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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :a3i!x't'-hS. At Prospect Benms, Leitls, on the7th iust. :tirs Theomes Ilay, of adauaghtr. At Dustfermline, on the lst list., Jnimes i. WVarren, isq. MI.D., .Esis-otit- surgeon, (hit dregasn guards, to Catherine, daughter of the late Andlrwcw uLhaerfriad, Esq. In the bledofJoncaic, t Montage vy on the l4flisfJune, by tlit' ltee' :J(h515n Smith, A.M. WVitiam Elliot, Esq. Captaitni itI Mejty's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B~aTis. August 7, at Stadley Castle, the Lady of Sir Francis y Goodricke, Bart. hU.P. of a son and heir. e On the 3d instant, at Sion Hill, Vorkshire, the Lady of e Joshua S. Crofnpton, Esq. of a son and heir. d LARIrUAGEt S. e On Tuesday the 2d instant, Richard Bridgmar Barroo, fEq., of Sourhwell, Notts., second son of 0. H. Barrow, Enq. of Ringwood Hal, in this county, to Alice Elizabeth, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | TEE LATE zM. ROTSCHILD' ' i - . F I # :4. z ! !. ;I i 'I - I . A *Eeco~uiter bad been -pretty ~ieU &Ien1bhe4' ithljhe x64~t iie ?? this binjob~ moe-6dr~id, .th~ oleale auiber~*whkatheff BrgtS ;tt ljotvee~;, ;j~ h '!t'dh ea¢t~h of Mr. Rothschild; 'ia ihich hias just tkkenjula~ee at Fiukfort, is an event of no small importance in the political world. From smalI beginnings he, attained, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' XD ?? 3i1rtti0.'-'' . On Thursday last, the lady of R. F. 14eusman, Esq. of Lune Bank, near Lancaster,; of a son and heir. Ont tse26th ule.,at Eatonpislace, London, the lady of William lwarc, gsq. M.Pe taf a son. Wartag On T aesday Iast , MIr. Pdtrick tenn p to Miss Susannal Livesey; Mr. John Hodgkirsoti;toMiiss Elizabeth llolhe; on Monday 'last, Mr.' IJ'sepit' olding,' to Miss Margaret ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 11th inst. in Park-lane, the Countess of Liftin, of a son. On the 7th inst. at Croft, the lady of E. T. Copley, Esq. of a rion. t t MARRIAGES. O;ESaturtday la tthe Holy Trinity church, by the Rev. J. H. Bronrby, Mr. Edward Stephens, of the bank of South Australia, to Emma Harrison, daughter of Edward Baron, Esq. of his majesty's customs, of this port. On the 8th inst. at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE FRENCH AAIIIASSADOR AT MADRID. A icepatch from Madrid, dated the 17th inst. trans- mitted from Bayonne by telegraph, announces that M. do Ravneval died on the preceding day at half-past six in the evening, at San Ildefouiso, after six days' illness, of a complicated pulmonary complaint and an attack of gout in the head. - The Count (e Rayneval was one of the ablest di- plomnatists ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR AT MADRID. A dispatch from Madrid, dated the 17th instant, transmitted from Bayonne by telegraph, announces that M. de Rayneval died on the preceding day at half-past six in the evening, at San lIdefonso, after six (lays' ilitess, of a complicated pulmonary complaint sadt an attack of gout in the head. The Count de Rayneval was one of the ablest diplomnatists of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W ED 1NESD)AY. AUGUSTr 3, I36. X3trlij2. Oa Sunday inst, at M1ristow, the Lady of Sir Ralph Lopes, Bart, M.P. of a son. On the 29th July, at Torquiy, the Lady of J. R. Griffithis, Esq. of a daughter. July 25, at the Rectory, Dittisham, in this county, Lady Henry Kerr. of a soIl. July 29, thin Lady of C. Arden, Esq., of this city, of a sor, still born. July2-ththe Lady ofthe Rev. A. ?? R. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1, e On the 1th Inst., in Park-laue, the Countess of Lincolo, y of a son. On Friday, the 26th ult. at Hampton Court, Hereford. is shire, the Lady of John Arkwright, Esq. of a son. On the Cth instant, at Wirksworth, the Lady of Major s Hurt, of a son and daughter. At Horaley Vicarage, on Monday the 15th instant, the le lady of the Rev. R. Howard Frizell, of a daughter. ie 1ARIt!AGES. e At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... birb1. At M1faiheracotton, near Nn. Stewart, the wife of Mr. AndrewV Welsh, of four fine boys. The mother and chldieti are all doing ?? Nevs Letter. fOrllriagess. On the 2aii instant, at the Collegiate Church, Richard, eldest sonI of J umeph Wiley, Esq., of Ford-baul. , to Amelia Garforth, difth .laughter of the late James Kennedy, Esq., if Ancroes. Oi th 3rdtilistantat Cheadle, ?? Gray, juin. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I FUNERAL OF ?M. WOTHSCIIILI). Ycsterday, at one o'clock, livintg been fixed for the inter- ment of the remains of the late Mr. N. 51. Ronthschild in the Jews' burial-groulld, WU iteehapel roal, shortly after that hour the fuiicrul plrofs40n began to move frnm St. Switilin's- lane. It was ?? by a paltv o; th, city police four a-breast followed by anll inspector on 'lo(seblik ; ncxt canie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rst ay 27th August, at The Lilies, in this countjr, fta B; e Hoskins, of a son. s, On Wedinesday last, at Windsor Castle, Lord Fredeilck dY Gordon, third son of thc Marquis of Huntley. to Lady its Atigtsla KennetW Erskine, daughter of the King, and of relict of the late l-lon. John Kennedy Erskine, ilho died ' about six years ago in the south of Italy. The noble bride; ti groom is a Ctiptain ...