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... OR WedeeadaY the hu n vded biv.ithrank, fashion, and beauty. - .CiPwas again crowded wtrnfsin Marchi it Saul;`ci a-,cb1inmenced with the overture and Dead b the b nd. The edrap.Perfornied in the most splendid manner into np d 'nti[,e, POers of the ophucleide were here fully brought use of it.,'Airs H R. ais, the player, evinced great skill in the Judas Maci bers H. o B g8hop gave the ...


... COVENT GARDEN 7TIEATRE. Tit I it datre opened laiinight, to till IppearalCts, iint r very taiourabl au,,tpices, for the vtrv trotsted audience | htcitsn tiattrattetd b thenntttntcetitent Of ('tt tel, t M 1x a peartiane ito arbiitrh indiczttev no inditposition ol the palt of thlt pubitc(titt ?? all we ltar to the con. tror, 1 t tittortge the tegittintuae drattin.'' (. n :\lr hi tt- RI * t t i ...


... HISTORICAL PA INTING. I ?? I; 1). ?? 11) I)ONX ?? | SIR. -As one of the * Public, to -Ylow you adir.-; your- self, in conjunction tith the othe- ( gen-rally so coutidired more potential patroniis ci tlie fine arts, I ieuture to suggest what I hase tong tnougit a much bettur renmedy for tire evil of .thith you comoplain taun ,tue patronage or aristo- cratic support, trowever geirouo antid ...

Literary Notices

... WItFlvarl Notify. MRl1 ANDl)51lIPAAN .LASY. As There was no time to lose, our hmro very (oos baide adieu tr) lii paternal rook', as The phrase i~, i'lr1 too id iris seas du w il to l'ortsr iolutli A s jack 04(d I:lirty ofl' riiowy, so'd %as very mnuch icascd at find- i sg ?? IIIelIf ILis uor n Iosatc r, hI C sea S iu sT o hurry to jui I his Ship~r anid liso or six co mp o s n T. sore ecied ita ...


... TI)MUMTO, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. TO MIY LYRE. Hast thou upon the idle branches hung, 0 Lyre I this fivelong (lay, INor, as the sweet wind thiro' the rose leaves sung, Uttered onet dulcet lay? Come down I and by my rival touch be rung As tenderly as they-! Did not Alcacus with blood-streaming hand, Range o'er his trembling wire, Stealing forth soulds more eloquently bland Than softness could ...


... LIT RAltY NO'I'ICES. - . . . .. .I - r- . l - . Freiser's J11gazine, No. 81, Jor Septemiber.- James Fraser, 215, Regent-Street, London.-.If this number most truly has Fraser provided at mass of matter for his reatlers, much of which should have their, as well as general attentive reading, in Order to a proper understandinig nof things. of this description is tile paper that stands last in it, ...


... DXRBT 4 DERBYSHIRE HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL SHOW. I dAVJ A'vJLAI4, Onfkj5. at This exhibition, the fifth of the season, took place on Wednesday the 14th instant, in the Town Hall; Great C interest was created by an expectation that the Dahlia shew v would be unusually attractive, and the admirers of this r queen of flowcrs werenotdisappointed; considering the season b there was nothirg it) bc ...


... :- AGliNEST.ERA MTCSICALFESTIVAL . -*MASORiSTEr4, 'SATU PROAYVARNOON.Th8 ipes'Orm- ances continue to attract a vast conoodroe urs 'thje r I ri ashlon. Tle amoiniig per' or in t Oe Ci~leiatie CUb-Lbieb byetrdiiYwsaiiidlte~ lwis only 'the-Nwhole e6ftheseats, ibat evfen the, ?? 'filled. *The firstiprt commenced witb*the whole of Beetb- '6ve 's M unt qf O ive8 Th i to da ction w as perform ed :+h ...


... r.Tile lovers of tragedy leave teed the groti (Ica tion ofseeing-' Othello Is Prodturedtott our board s itta styte worthiy ofthlei etropolitansotgeg. III p. makihig such are ossertione, we feel coofideat we shot! be borne out by oill who witnessed iteis perforsrance. 'Tho part tsr thle jealous Mocor, by Msarstun, wos one weit soiled toe his lossers, aod his pure natl grarrftil delivery weres ...


... ENGLISH OPERA 11O USE. Th/e Plchnlsii Bridal, an opera, in three ncts, the music hy Mr. 1 omise was prodoced at this theatre lst night. Thbl piece is founded on I ord B3YtcRN'S ( ?? is, itS d(i) a , eu'rsolit' are tihe principil ch~racters in tha' fine poemII; but the: are strangily transforinutd. Conrad is a pirate csndeur de, rose, ot Oii inost unexceptijontlhi morals, ant the juost noble ...


... jLATmmA'k'UJRE, IPOTESTANT PARSONS v. CATHOLIC PRIESTS. _6i' OC~i ll's agitation is lilrbly, aftvall; to ,e~ctsome g&`d4$`U spoutings on the aporpation'Phumbugebave .it th'*jParsons on their mettle. .. -longen-saified. with m nserefdefeive warrare, tbey are, beginning; itt'sems6 trcau th# b.ttleinto the enemy's canp -kparsponiwho'rejicesi1 I*e nai-eOf the Rev. J. B. Page, h takeat ...


... . , .- . . ~ . I o . , Blanchester Grand Musical Fiestival finished most pros- perously. It comnmenced with a Ball at Iti Assembly Rooms on Monday evening, at which nearlv 700 persons were present. -On Tuesday morning the Oratorio of The Creation was performed at the Collegiate Church, which was tolerably attended, though by no means filled. There were probably 1000 persons in the body of ...