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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette

[No title]

... An Act of ParliaTuent has just passed which settles a disputed point in regard to bills of exchange, and which ought, therefore, to be known to men of business generally. The point alluded to is that respecting acceptors or referees for honour, in which DO uniform practice existed, some houses presenting the bills so marked on the day they became due, and the others the day after. It is now ...


... Six and Seven William IV, cap. 85. An Act for Marriages in England, 17 August, 1836. SIR,-Tlwre are great mistakes afloat relative to some of the new statutes, which you will be glad, I am persuaded, to rectify. Permit me then, to notice some of the provisions of the Act to amend the Law of Marriages, which is to come into operation after the 1st of March, 1837.- Martiis caelebs quid agam ca ...

[No title]

... At a time when public affairs were in a very unsettled state, M. de G-, who squinted terribly, asked Talleyrand how things were' going on ?- Mais, comme rotts royez, Monsieur. (Why, as you see, sir.) Another pun, attributed to the same great master, is not only translateable, but is much better in English than in French. During the reign of Bonaparte, when an arrogant soldiery affected to ...

[No title]

... ihe accounts from all parts of the world prove that the harvest is not at all likely to be above the average, and that a great portion of the northern Continent must import corn.-Herald. An extraordinary crop of peas has been grown in Heeding: the piece of land measures six acres and a half, and there were 2b loads and a half of pea hau 1 in carried off. In a field adjoining is a crop of ...


... It is with sincere pleasure, we direct the attention of our readers to the testimonal in honour of Sir R. Vaughan, upwards of forty years the independent Member of Parliament, for Merionethshire. We can eonceive no tribute more honourable to the services of the living, and no mode of so gracefully or so effec- tually embalming the memory of the dead, than the one proposed. It would be ...

[No title]

... LATE EARL OF post mortem ex- amination took place on Monday evening se'nnight, in the presence of several of tile most eminent medical practitioners, when it was ascertained that the whole frame of this lamented young nobleman was in a diseased state. CURIOUS PIECE OF MECHANISM.-—A very inoi nious machine is at present exhibiting, at the Miners' Hall, Exeter-street, Strand, the action of which ...

,..,...,,--:.>v-..,::...'-CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE.

... CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE. BRISTOL, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27.-As soon as the time for holding- the meeting of the Association was definitivMy fixed, the trustees and committee for build- ing this bridge determined to take advantage of so great and itit(-restitigaii occasion to lay the first stone of this structure, and this was the day chosen for the ceremony. Oil account of the tide it was ...


... SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS.-No. 157. 2 SAM. XVIII, 18.— And Absalom in his life time had taken and reared up for himself a pillar, which is in the King's Dale, and he called the pillar after bis own name. This Dale is mentioned, Gen. xiv, 16, and was not far from Jerusalem there he thought to perpetuate his memory (which had better been forgotten) by a very magnificent structure. Josephus calls ...

V A LiXllALL GA!tO. \S —B ALLOON ..,

... V A LiXllALL GA!tO. \S —B ALLOON We have been favoured by the proprietors of Vauxhall Gardens with the following particulars relative to !Ile ascent of Messrs Green from that favourite place of amusement on Monday evening, by which it will be seen that the intrepid aeronauts and their companions made their descent in perfect safctv. The balloons were fully inflated shortly before six o'clock ...

[No title]

... The pressure of which we have been reliele4 by the prorogation of Parliament enables us give a rapid and general glance at our Foreip Aftairs. Spam assumes the first place- J' impossible to resist this glaring evidence of j incapacity of our Foreign Minister. ^°f I Palmerston inserted in the King's Speech bruary last, a panegyric on the vigo10' Government of the Queen, and a convic''fl. of ...


... THE HOSPITAL PATIENT. We copy the following pathetic story from the Carl- ton Chronicle, a tie%Iy established and ably conducted Conservative journal published in London:—In my rambles through the streets of London, after evening has set in, I have often paused beneath the windows of some public hospital, and pictured to myself the gloomy and mournful scenes that were passing within. The ...