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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... *IAMEvS GORD31ON. r, ttsttt 1A4!T hilmlIt' reeived ljil ?? Colositjntneot of LADIES' 130t AS, ill S A IttE, LyvNx.' tid swtIT ?? wo ' !/ ;II :1 1 y dsltig-il Lv tX, ait l~jO, bie call Paiticil. I j'oi ii St N'it tl'Sti', Cmv S),VEIISH GARDIEN CHAIRS still ott hand, 22/ \-C' AX1A)!',IY fbir DA.NCING atoil DEi'Oi*TMENT, colt -'tv1 byv MrtS AVI, I IN liri Miss F. ROBtERT'SON, Wrill 1., ,I ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, ltY rtl 1111f ,~NI)TRS for SlIppl vioug thle 1 N Ffl.IG AI ,fr i un T ~.i x Mtonths, ri tih tille followinlg A -tides, int such ?? ties Os *ia II rejitired, ;Itd1 delivered ait thle Infli niary v XII SLINA ?? E, .-rsst. 11ae- - - - - -- - - - per CIO. 11s VI4VATI E ?? LNOA ?? S, wveighing ?? each, per Doz,~, (Inni11on BISCU IT, - 1)Doz. Aw I ?? wBl. ?? h11its nay-t he lolirli wi tli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A, CaIo of ARCHANGEL TAR, PITCH, anid .vIATTSo 1t' VAN)DEII, Capt. Ellear', tla;I exircted to arrive, *vill be sold in such antIlitieS i's w will stit purcrhasers, filled up and dulivered along- .side the vessel, on loo' teritis. Part of whltc adapted fior SIIEEP I SaIEAIING. A pl v to JOHN LUMSDEN, Aberdeen, Sept. 7, l03t. U3i, Union Strcet. ST. IIACNAR'S LODGE, ABERDEEIZ. T HE OFFICll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIBRIEICAN TXMIREM FOR SALE. Thire ndll he exprsedi to Salv, by P'ublic Itoup, oil W 1ed1iesdy the 21st hist nt, ait the Suliscribrr's Thitbvi, Yarid, oowdee, -- HE eltivee C' A It ( 0, 1owV l!lrilirra, esx the ,; h Ti, 11 ,haiopeare, Cpirptaill RosrE, fio0111 QUilBEC conistillz of- KM I 0 Fei8i 5300 licrt REt) miid YELLOW PINE. ? 13100 Poet WHITHIOAK. ~28Ol) rvct ELM. 90) Pieces YELLOV PINEl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S l.iR Di 0 W. ?? ?? I're(IlptilI iii t il' SI~rqT Cit IMOCT , on the Ev I l ,o I S: IhIf tI 1T,t tI C1 ~1IIt1iI, ti.ut nt IIt, 11yInIT Ith 1Vy. J A 31 E ; I c : iniklteol. o(,iicontetonl Parish , whmn it eollectiono wvill tie isle ;in l (iif ti e .1 trrdee,, leiffi ois Trixt Stivieti, ~ Cia i Pcune- tio01 ivith. the Church, of Scoffland 'Elhe service willbgnt 0I.,Ck. A, lo- htis beean dons. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'tle.vxltO. :It IN Ei ?? 'IiC3/ Clfti~iilitltil tiitid, il ) 1555 lo V l 1tft.i, it V ftlilt T iS Aie ili it I 11H.. teili II Ill itt N f .I Iit Y Ni-i St 'Cul i.i Ili Mex i vtiv~i, oS, Cl :il f1 i IL I towis I IWItZG O SEo ofa S:0TI. !imt ill'S1 tiOiTA DXV ELIN( \ OUSES ?? -(IS l AN it, ~ mNIL ti jt, tilsmafi ttie of C Ruftp~s-A'i 1 % w ill lie 51 r Off ?? Ofie- f ~sisG't'lt& I5i~i~fl Yllst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW TURNPIK)3 ROADS. MfETING of the PROPRIETORS and all others iniorerted in the different proposed New Linres of Turn- uk. comprelihendd in the N'otices already published in ti . Jtl o .ili.rna1 . will be held in the Comiltittee Ituoim of t ( 1. ' louse, on Tuesday the 4th of October next, initne- .iit ., a'fte the conclusiont of the busijess of the Mieliaelmast ; ue n 4. 01111EVty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TCECLUB EI FY,;T in (lie P-1111.1 HO10 s1, oil 'MONDfAY, till' Ii uiineos and ?? at I ?? oxoeitlo ait lallf-pllst 5 ),'vlool. 'iTno, L1111INI'r1'V'V S.-oy. ?~li1- B ?? Meeting of the (ILUJI 11oilS at Oooo'e-:1li'S T I,% 1iiaho o ?? the 1-IMth 'uet., athaf Ilete o 1)1(1 71Icillm L, Esq~. of ThainsonoII ?? IIv GARDINER t.sinithston. , siia~l o'r.13h ?? 1131.1.,ltul i -ols;,NI . 1,1 BU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOT & SHOEMAIKER'S STOCK IN TRADE; t S1101' FtIllNITIJltl,; Sll(' TO 111' LlT ANt) Notice to Debtors and Creditors. 1S 'I'llee' lvill bI ?? fr Sbale, by puhblie rlp, IIpo0) Tisila:y r th ! '7tlh dialy Of Sevptoeliu r ?? lit. ait tll OlckIIel; forwwout, a withill the i1recllises. N. 115, CttoinuiucIA lild(liigs, 'ituin I Stroutw, letto v: cliplied l)y thC devlvasud . ulioes Millie, itlk [0ll,1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUTCH FLOWER ROOTS, SEEDS, &C. TIIOMAS CLEGIIOltN, & CO., SIUln.oE, NURI IISERYMaiEN, AND FLOIRISTS, B R tO aniniouince then irival of an extensive ?? B taltion of D)U'CI FLOW\\ER tlOOTS, in excellelt co,)- ditiill, selected of the finestvai'ictieS, Consistiiig of I'ACItNTIa, l'(Ui.Y.NTtIIU, NAOlCtSUS{', JON2CtILS, ANIONONIES, RANUNC:LIIS, IIIS, CROWN INIiVENiSFs, AMAILRLLIS, GLADIOLUS, TULIPS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... There will Ine expo(sedl foe 'ale, l'y iiibie l1cap Withinl tilc Nelltonif Aerdenim Wdneday ileI 2lildy f Octobel' peti jolno'eow ( teilig ll Zin timulO in Littlo IE~ir', andl 11OW to his TIriistixi,: 1, 'Tlm-c Olive I1WELLIANfl1 IlUFIIwd P1ACK HlO USE I 1chy1 erecteda lby .'lexaodet'. WtI]leaIright, auid lire- 2 Th-Cio two DIWEIAllNI 1 II I.'; 0Inl n S i- lt. LateY e -eeh~d by .ielli Moiri, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE P U BL IC L III t AnII., 71', UNION STREET, ABlERDlEEN. B RO11N & CO. beg, t0 iniformn tficu' Stbeiberlts A , and tile ublic, that they conttinue to reiethe NE.W WoVRKS of the miost esteemned Authors himunediately onl Publ1icatiton. Ai Liot of the Popular BOOKS, which hay e been added for ?? rt. of the ?? at this eatelisive Library, is jttot putb- I i-el, aunt may he had uplon ...