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Sussex, England

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... I3ENbH OF MAGISTRATES. n TuEsDAY, 6Dc. C;-Present, IV. SEYMtOUa, and G. ,e I. BASEVI, Esqrs., and Major ALLEN. d Jams Henaings, charged with being found concealed in the cellar of Mr. Baldey, St. James's-street, and Henry Upton, a i- supposed accomplice, w ere brought ?? case was clearly it. 'proved against Hemings, 'and~he was committed as a rogue and n vagaond for three months. Upton clearly ...


... ADJOURNED MICHAELAIAS SESSIONS. These Sessions commenced at Lewes on WednesdaylaFst. The Earl of Chichester presided in the Crown Court, and R. W. Blencowe, Esq., in the Nisi Prins. The Noble Chairman, in delivering his charge to the Jury, said there was nothing in the calendar requiring comment orom him, the offences chiefly consisting of felonies. There were one or two points, however, to ...


... WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14.-Present, W. SEYM.OUR, Esq., and Major ALLEN. A man, named Hill, was brought up in custody upon sus- picion of having stolen three geese, which he had offered for sale to Mrs. Baker of Little Castle-square. Remanded. THURSDAY, DEC. 15.-Present, W. SrYXIOUR, and J. HALL, Esqrs., and Major ALLEN. William I'edmana was charged by M1r. Dumbrell, of St. James'E-street, with ...


... BENCH OF ]MAGISTRATES. FlIDAY, Drc. 2, 1836.-Present: CG. BsEvx and R. PEDDER, Esqrs., and Major ALLEN. G111orley and T¢1ns. Short, two lads, were brought up in custody charged with entering the herring dees af Thomas Webb, and stealing therefrom six dried herrings. The tact of their being on thle prcmiscs was clearly proved, and a kev was found in the pocket of Morley that unlocked the door ...


... POLICE REPORT, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 30.-Present, Aretas Akers, Esq. Several persons were summoned for non-payment of poor rates; amongst them was a tradesman, who pleaded as an ex- cuse that he had been asked for them only on Sundays ! This novel excuse had its weight with the Bench, and the defendant paid the rates without costs. Mr. Foreman, solicitor, then addressed the Magistrates, and said he ...


... CORONER'S INTQUESTS. On Wednesday a coroner's inquest was held at the New Steine Hotel tap, before F. 1H. Gell, Esq. on the body of Wm. Leggatt. It appeared from the evidence that deceased was walking up the west side of the New-steyne, with two others, about balf- past twelve on Tuesday morning, v.hern a large piece of lead, weighing about five cwt., was removed by the wind from the roof of ...


... TUESD.,AY, Dec. 20th.-Present, Sir ?? SCOTT, Bart., and G. BASIv3, Esq. Susan Kelly, a girl twelve years of age, was charged by a woman named IBarratt with robbing her house. The prisoner, itappeaed, lived a few doors from. the prosecutor's house; and having obtained by some means a key which fitted prose- cutor's door, entered and stole various articles of wearing apparel. The prosecutor not ...