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Advertisements & Notices

... 13IGHLAND AND AGRICULTURAL ?? S;corLAND. F-E ANNIVERSARY GEE N EA L I IEETIr nof tbis SOCIETY, prsirntto tie will be held in the Societv's flall here, on TUESDAY the 10th of JANuARY curt., at Ohe o'hlei;k afternoon, when it is requestei -thdt the Members vrill soemble precisely at the hour, as, besides the ordinarv ?? ihere *ill be a BALLOT fur the admission rlf NI WV MEMBERS; and it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO lIESMIVIERS OF TNlE CAIRNIE ?? SOCIETY. V1i5HUI, ArNlNJAL G NIPNIIAL MIEETING of this tl SO E'I'Y ii ill he Ite0d il their lInA, SiSl1I:Irnie, Onl Fritltty, 13tl Jliltilnry, 18:.7, when nl concerned ?? roquested Itu ?? by 1B ?? porn. lly ?? of t1h ctomm itteC. JIOllN AIUIRDOCII, Clerk. Simtltianie, :/L3ti 1(c0. 1 831/. ;to, t 1'r'ocessill anli Ball. TO BE LET, AT' AUCHitEDDlE (OF NEW DELR, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jt.EMhiEMN GUSLD11Y IsA H- U Aimtral (lenetell Membind or' hi'( ARYR~DltI)Eii T GU~lILDRlY COMIPANYS o ill he Ilit'l ill time 110yt1 lbI etl, Union ?? Onl Nedneosday thle diay (If bltittitt'~ f Ilie Mullbc'. trill Ut'rt-'eivcd, iald 'Th llltrull~it pit 'te forlo in Otteiei ''t1ttl t7-I l tte ?? ~ :ititllirvo, e.W Thi ?? Ni~tlN Iiif i'i rOoct'. tint( 1Th' Trli ci'ret'-. A30l ES RI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J-.AAECTORS OF RENFREWSHIRE. T r accordance with the wish expressed in a _a Reqmdsition, most numerously and respectably si-n. d, I feel it my duty to offer myself to you as a Candi. date for the h1onour of Representing the County in Par. lianent. A, it may he impossible to make a complete personal Cosra i take this opportunity of stating a few of the p;, fing points vhich will regulate my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDIANBRGH PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY, COMNI, TEE respectfully announce that the SECOND. CONCERT for this seasrtn jil t ire plnce in tbe Assemnhly Rooms, on SATUR. Ay MORNINNG, the 14th inst., to commence at UC, u By order of the Committee, JAMES DEWAR, 9ecy. Edirbirrgb, 6tb Jan. 1837. CELTIC BALL. GRAND DISPLAY OF FANCY DRESSES, 4N1) COSTUMES OF ALL NATIONS. ¶oS. LAURIER has received a Splentlid NJ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M1 (U! hEY 't8l'S': ?? lw,' ii thet 'tTt ao h' Ivtve 1.:- Till ttt. ?? o'n I*1z LI Sox 'r tit L' p & )I0 II 'it''E t Sij ! ti l iij 1 I kii itI. 1 II s tn ilt.Io. '7 oth cr. of tiloi the lteflitlie otell! 7ii be till ?? teitit of XX , o'tttitr 1888. 'ir'u'i, 14Aititote t ~-iil tethol rt to llt ther ei'tilieitT, of-! t~llt ?? tl lfe of N- Vx ?? 1 ti It t Yt~ I' i ?? in, TBE'llt'f'lil fN moia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a CESSIO DONORUXU. o V~lIIHProiceiii's of Il reitor. courts in Scotlaniid, inl j Proceses if088810 BONOR I'M, itiduer thelitatute Ii an ,Wtiliiaiii IV., ?? 5U. With Appendix, Containinog tlie Act and Formis of Court. ?? 'ThOMAS BAI[RI), Writer, Perthl. aie' Eachil stop iii [lie pneiil'of tlii Aippication for Cesosis tlo the sotiject of one Chap~ter, and all thie Forui1S Of Court, Sita-Il totes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t4,ECOND DISCOURSE. on tile F DAMENTAL DOCTRINES of CHRIS. gA;IT I, as opposed to tie Corruptions of the Church ?? is intended to lie delivered in ST AiirEsv's ,rHu.C on THIS EVENING, by The Pcv. DUNCAN MPFARLAN of Renfrew. Subject-The Pule of loith. IAWorshlip to commence at Seven o'Clock, Ind a CA- , ,tion to defray expenses will be made at tile doors. loth January 1837 ! d 'S4TriCE-CALTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /TO2 ToH / '4LECTORS OF PERTHSHIRE. HAVE just learned, from authority which I Ielieve to be correct, that my political opponents ne Cnunty ae enteringr into trrangements for a future , or izsrepreteotaion. Itittted, thlat Sir George 1Arrny having thought to relnquish his intention of i feen put in eir. CBlar, inviting Lord Stornio t to supply his place as a Cantlidate. Irader these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WT' A SERMON iC7 be Preacbed in ST GEORGE'S UHURCH, on THURSDAY Afternoon tyse l9th e Rev DR BROWN, of St John's, Glasgow, When a Collection swill be made itn aid of the Funds of lie CHARITABLE or JUNIOR FEMALE SO. CiETy fur the RELIEF of AGED and INDIGENT W1OMEN. ?? to begin at Two o'clock. N.13..The Church will be heated. E,lehurgh. I Itli January 1837. ABOLITION OF CHURCH RATES, &c. // ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'is TO LET, lie /kCoiniosiliouas Shiut-in FLOO)R, in KI N.e STl lMEITl, Xc- L conitalillill., llilall narclllilolcultioll for It Famolily, 111cllil- ing \atclr, Water tAlosot, aittl the UoSo ilf IteLi tc crccil aldjoill- Also, Two 110()O31S, on lito fl~irsltm Floor) of No. 1:, retlercle jC Strect, which nity be coinvertct into a Slhop or Warulitolje, if 11 's required. Eiitry ijeilflately. il ...