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... BRZSTOL E'OLZCE. CO UNOIL-HO USE, SArUZWAY, Oct. 22, 1836. Magistrates present: the Mayor, Messrs. Stock, Wood, 0. B. Sassde s, and Herapath. James Burston was charged with being drunk and beating his 'sife. Complainant stated that she had been married to the de- fendant, who was constantly ill using her, 27 years, and had nine children. For several years he had neglected so provide for her or ...


... COBOIER~'I1IQJE8T., (HELb WD ?? THB PRESENT W: DEATH OF Ssn W. IWwitt, BART.-Afl inquest was. -held at the Merlin's Cave Tivern, Upper. Rosomon-street, Pentonville, before Mr. Stirling and a respectable jury, touching the death of a person known by the nanie of Sir WILLIAM HEWIrr, Bart. Mrs. Eliza Thompson, of 52, Margaret-street, Wilmington-square, deposed; that last Saturday fortnight the ...


... ; Tnrv ?? 29, 183G.-Present, Sir D. SCOTT, Bert., W.!S2YNOVR;R. PnooDss, G. I3ASEvJ, and J. HALL, Esqrs. C Jas csi'hnt wais put to the bar, charged with druiikennessI and carelcess driving.t From 'the statenicut of Wise, it appears that the defendant Witscomng ?? Jmess-sree onthe previous ?sturdily in acri~, f whch e hd th was in that state appoahin ahapy ncnsiounestermied by the ...


... LONDOW PoLmICJL MANSION - HOUSE. --SsueGGLIG. - On- Monday, lleathltote, a porter in the employment of the Commercial Steam. .cket'Company, was charged with having bad a quantity of smuggled brandy in his possession. George Purzey, a. tide-waiter, said, that lie was on board the Emerald, steam-vessel, from Boulogne, and observed the de- fendant leaving the deck with a basket. Upon being -asked ...

Middlesex Sessions

... DESPERATE ASSAULT BY AN OMIBUSi. BDRIER. * -Reta Rawliags and :Edward& Heiermton mwere indicted for assaulting Thomne Igrgam, in the psrish -of St. Pancras, ae wthe 124th-of Sept. last. Mr. iPrendergast-baving stated the case, called Thomas Ingram, who deposed as follows: -am a fish salesman, and on the 24thl of September last I -went to -Highgate. Slhurtly after-eight o'clock I went to .the ...

Middlesex Sessions

... -Ie44Jeg Oewips. ,,1E 4AT -ASSAULT -BY-.AN 9 BIJ8 DRIVER. Roibmt-Ruwlini and oiwarod a*jersoi.wero ipniicted .for assaultirg Tbomw slngram, in be arish. St Pancns, . ;he 24thof Sept..last' - Me. P-rendergast-having stated the ease, called Tlooiuas Ingram, whodeposed-as foilows: 1-anowa fish salesan, and oa-the 24th -of -Sept-ember last.1 went, to, ,Hihgate. -iSortly -er eight u'cl¢,k i wOnu ...


... A LOQuaCiOve MoDERN TRAPPIST. -Mr. Daniel Devid Few, a little old gentleman, very much resembling Mr. John Arthur Roebuck, M.P., was summoned for the sum of 16s 6d. for rent alleged to be due and owing to Peter Thomas. his landlord. Daniel's appearance was most extraordinary; although known to be in possession of considerable property, his garb was that of the most squalid wretchedness, and ...

Insolvent Debtors' Court

... In.soweut Debtors' ou40i4t. A METHoDTsT.-Joqsep Grayson.was bpposed y Mr. Cokeo on the part of a creditor nanmed Worrall, andi supported. -by Mr. Nicholas. The: insolvent, n elderly ian, -hadbeen in partnersbipo with the.opposing creditor as millers and smiths inYorkshire,.wbich: partncrship was dissolved in.the. year a1829; he had siuce .then !been in partnership with his-brother, and he ...


... COU.RT OF SEQUEIT. L.AusiALE Cosz oP Tu rwo DAnim BvLaannmtExs.-Otn huday isat, when theoge-erofte Court called these euphl n paus-tionjiet, two sloot feflowa whose wearing apparel gave testimaony tabtey were had-mnd-morter men, stood before, and began tWstate helirases together C iaste-4tos- atop. little; pray which of you is the complainant? The B13g11141!1 W.'re both complainants, your ...


... WESTMINSTEWR SESSONS. AssAuLT AND F.loss Inpsow x .-Pe. r Ewns end Mo. .n Wood were indicted for having, on Saturday the 18th of.June, as- saulted and falsely imprisoned Sarah Neale, a child two years and a half old. Mr. Prendergast, who in his opening described the male pri- soner as the ' fancy man of Mrs. Wood, conducted the case for the prosecution, and Mr. Adolphus defended the ...


... MtU RDER 01 A CHILIJ BY 1ITS MOTHlER. On Wedneslay an ilique-it iva. IcId at the ?? of a pi r- son I,. ntred itarnint, at llorblcii, fore W. Stcrry, .LrI., coloner, on the boly of Mary A on Ros Ilille, a Ie ciiht imontho, who %a s murdlernd by b-h r mothr (r n thc a y pr-. ceding. Rock lli, tlhe fath sr of the chidl, is a jouin)linin bricklayer, a respectable nian, and his wile, wno pI vious ...


... MOPeIj4WN POlXC]E. MARYEBONE OFFICE.-ATROCIOuS OUTRAGE Bly Two POLICE CoNsTABLES..-Yesterday, Police-constable Jolly, 164: S, tvas charged before Messrs. RAWLlJrsoN and SHUTTi with having, whilst labouring under the effects of liquor, committed an outrage at the house of a respectable smith, named Gallant, No. 5, Holbrooks-court, Fitzroy-mar. ket, which -he entered without any legal authority ...