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... j5q$--ruqmr ?? . 0. , ?JJ ? ? ?? f,4?I- - 11??I1,I?.hnd ne .?cqyoredr L?he? ?? ? I 7 -? ?? - *YePh6rs nVIt0mpmYticbone, 4 s i '*Wisf l , mouso.-~ t S , negoi iatla I Ittn~t ,lbi^- th ffi^'h ,. Jiffi tt ofeliC ;ji@.belitt~pJ,, t~a,*h ?? kaqab bt~t#e47IR- ?? 4)lej I2p-Qltt~rntnprgperty, n gl'a^t e*4tis'p ieiv.d . tQ, siw~ib~foidiAoW sfmle; 'oinbfnl it .was an andl It.;i wndn,? ?? t* nds iW . ...

Extraordinary Suicide

... E?trs.wilImswy Sulelde. .,A zworlkig ;maaI, iaiassiamed- Dapai laged Q5. veddif Iftintbe-Rue-iIao iW endeiei was-lately o0served-btbistelf lkw-w tmktebhe arqytovthedeepest~gief;, A lewdays shoinlbe~ -iafared4~sweetbeart^,tbat lis4Ixoud .ee hepm motennasSh wa -bout teudertalhe- amlonggjoumey. -The g;. same sbbsequeutly4ods~morkshop,. but couldaeverfiadbi-,. His ieighbors, suspeting usiieidej ...


... ?? HOW Ift., r ?, . I., MMl&1OLY DRXIT- }i lNO UP .?a N nd f ey iibnlnque4 wa e*s ?? :,Rlichard:3on 8; Fik4~o, i~ ?? Esege to .the Tithes' .Coinminl iensi,. the: Iatber ifthe de&ee,' 41k posed that on XPo ?? wit- a g /nent tto~t 9 his o ey S fror :i le wiui~ow of a sbo be iho h io' t M*lr Keeii mid vwhidh;.was tr~.hted at 4d ^ 1b.,- and- 'iit. ?? houglt wrue of it, for wbichl he gave 2t. d ...


... .N W.. aeIu, . * nOAMV-NEW ! - *1 - I . iApE. BIGBIT~XE ;~A, f LAW. ~Wdliam. .'o~ino, ?? aged 4, w I:dicd for . a.rry- ing Bridget Stackj Iji forpier, wifor e,,b qnb5ellre. Th, rawe as, cilearlyjproveds,s,p4. the. Juqry re~turne4 a vevdidt of; ?? REeo DiR,;pres t.pffC hia baa c'm. ~n~tt~e4 , f~qw+ ,d~gys~ijsfbe~tb Q newolaW, h1~ cojie ,iptQ OpOS.; tion, and; the..pri~ppsr. ?? siy, that ...


... -NJIW)9,C@WRm~- BIGJAMY-NEW MARRIAGE LAW. William' Conior, aged 44,;was indicted for marr'i., ing Bridget Sian, his former wfie beiingtben alive.. The case wa clearly jiro ;ed, and the Jnry: returned a verdiit of The RkcoxnDtR(~jaid the present of~ence aid been com mitted.a few. da before ie inew law hiad come iltO oper- 'tion, and' the prizi'ner !of4d not, thefore, pprl ap4 he prejudiced by ...


... ]LO:NDO@ 1re3LICu'e HANSiONW46iSUE. THE MONEY-LRNDING FBAUD,-On Saturday. thl arties in the money-lending affair; which -we reported in. Ie IAst ;CRAMPI6N, again attended, and in answer to the .0.iu .ZAvOU, Faorrester,'. the officer, stated,- that he bad nr vedl the summons on the. holder of-the bill, and was in- )rmed by him that. lie celtainly should attend. The hol-. or's Solicitor said he ...


... IO7RID MURDERS at RIRTON LINDSEY. I. The county of Lincoln during the past week ha3 leen of thrown mtio tile greatest consternattOfl, by tire! discovery GI a i5 iced whlich has nor been eqilled in the Calendar of crinein K, ngand for many years. thle unfortunate victims were an dii aged ,couple, brother and sister, 91' quiet, tflduil~tils- rfhib tsriling at k~irton-in- L~tirvey, about ...


... l,'IEN7'b'ol,,I) iIPXlEIIA'lE A'lliTEMIij Ai i(,IIlV'A Y IlOliB~lX'It ANi) M( RD l:. NPtste ldayathiikscdi. l lIL ?? 24yeargolage,with a 11o'st rlwi uV o I]telvillev rnalllel jii lt IMi , , aas brought fheavily 1001l1nlil (-dbflow !r. Plslnailll, 1W stting l~nlgiq- tralt , by pohile irgerilt ?? I, i !a the lollowtirig charge (of ?? ihlilway robhlrley i11;1 muldiid I be r i1v em iond 'ltat intt ...


... |CENT'RAL U'RIMINAis L CO~R'-?t'£ EdSI V.x lrleirre ilr. .uiiwri \I AI ii1 IN.] .TIrnrc5 diii., I, ?? dir no irtictlet~ ahr (ci niorrsly uithrilrr; tivc Il.lrrllr~u of lire votlre,,l ?? mln licr pcr cri-t wr anl ri brirk kli, x ?? lii-., t hrt prirpe't y 01 Jolin lre ord Mlor toru, Inin asicnn *M r. llnIrniIN ttpprtrtcni firr tire 1rroccmtitlil, arid Mfr. (. J'rirr t al.r~lid dIr. I'AX Ni. ...


... L'ORONEIS' I VQ ? E? 7'S. }l S. slii C -- 'e~tcrday izveninq ont inquest vasa hell hefure :bMr. Il!SC;, at tl e litiko's H~eal l avero+, Clovent-gnrdlen, on viets of tle body of M~r. J&cph Ji-firitsa, wvho was formerly >-an aictor at ClOVeit garden I hei~tre, and~ hns Irttterly beeo i-ni- lt I ;iloval ab pttvsto box-keepier at the dloor opposite Vimegar- yard. o John Suttonl deposedl thatt t! ...


... Yesterday a meeting of the inhabitanto of the parish of Car.stritron, Surrey, %Na appointed to lbe Wlit in the National . c hliool moin tlta villare, tr tile putitose of ?? ilto ISCUS1 ileaioan the pri'jected systen of ruini police; bui trioni the prinirpal rare.payf rs being in atterldance at tile titiii . ludit lf tilte Rev . Hi. Ve'rnon, at tue K'ing's Arnis Inn, tilt' r tlle min wit ...

Court of Common Pleas, Guildhall

... Cpuw .t m Hi - . . PleuX, . I ( ,rL T.,,, -- . - - . .. (Before the Lord Chief Justice and a Special Ji) STAXRRs 0. CUVius G.-Mr. Serieant Wilde said this was an 8CtIOUibrought by a captain against the owners of a ship. It was a Whaling transaction, and the captains generally received no wages but were paid by a certain proportion out of the proceeds of the voyage. The voyage ...