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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... It is not expected that Parliament will he prorogued sooner than Thursday, the 18th 111st. Courier. IMPORTANT HINTS TO ELFCTORS. — The over- seers'1 lists of persons qualified to vote for counties, cities, and boroughs, will be placed 011 the church- doors on the first two Suudavs in August, and may a!so be seen every day in the first two weeks of August, hy applying to anv one of the ...

[No title]

... Miss Dalbiac, only daughter of Major-Gene- ral Sir C. Dalbiac, M. P., who, it is rumoured, will bestow her hand on the young Duke of Roxburghe, as soon as, if not before, his Grace obtains his majority, is in her 20th year, l'iie Duke is at present travelling in Belgium and Germany with his mother (the Duchess), and his step-father, Colonel O'Reilly. The Dukedom of Roxburghe, Marquisate of ...

-=_:5F---, POETRY-

... POETRY- PAST AND PRESENT. I saw a little merry maiden, With laughing eye and sunny hair, And foot as free as mountain fairy, And heart and spirit light as air; And hand and fancy active ever, Devising, doing, strivingstill; Defcaté i oft—despairing never— Up springing strong in hope and will. I saw her bounding in her gladness, OIl aViid heath at dewy morn, Weaving a glistning wild-rose ...

MEHTHYR T YD VII,, Saturday, August 13, 1836. -

... MEHTHYR T YD VII,, Saturday, August 13, 1836. The Marriage liiii has passed the House of Lords. We cannot but rtgitrd the whole trans- action with the most mortifying sensations of disappointment. The entire Bill is obnoxious- affecting to be founded on a desire to relieve the Dissenter's Conscience, its true foundation is Revolutionary. Whether its abettors may per ceive the fact or not, the ...


... The Customs Bill and the County Elections Bill went through committee: the assessed Taxes Bill and Spirit Excise Bill were read a second time. Lord ELLENBOROUGH having moved for the committal of the Common Fields Enclosure Bill, Lord HOLLAND expressed a hope that some waste space near large towns would be preserved for the comfort and benefit of the inhabitants. Lord ELLENBOROUGH said, that ...


... (From the Standard.) We learn trom a City correspondent that a report is current upon change, that a revolution has taken place at Madrid, fllu| that the Consti- tutiuII of IS:2 is there proclaimed. We bv no means vouch lor the autlieuticity of this report, but it is far from being incredible. If ai\ tmeaie have occnrrcd, we do not think that we sh-ill be wrong in a'triouting it to the ...

[No title]

... Sir \Vatkin \Villia:ns \Vynn, who was for some time inconsolable for the death of his amiable lady, is now recovered, and has left St. James's Square for Wynnstay, where he has resumed his usual exercise in his phaeton, in which he is generally ac- companied by his children. We understand that the Rev. Otter, prin- cipal of King's College, is to be the new Bishop of Chichester. — Courier ...

[No title]

... Sheridan walking iio ne one night, or rather one morning, wi'h some young men, after the parly had largely partakeu of the bottle, the latter amused themselves with calling a different hour from thai proclaimed the watchman expostulated with them, saying, Gentlemen, if you go on so, people will not believe me when I call the vight hour Upon which Sheridan said, \ou are a pretty person to stand ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE AND GUARDIAN. SlR,-A penny pamphlet has lately been circulated ill this county, calling on the Freeholders to CilOose another William Cobbett, and no other, at the next Election. l'ile writer of tllis pilinplillet (Iij lot know, or does not inform his readers, that Thank Heaven we have a House of Lords was the original and the favourite exclamation of Cobbelt. ...


... No. I.-Dan.-A thorough-bred Irish blood- hound. Has an extraordinary long tail, which was cur, however, at Carlow. Fought lately with Bruin, and was beat. Being a good beggar, is considered a valuable beast, and fetched £ 20,000. A terrible auirnal for worrying lambs. No. 2.—Sprina.— A small English car has fed upon Rice, and dislikes every thing else. From his running with a herring to his ...


... STATI R OF GEORGE III. LATELY ERECTED IN P.,L MALL EAs-r.-Upon the statue the follow- ing; inscription is to appear :— KING OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, AND DEFENDER OF THE FAITH. A Monarch who was the safeguard of Christianity, Without the honours of a Saint; And the Conqueror of half the Globe, without the fame of a' Hero. Who rni^aed amidst the wreck of Empires. yet died in The love of ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS—FRIDAY. The Copyright (Ireland) Bill was rc ,d a third time. Lord LXMOU i ll asked whether the Government had received any intoi matioti of the evacuation of Vittor'ia by the troops of Ihc Queen of Spain. Lord MELBOURNE replied in the negative. Mr P. Thomson, from lie Commons, presented a opy of the resolutions on Railways. The report of the Grand Juries (Ireland) Bill was ...