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London, England


London, England


London, London, England

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... -LONDIN 3 _PGLICE. . ; . ' ANSION.NOUSE. - FRAUDULENT' MONBY-DEALERS.-On Wednesday a 'solicitor applied to Sir CHAP MAN MARSHALL for assistance in a case ofa very remarkable kind. The applicant stated that a client of his, a professional gentleman of highly respectable connections, being in want of a sum of money, and perceiving in the newspapers an ad- vertisement from a person in the ...


... .; POOR-LhAW BILL. .The advocatesi. of his nevw Law have held -forth -t the country that a savingwas to be effected by It :workings, .while thbmpoor~themaelps -were' to be bettered ly it; but, Vrincipally, a saving of the -poclcet Was to be t he' resuit. W% hevqlways-thought, that,: uincler tbie old laws, eufficient the liaiid btX the R to ot6pas~t jirn~s were ~i~~in'th fawd o^t4iie pa- yer ...


... -Ti %Oi, i-i I- REl.4i-E5 rS_ I t 4 ?? R r , q The gravity of the C6our was most piominendv upset by a terrific row between an Irish Plaintiff fri male-afid'a Scotch ?? .f'the 8i'me gender-l 'tbey met, 'twas in a&r6W dI; lidt the ineeting of ?? iatd Rhoderick Diu was, not more impassioned; -lthonuhg- m'dre dignified: a fairer sanipleef whattmightbelei pectid from a couple of Kilkenny cats ...

Bolton (Lancashire) Petty Sessions

... aolton (Lacaaeasire) BPetty Sessions. WANTON MISCONDUCT OP AN ENGINEER.-Joseph Hernby .was .eharged with misconduct in the service of Messrs. Brooks ani Smith, flax-spinners, Little Bolton. Mr. HnIdere appeared for the complainant, and stated that 'Messrs. Brooks aned Smith had-eugaged -an engineer of the name of Garforib, to manage one of the engines of the mill. Garforth nwas to enter on his ...


... CORO NERMIC JNQ UKS 7'S. Last evening an inquest n as held at tie sign of the Lion and Lamb, Juhn-street, Stepney, btlere Mr. 1iker, the coroner, on -less of the body of lltrs. Elizabetli Cooke, a re- spectable ruarried female, aged S2 years, who had conimitted a most determined act of self-destruction. 0rom tihe c idence it appeared that the deceaicd, whose husband held a respectable and ...


... COURT OF ALDEtAIEN.-IMPROVEMENTS IN ~ THE GAOL OF NEWGATE. ON Tuesday, a Court was held for the purpose of receiv- ing the reports of the Committee of Aldermen upon the report of the Sheriffs relative to the gaol of Newgate, and on other business. Alderman BuowN presented a report approving of the plan submitted by the Sheriffs for effecting sundry altera- tiohs in the gaol of Newgate, a copy ...


... THE INTENDED RURAL POi.ICE. On Monday evening a meeting of the Surrey Radical Association was held at the Masons' Arms, Southampton- s-reet. Mr. GoaDnsAs[ra, having been called to the chair, stated that the subject for discussion was another encroach- naent upon the liberty of the people contemplated by the Vhigs, namely, the establishment of an armed police all over the country, by which it ...


... COfOWERS' X1NQESTrS- CHILD MURDER.-During the last two days an inr. quiry has been going on at the Caledonian, West Hackney, touching the death of a new-bbrn infant, to which Jane Hate, a servant inw the neighbourhood, gave birth on Satur- day. The body was found by -two policemen under her bed, dead, but not cold': a knife -stained with blood was also found in the room under' a basket. In her ...

Alleged Murder of an Infant

... Alleged Rlmairder of an Inflant. On Tuesday-an-inquest was held at the- Csledooiaa Nurserys West Hackney, before Mr. Baker, the Coroner, and a highly respectable Jury, on the remains of as newly-born mnale infant, which is alleged to have been murdered on; Saturday last by a young woman, named Jane Hate, immediately after she had given it birth. The brief facts are these :-About six months ago ...


... 4pJU141 e . DUSTY BOB AND HIS Oss.-A flying dustman, named Robert Swain, alias Dusty Bob, was brought before tile Lord Mayor, charged with having stolen a bottle of Champagne and a bottle of gin, the property of Mr. Callon, a wine. merchant. The cellarman of the prosecutor stated that the prisoner was, a few days ago, employed next door to the prosecutor, in clear- ing away the contents ...


... POLICE IN7NELLGWENCE. M AN sIO N-H 0 USE.- \ cestrday a youlig ninn, of r~pI c~table appearance, a t~o swid ti hat his n amne wvas ('11,1Iesi' Jrobls, was brought bc fore Ald errman Piie, cIIa0 gel withl two I obh crit a, undler the flt - 1InsIKi Cinriw:aintlrc - v\ ebb, a ponlicemain, stated that a few mrinutes beforn tIc( pr'isi'c wa 51 brought in 10 thle justice-rouoilith! ( prioflnt') i ...


... LAW 1' INTEL LI(GEANE, (It{ (j OF- CHIf X IRAt ItIo ?? I-I ll'I ?? ijx -? I I -- Ill~I ii.ii', xi! txxi b,- tI ;III ii tili Iict lii.. I.Ajid Ctioneel.. 10: t n MOI'iTi l, Ii~ilii- wteletIti, e to 4,-xx - L iii: ixrratxx, o :t Le:.O t n -ta ti l i o i I ,ittxcrix oi IL to t IAIilt I~I I ix I Lani1tg ltt tci it Mustetr tiroueam,-xi iii ?? xl his tlecwiniotl I Oiioit contettetll IbutteI %k itl ...