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... CARLISLE ASSIZES, AuGUST 3. m ?? Z.iD~, dlem. of Perry, v. ?? was an action of ejectment, brought to decide the validity of a will purport- ing to be that of a Air. Brockbank, by which he bequeathed a sum of about 2,0001. to the defendant, who was reputed to be his natural daughter. In consequence of the form which the pleadings had taken, the case was opened on the part of tbe defendant, for ...


... LEWES. Tile arrival of Lord Abinger here as judze of the Assize, excited some interest to see how Scarlett the barrister would conduct hini- self, under his scarlet robe, towards those who once nade great sacrifices, believing him an honest nman, to serve him. Ite oaome, but gave no sign of recognition to his victilms, tbough ho must have seen theme. 1IA recognition hosever' of his old ...


... .TH1 NEW POOR LAW. If the - effect of the recent discussion on the operation of the new Poor LawBll-wert only to be, that ?? should exercise a more humane discretion than is the case at present, much good would result from the Petworth and other petitions, and the manner in which they were brought forward by the member for Berkshire. We have, however, ourselves no. doubt.but-that an ...


... A considerable period has elapsed since a Case has occurred in the county of Kent that has excited greater interest, or that has been Surrounded with more extraordinary Circumstances, thats the following. The high station wvhich the party accused held in society, and thle influence which hie exerciscd in the western division of Kent, have tended to increase daily the curiosity of thle public ...


... BENCH OF MA0wqypTES1 Tur~sDAT, AuGYST 23rt-XrnttI $Flr D. 1COQTT Bart., etsd IV. S:YMOVUIR. 0 Att~i eanu -h R ALL, ESqrf III answer t a ,.2letA fli f t Si r:D. Sett;: Mr. Ade, the lhigh (:onstab'l9, said th~lt 4ewso~lmpaiaintsto asalie against 4ac1 of the public hiuss, his Peuionstrauwes had in every cise been imniediately i teendesl to. Pihe following' were *joi e f ortnight --Stokes, IRun. ...


... An inquest was held at the County Hospital on Saturday evening, before F. H. Gell, Esq., on the body of George Daniels, a young man about 19 years of age, and the son of an old inha- bitant of this town, who came by his death under the circum- stances detailed in the following evidence:- Charles Goldrinf, a gentleman's servant out of place, deposed i that about two o clock on Friday, I saw the ...


... txl', IDENCH OF MAGISTRATES. U I i'i YtiiY, 'AuGUsT l8th, 1836.-Present: Sir D. SCOTT, 'WW*Mih Russell, commonly known by the namne of Tinker IuNsell, was brouight up for being drunk and disorderly, and DrderedAt6 ?? for his good behaviour for 12 'months. i ieYine&rUmpd'e1, a coach porter, usually honored by the volatile odgntomen of Jack Sprzghfly, who had been remanded iazordedo findihail ...


... ! TUrSDAY, JULY 25.-Present, W. SDYMOUR, R. PEDDrn , and G. BASHVI, Esqrs. John Hays, aged 15, was remanded on a charge of stealing a telescope. Samuel Smith, headborough of Hove, brought up two boys on a charge of stealing lead.-Remanded. David Lennard, a boy 12 years of age, was charged with stealing the clothes he had on his back. Mr Benjamin Jonas, the prosecutor, said that the prisoner, ...


... OXr1'RD NEW DAY POLIOC. ,1 A .i SEA - A n rmnln I At a Council of this City, holden on MNoday last, after the proceedings of the last Council had been read, the Mayor stated that he had convened this Council on account of thie Watch and Ward Committee. Upon attempting to carry the Report which they had formerly presented to this Council into effect, by swearing in the constables, they found ...


... CORONER'S INQUEST,-On Tuesday evenipg an in- quisition was taken at the Duke of Clarence Tavern, London- road, Southwark, on view of the body of a young gentleman named John Squire Carev, who terminated his existence by shooting himself thiougi tile head with a horse ?? Ann Walls stated that she was living with her father in the London-road; the deceased and his mother had occupied apart- ...


... .We request the attention of our readers to the follow- ing Coroider's Inquest. We will not trust ourselves to make a single remnark THSE NEW POOP LAW ACT. An inquisition, which occupied Mr. Stirling and a more than usually respectable Jury from three o'clock on Thursday after- noon till a late hour in the evening, was held at the Elephant and Castle, King's-road, St. Pancras, on the body of ...


... TUESDAY. JULY 26. NISI PRIUS. [BEFoRE. MR. JUSTICE GAZELEE.] votI v. Delane.-Mr. Thessiger, Mr. Clarkson, and Mr. 'I'eoldadl, appeared for plaintiff, the occupier of the New htevne Hotel, Brighton; Mr. Platt and Mr. Channel for defendant. 'I'his was an action for trespass on a larder and pantry built ever a passage formerly left between the hotel and the adjoining baths, in Devonshire-place, ...