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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Two Advertisements which should have reached us on Friday were not received until Saturday. We know not whom to blame. We entreat our Neath and Siva?zsea Subscribers 10 have a little patience with us the fault in the delivery of their papers is not ours. All communications respecting Birth, Marriages, and Dcctths must be postage paiJ, or they will notjbe inserted. ...

[No title]

... In our leading ARTICLES of LAST week the following errors require co)'rNtion :-Lord Melbourne is said to have been Iri-ii Secretary under Lord WELLINGTON, it should have been 'WFLLESLEY. Parflit amaodf, should have been parfait amour, a well kut>wn liqueur. -And for Theoloques, read Ideoloques, the name of ltifidels and Mystics. ...

1 fYDVJL, SATORDAV, July 9, 1836. 1 ^boIIt ♦

... fYDVJL, SATORDAV, July 9, 1836. ^boIIt ♦- a year ago,' an impudent Pamphlet j^Ms ^ppearance, asking What will the ^8 was what is termed, in Par- tk'^0' Vu'?aiisin» (°f a things the most i Wo* *^e^r ^°r ^e 'n,eut^eti extinction of V^«H* Pafwphlet, neither untimely nor 1) ^>b]' l aPP''c{*'>le and true ...


... CONTEMPORARY PRESS. (From the Morning Herald.) The result of the Merionethshire election proves undeniably, that in the peaceful regions of the Prin- cipality both Whig and Radicalism are at a very low ebb, so low a one, indeed, that if it be politic to con- ceal one's poverty and weakness, we may well wonder how the defeated candidate could expose himself and his few adherents to the hollow ...

[No title]

... CHURCH RATES AT KNUTSFOKD. This little town, which never before in the memory of man w is disturbed by opposition to the Church, has been made the scene of an attempt, though certainly a futile one, to overthrow the rate this year. Oil Thursday, the 16th instant, a general Vestry Meeting was held in the Church for the purpose of granting an additional rate to the usual one, for the purpose of ...

------___-----_----CiiiT CHdT

... CiiiT CHdT. A Kinof Prussia, at a review of his forces, asked the British Ambassador if he thought '-that an equal number of Englishmen would beat his Prus- sians, >s I cannot tell, was the reply, whether an equal number would beat them, but am cer- tain half the number would Stanley, commander of. the volunteers, who lett this city in the brig Mutmcaniie if) for Texas, has been killed in a ...


... CONTEMPORARY^ PRESS. (From the Standard.) -Mr O'Council dined at Rochester yesterday: \ve cou?d wish him to d|»e in every' to\^n 0f Tllc man himself is an antidote to confidence or respect; but be still is more useful as an attractive centre for whatever is odious, eo;iteinf)tib!e, or mis- chievous. There is no process ol del«:at;jon by which the state of British society ...


... We publish the subjoined for the information of Con- servative elector?, and beg to express our thanks to the Reform Association for its Plain Directions. FOR C,)UNTIES.-If you have a qualification for a county vote, and your name is not on the register, you must, on or before THE TWENTIETH DAY OF JIILY, deliver or send to one of the overseen of the parish or toivnship where the property ...


... LO\!)OX. THURSDAY EVENING. SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE ELECTION. (From the Standard.) re ,.Ur most sanguine hopes have been more than ISut'— Mr fhirley was yesterday elected by a ma- C Y °F FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTV-EKJHT over liis tllo I)c'titor—who, in his private station, is confessedly *r'iTl0st ar man in Warwickshire. littl histoi7 °f this e'ee-tion differs in character t0) j,/r°ni that of South ...

[No title]

... The difficulty of pleasing every body at once is proverbial. The Bill of one ,of the Cemetery Companies gives the latest illustration. The Directors, on the principle of pleasing every body, marked two portions of their ground, one for Consecration, in which the Members of the Established Church were to be laid, and one left to be unconsecrated, where the Dissenters were to be interred if they ...


... fhoujjl. 'ould 15 a, subject requiring mature reflection, ^0,ne us as Journalists living in a dis- ttf I°re ^'le Welsh is unquestionably the language of 9r^c 'W'ljority, to he silent on the late motion te^Por erv,s '•> the House of Commons. Two con- op* one on either side of us, have taken Wefg if T'6Ws ^e effect likely to be produced of ^'wl it ions of this motion to become the law the ejf ...


... (From the Chester Courant.) Papers on tillage, like orthodox sermons, should prove, and apply well known doctrines and facts with suitable earnestness, rather than depart from practice and propound new theories. We would recommend the general substitution of bullocks for horses in farming work. No doubt, in every large farm, two or three horsetare requisitefor a draught on hard roads and none ...