lords Spencer and Brougham. The likeilesses at-e Trell preserved, but the print is not so striking as ia many of his other performances. The Bedouin Arabs Outdone Exhibits Mr Hume and Lord John. Russell mounted on the broad shoulders of Mr O'Con- ...


... M ^OUSE OF COMMONS—WEDNESDAY. tl|e petitions were presented on the subject of tit!. r'S'' Corporations Bill, and for the abolition of oft|GS .r S. CRAWFORD represented that one t||e '°.m implored the House to assist in promoting l)^, Vl.Cwa of the universal liberator of mankind, O'Connell—language that produced no orili- v,°ntertainment. 8hojS. CRAWFORD stated that on Friday he t|le ...


... The most honourable kiss, both to the giver and receiver, was that impressed by Queen Margaret of France upon the lips of the ugliest man in the kingdom, Alain Chartier, whom she found one day asleep- I do not kiss the man, said she to her astonished court, btit the lips that have uttered so many charming things. Ah! says the nar- rator, it was worth while to be a poet in those days. ...


... MERTHYR POLiCE, JULY 29. Before T. R. GUEST and W. THOMAS, Esqrs. The complaint of Morgan Rees, against Edward Rowland, for an assault. The parties, at the sugges- tion of the magistrates, settled their differences and paid the costs between them. William Jones, of Dowlais, haulier, appeared to a summons obtained against him by James Howell, for refusing payment of toll for his horse and cart, ...


... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Two Advertisements which should have reached us on Friday were not received until Saturday. We know not whom to blame. We entreat our Neath and Siva?zsea Subscribers 10 have a little patience with us the fault in the delivery of their papers is not ours. All communications respecting Birth, Marriages, and Dcctths must be postage paiJ, or they will notjbe inserted. ...

[No title]

... In our leading ARTICLES of LAST week the following errors require co)'rNtion :-Lord Melbourne is said to have been Iri-ii Secretary under Lord WELLINGTON, it should have been 'WFLLESLEY. Parflit amaodf, should have been parfait amour, a well kut>wn liqueur. -And for Theoloques, read Ideoloques, the name of ltifidels and Mystics. ...


... ORTHOGRAPHY OF EDITORS.—There is an agri- cultural paper printed somewhere in Indiana, with the title of Western Plow Boy. The Indiana Palladium recommends the editor to is spelling book. The New York Adver- tiser, of the 6th May, has the following -Quite a Buzz in Wall Street, in consequence of the arrival of the little schooner Racer, burthen only forty-five tons, Captain Toogood, from ...