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August 1836
39 13



Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... I hold in possession at present a hair-ball being one of two, weighing1 half an ounce each were lately found in the stomuch of a calf a few months o!d. It may be some advantage to farmers and cattle-breeders to know that the like may he frequently produced by the ca!f licking its skin, co lecting it niouihful of its hair, and swallowing it, the action of the stomach compacting and moulding the ...

!'¿..L--';.,':;.W;:.-:']I 'i'.lii SCO tiSll .UO:s i\ .j„Y .•.i-i.i.i-.Zi.-.i^. '

... 'i'.lii SCO tiSll .UO:s i\ .j„Y .•.i-i.i.i-.Zi.i^. II. Sttiart and --Co. GlangoiH. YvTe have been exceedingly pleased wi'h the |)er;is;il of a now Magazine—the corns;) MONTHLY—the third number of which has sent to tIS. Ii is a periodical distinguished by more variety than any other we coulu name, interesting fo the nierchnnt, the scholar, and the man of business, nor t'eg- lectiug that lighter ...

[No title]

... rV c will not insert anonymous or unpaid communi- cations of marriages. EUUATUM.—IN the Advertisement of the Subscrip- tions to the Newbridge Church, in our last, C400 was stated to have been subscribed by the INCORPORATED SOCIETY, it should have been £ 300 additional—thefirst subscription of having ])oen advertised in a previous number. A he total will stand thus 18 10. ...


... fttomuoutftShttc. MONMOUTHSHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES. a&ffk Judoes) the Hon. Sir J. Littledale, Knight, >ntn ^0,K S'r J- Pattoson, Knight, were escorted Monmouth on Saturday afternoon, by the High th°r^' **eor?e Rooke, Esq., and immediately opened qCommission. jy J1 Sunday morning, their Lordships attended c I,e Service at St. Mary's Church; on which oc- the Rev. Mr Langley preached a very imprcs- j ...


... A sharp discussion took place on-the second read- itig of the Trinity (North Leith) Harbour Bill, which terminated in the rejection of the measure hya majority of 30*10 29. in answer to a question, Lord J. RUSSfcXL intimated that Government might p.ossibly appoint a commission, or adopt some other mode of securing what were called the reforms in ihe Scottish Universities, intended to have been ...


... day 10 IV!ertl,vr Savings' Bank was opened on Satur- > and Uic deposits, varying front a few shillings We Vc.P°u,K'si amounted to a very considerable sum jn Wls'' every miner, collier, and all other persons 0f 1 e rece'Pt of wages, would make t!ie experiment ttiu1°iW rnpidly, by frugality, a sum would be accu- comf which might lay the foundation of future rese • a°^ Prosperity. The Savings' ...


... (From the Cheltenham Journal.) The more we consider the great objects and the proposed means of this undertaking, the more are we satisfied that a project of more extensive national benefit and advantage never was contemplated. It must facilitate beyond all calculation the intercourse between the Sister Kingdoms, whilst it preserves to all the southern districts of England that balance of ...

[No title]

... A most melancholy morta ity has visited the family of Mr James Sims Bord, of North Cadbury, in the county of Somerset, who has been bereaved by death of no less than five children in a few weeks. His eldest son, George, fell a.victim to typhus fever on the 24th of May, and since then the same common grave has been opened to receive the mortal remains of four brothers and sisters. Mary, a child ...

[No title]

... Wordsworth's pedlar is of a graver character than most of his fellow-tradesmen, as we shall see anou. There was little of his hea Venly-nl'ndedness about them; the only point of resemblance between them and any tiling akin to the skies, is indicated in the text: their visitf were like those of angels, few and far between. ...

[No title]

... It is not expected that Parliament will he prorogued sooner than Thursday, the 18th 111st. Courier. IMPORTANT HINTS TO ELFCTORS. — The over- seers'1 lists of persons qualified to vote for counties, cities, and boroughs, will be placed 011 the church- doors on the first two Suudavs in August, and may a!so be seen every day in the first two weeks of August, hy applying to anv one of the ...

[No title]

... Miss Dalbiac, only daughter of Major-Gene- ral Sir C. Dalbiac, M. P., who, it is rumoured, will bestow her hand on the young Duke of Roxburghe, as soon as, if not before, his Grace obtains his majority, is in her 20th year, l'iie Duke is at present travelling in Belgium and Germany with his mother (the Duchess), and his step-father, Colonel O'Reilly. The Dukedom of Roxburghe, Marquisate of ...