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... VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT-Novemlllwr 25. Bt5EADAL.BANE V. CS5ANDOS. Tire Vice-Cbancellor gave judgment this morning in tilig impnrtant case. Hisi Honour, at great length, weit through the facts of the irase. In the year 1834, thle IMI; rquis of Breadalbane died, and upon his death a Ito- N ite.a ,f mulriplepoinding was instituted, wherebY all per- el sons claiming upon the personal estate of the ...


... CO'O'EUIS '_iEfsTs. DREADFUL DEATH OF A Swiss LADY BY FIRR.-On d6nday afternoon an inquest was held in the Board-room 'f M idlesex Hoopital, on view cf the body of Miss Janette larhly, aged 26, a native to Switzerland, who was burnt. Sarah Walker, servant, of Np. 16, Buckinghaml-place, ritzroy square, deposed that the deceased; who was a single ady, occupied an apartment In her master's hoitie ...


... JAI T OJAI~ LAMBNTURTH NT TWO MoNruS 1AFirjR ARR Geo.'Tyler, a master-tailor, residing in Pe4niiqgtgoAA,' . atelfif big'asily, Presented himself before th&)RQA,-S~ NOxroN, and said,' I beg to apply to your .WoWship fog a ''warrant against my wife -. . Mr. NORTo : What has your wife done to you ?. Tyr~: She baa repeateidly put her clenehed fist into my face, and threatened 'to tear ...


... ICURt OF EXCIj*:QUER-DUIIAN, ']'Lull).OF, \o . u'29 Iltflrr oF ?? r ?? C.AtIr. 'Ilic hiupl-tinit case )f ?? v. Ilss. amisilng 'int Of ob- Jeetolos to thc proceedinigs regarding (Collnlssiolls Of Rebel- lioii on thle gruundil of irlrllnitrity, which had beei ?? ?? sonic weekls past, Inwilig heeii fixed for this d::y, ?? pnrt of the Couirt was ?? throinged. At eleve! o eloelc IIi 0( tounell ?? ...

Case of the Cotton Spinners of [ill]

... Acuse Of the cott5m AdMeAs or GEREAT MEETING OF TE'p DIFFEEENT TRADES ft PRESTON. On Thursday evening, the 24th instant, a large meeting todo place at the Pavilion, Grimsbaw.-street, the object of which Wi to ascertain how fartho different trades were determined to rupw port the spinners in their present struggle. At eight o'clock the place, which is capable of containing 2,000 people, was ...


... ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, 4c. r THE GALE OF TU ESDAY.-The metropolis and its vicinity were on Tuesday last visited by a gale of wind which, for the time it lasted, may be said to be one of the most violent that London has experienced fbr several years. Even a cursory account of the damage done in various parts of the town occupies several columns of a morning paper. We have only space to notice one ...

Published: Sunday 04 December 1836
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3337 | Page: Page 13, 14 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... CENTRiAL CRIMN4AL COURT. - MONDAY, Nov. 28.-The first session of this court for the ensuing year, and tie third since it was estabhshed commenced this morning, before the Right lon, the| LoRD MAYOR and the usual civic. functionaries. The th, calendar presents a list of 234 prisoners. U The RECORnuER, in his char a e to the Grand Jury, ob- fo, served, that several complaints had reached him ...


... alOUA91 p E # XCU CL3UE, I_ U DHBXNO THE KING, V. THrE LORD rRTMATE. Mr. Sergeant JACKSON applied to the Court to confirm the order of compensation made to the Juryrin this case (the King a. the Lord' Primate), the facts, of which; have been very fully before the public. It will. be recol- lected that a verdict was bad against the Crowni, naid, - not-. withstapdiigi, the C ?? the Jury should ...


... 4 'ZWT V- RIUSAIICOUUT- C_ _.T r 1 1 MONDAY, 1 O, ?? Tbe first session of this conr~tfor the ensuing yeart ?? the third since it was established,; commenced th iornng, before the Right Hon. the, - LORD M&VOA T he usual civic functionaries. The ,t calendar prep list of 234 prisoners. 1' The R 'sRDEin his charget the Grand Jury, ob- f scrred,, pve eral complaints had reached him from dt ...


... CiRONEiS IlIEWrsT.f .p-`RHADFUL DRATviOF: o SWFs LADY; BY Fi2K.-OqU Y4qnday afternoon an inquest was heldin-the Board-om of MiddleseixlHospital, On.viEw Vof the bodryof Miss JanettI Hamnby ;aged 26`, a native tot Switzeflaid,*who was burnt. 'Sarh Walker,,, servant, of No. 16,. Buckinglifhaf-lce,'posed that'the deceased, who *as a single liady, occupied' an ?? in her' ...


... P 0 i I c KB. TnE LATE ATROCIOuS FoRGERY.-Our readers will recollect that a soliciter attended on Friday se'nniht before the Lord Mayor, in obedience to a summons, issued in conse- quence of a complaint made on the part of a clergyman, who was some time ago robbed of a bill of exchange, in which a forgery was subsequently committed. Thle clergyman in ques- tion (son of a person of high dignity ...


... A P iI- 7j O RU tLPOLaaR TO TarE EDITOR OF THEg CU4ONW K A*( W3 LYUA5.. Sir,-The very able and aqiwellent moen.r in which you have handled this subjectf in the previouaniumbers oeftbe CnAMiPxo entitles you to the tasting gratoide of the peo. ple of this country. No one who- bas at al observed the arguments for a Rural Police force, can fall to perceive that the intention of its authora-is to ...