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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... The trial of Alibaud took place on Friday, July -the 8th, in the Court oi Peers—The temporary court constructed for the trial of the April conspi- rntors, and that of the actors in the infernal machine plot, having nearly undergone thp process of demolition, it became necessary to turn the hall used for the legislative sittings into a court of jus- tice, however small and inconvenient for this ...

[No title]

... The Bishop of London, though gradually recovering from the return of his late severe indispo- sition, has, we hear, been rigidly enjoined by his medical attendants to abstain for a long time from public business of every kind. The Queen of Portugal has transmitted, through her Minister, Baron Moneorvo, the Portu- guese decoration of the Cross and Ribbon of St. Isabel, to her Majesty the Qaeou, ...


... GEN. 41. 45. — And Pharoah called Joseph's name Zaphllath-paaneah, He gave liitn a new name, partly because he was a foreigner, and partly to honour him and yet to denote him to be his subject, though ruler of every body else. We find Nebuchadnezzar did the same in Babylon, (Dan. 1. 7). And it is still the custom in the Eastern countrys, where the Mogul never advances any man, but he gives ...


... Mr Eneas Me. Donnell, a Roman Catholic, has addressed a long and forcible letter to the Times on the subject of the Roman Catholic Oath-upon which we have over and over again expressed our opinion. The letter is too long, important as it is, for insertion entire. We give its more striking parts-first re- printing the oath itself, and we need scarcely remind our readers that this oath was the ...


... FASHIONS FOR JULY (From the London and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Pashion.) For peignoirs de chambre, jaconot in small ray- ures, bordered ail round with trimming of the same feslonne en cretes de coq, the sleeves wide and fall- ing, attached to the arm by a band the width of a fin- ger, trimmed with a narrow lace, the peignoir open in froHt, with petticoat of Scotch cambric, embroidered in a ...

[No title]

... Cockchafers, it appears, are likely to become a new article of commerce. A society, formed at Quedlinburg, haslmd nearly 19,000,000 of these insects caught for the purpose of extracting oil from them. An essay of this kind has been made in Hungary, by which three measures of oil arc obtained from eight measures of cockchafers. The insects are placed in earthen pots, which are covered with ...

jgmpcrfal jjiarUament

... HOUSE OF LORDS—THURSDAY. Lord ELLENBOROUGH presented the report of the Committee appointed to draw up Reasons to he forwarded to the Commons foi* not agreeing to the restoration of corporated towns, &c., in the Bill regarding Municipal Corporations, Ireland. His Lordship moved that the Reasons be adopted. LOW MELBOURNE said that he did not concur in tlwui, but that he should offer no ...

[No title]

... C,O,NF[ISION' oF K NOIVL E U)G L the manufac- turing of cheap newspapers is to be the sessions work of England's Chancellor of the Exchequei lor 1836 And let the ever famous budget, of Lord Althoip, oil tiles, taxed carts, and shepherds' dogs, be no longer mentioned, after the notable scheme ot iklr Sprill Rice for tho confusion of useful knowledge by the penny stamp. What may we not expect ...

[No title]

... The partizans of the Treasury are loud in their exultation at Lord Melbourne's escape. Their Journals even go the extravagant length of pronouncing the whole affair to have been one of party, and the Noble Lord and the de- tected Lady to have been equally calumniated. It is true that the trial was undertaken without sufficient evidence for a Jury, and that it was urged against the opinion of ...

[No title]

... The attempt on the French King's life, is be- ginning to clear up. The various journals unite in the idea, that the Assassin was unconnected with any actual conspiracy, and that political party had nothing to do with the atrocious act. Sonje of them seem to regard him as, insane, Against this plea, we hope the good sense of the French Legislature will be on its guard. Nothing is so easy to ...


... CONTEMPORAR Y PRESS. From the John Bull. The heat of the weather and the state of the moon have produced from Mr O'Connell some unbearable conduct in the House of Commons, and some most shameful language in a letter addressed to his Irish admirers, the great body of whom are not able to read his absurdities. We were amongst the earliest to discover the real cause of this unfortunate man's ...