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July 1836
31 30



Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... gleaStos There is much beauty and tendcrripss in the follow- ing epitaph, supposed to be addressed by a young Roman wife to lierliusbtild-- r mmatura peri, sed tu, felicior, annos Yive tuos, conjux optime, vivemeos. We sympathise with the basest of our own species, rather with the noblest of the animal race. Among ourselves, there is a sexual esprit de corps,- the men siding with ttle males, ...

[No title]

... CHEAP TRAVELLING.—SUCH is the competilion between the proprietors of coaches running between Uuddersfield and Mancnester, that they have issued tile following announcement:— Outside, what you please! inside, ditto \—PresL,n Pilot. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIc.-On Wednesday, at the Petty SESSIONS held in Yeovil, a case was de- cided, Frost v. White and others, toll collectors, that a horse or ...

[No title]

... The late SirlvITwTRidley had been for some time previous to his death unwell, but appeared to be rapidly getting better. In the early part of the week he left town for Richmond, for the country air, and was expected to return on Friday. That afternoon, about four o'clock, he was seized with a fit of apoplexy, never spoke again, and very soon expired. Sir Mat- thew represented Newcastle in ...


... CARMARTHENSHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES. (Abridged from the Carmarthen Journal.) These Assizes commenced on the 18th inst. The Hon. Geo. Rice Trevor M.P. Foreman of the Grand Jury. J. G. Philips, Esq. Foreman of the Grand Jury for the borough. His Lordship after congratulating the Grand Jury on the lightness of the calendar which had been pre- sented to him, said there was no case in it which called ...


... MERTHYR POLiCE, JULY 29. Before T. R. GUEST and W. THOMAS, Esqrs. The complaint of Morgan Rees, against Edward Rowland, for an assault. The parties, at the sugges- tion of the magistrates, settled their differences and paid the costs between them. William Jones, of Dowlais, haulier, appeared to a summons obtained against him by James Howell, for refusing payment of toll for his horse and cart, ...


... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Two Advertisements which should have reached us on Friday were not received until Saturday. We know not whom to blame. We entreat our Neath and Siva?zsea Subscribers 10 have a little patience with us the fault in the delivery of their papers is not ours. All communications respecting Birth, Marriages, and Dcctths must be postage paiJ, or they will notjbe inserted. ...

[No title]

... In our leading ARTICLES of LAST week the following errors require co)'rNtion :-Lord Melbourne is said to have been Iri-ii Secretary under Lord WELLINGTON, it should have been 'WFLLESLEY. Parflit amaodf, should have been parfait amour, a well kut>wn liqueur. -And for Theoloques, read Ideoloques, the name of ltifidels and Mystics. ...

------___-----_----CiiiT CHdT

... CiiiT CHdT. A Kinof Prussia, at a review of his forces, asked the British Ambassador if he thought '-that an equal number of Englishmen would beat his Prus- sians, >s I cannot tell, was the reply, whether an equal number would beat them, but am cer- tain half the number would Stanley, commander of. the volunteers, who lett this city in the brig Mutmcaniie if) for Texas, has been killed in a ...


... Mr Eneas Me. Donnell, a Roman Catholic, has addressed a long and forcible letter to the Times on the subject of the Roman Catholic Oath-upon which we have over and over again expressed our opinion. The letter is too long, important as it is, for insertion entire. We give its more striking parts-first re- printing the oath itself, and we need scarcely remind our readers that this oath was the ...

[No title]

... REMEDY FOK THE TAINT IN THE POTATO CROP. ■—An intelligent individual, conversant with farming operations, informs us that the process of pickling the seed potatoes with lime, has, for several years past, s.'eurcd him plentiful and wholesome crops of pota- toes. The best proof of the utility of this simple process, is, that in the same field, the plants that had been piekled had yielded ...


... SCRIPTURE ILL USTI?A TIO.LYS.-N o. J50. EZFKIEL viii. 14.—And behold there sat women weeping for Ttiminuz. Tammuz is the Hebrew for Adonis: and this superstitious rite, which was one of the greatest festivals at Athens, had crept among the Jews Latin version of the Bible has Weeping for Adonis. Bishop Patrick says that St. Jerom by lamnmz understands Adonis, which learned men suppose the ...

[No title]

... In the Gentleman's Magazine of February 1759, is the following:- Ali infallible cure for the. bite of a mad dog, brought from Tonquin by Sir George Cobb, Bart.—Take 24 grains of native cinnabar, 2-1 grains of factitious cinnabar, and 16 grams of musk; grind all these together into an exceeding fine powder, and put it into a small tea- cup of arrack, rum or brandy; let it be well mixed, and ...