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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At sn, Frederick Street, on the 1st current, Madame D'EGVILLR, ofa daughter. At 41, Northumberland Street, on the2d current, the Lady of S. LAMOTON, Erq. oe a son. I On the 25th ultimo, the Lady ALBERT aONYNGHtM, or a daughter. At Stitchell Rouse, Roxburghshire, nn the 30th ultimo, the Ladyv r.rznsRU lMi. PaiNGor, of a daughter. At Roseneath, near Cove, the Lady of the Rev. H. W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Redeastle, on the 26th ultimo, Lady FReSER, of ason. At the Cape ?? Hope, ern the 25th of October teat, Mrs Was AIaSLIE, junior, of the isMauritius, of a daughter. F MARRIEDR, At Edinburgh, on the 5th current, by the Rev. Dr Dick- son, MIr JANrES DicqSON, to JANE, only daughter of the late George Glendinring, Esq. of Overshiel. At Badminton, on the 29th ultimo, C. W. CODnaa OVaro, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At sidiviiil i Triso' IRoxirrrghillite, 1tillI tritit Dlecember, tire i.:rN' [-'luttietlr, M. I'llrrel, oif idatirgiter. ?? jD -e-. At tine p:'ri'i tir cillh of St. liary-'e-illrile, otl heI, Giir tilt. Ir syr ibi Icite, li b ?? l.C o ri I it is fI hiv'tI Cr , IIits G( rrce tIlL ilnle )ii' ltrrxirit-he, It) SiiLrstlrtrt Steibiialrj, only childr of %I rr;rimi'llrer': Sir ('iChrcls Dalbiril, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wM=Z~rSA~o`Z, Januar.y 11, 2CS37. B~rin To-At E imirrtles, Forfir, ori the Ollti tilt., the Lady of' JA.'iicc Ar grSi'OPT Eit(tv. Of Cl air ialory, cauntiy of Dorwni, Ireland, of a darughtler. Mitarried, at Woodsrider, Heir Egigh, (it) thle 5tih .1anit, by thle Rhev. Atexandier Waslker, Minister of Elgin, Litijor WVAL2'5 il A.111,TrtN, bitle ofr the Madras Cavatlry, to MARAliaRET, (Idoigh ter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATIL-LOF DR DAVID LAMONT, MINISTER OF KIRKPATRICK-DURHAM. (From the Dumnfries Coarier.) This venerable father of the Church, whoee name has been so long before the public as a preacher, an author, and an able debater in tie Geqeral Assemabl and infe- rior judie;tories, died at his mansionhouse, Durham Hill, og Saturday last, the 7th curt. at 11 &clock i. iq the EJith year of his age. And his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF TIIE EARL OF ROSSLYN. We announced in our last, that the Right Ho- nourable the Earl of Rosslvn died ai Dysart House, Fifeshire, eairly on the morning of Wednesday. We copy what follows from the Observer of Yesterday. His Lordship, we believe. was in comparative good health on the previous Wednesday, and was pre- paring to go to Glasgow, when seized with inMu- enza. We say comparative ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlRT213. At Valleyfield, on the 22d current, Mrs CeISIuCS COWAsN , of a daughter. At Gattonside Villa, near Mlornse, on the ?? current, the Lady of JonN HAMILTO'N CoLT, j Lior, ESq. of a sen. At 17, Rutland Street, on the 29th current, Mrs StsArT, of a daughter. At 40, York Place, on the 19th current, Mrs FRANC!S Brunst, of a daughter. At 9, Grove Street, on the HIth current, Mrs F. GooDaviN, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE ROBERT ElfNISIT, -EsQ. (From the Glasgow Courier.) It is with infinite regret that we announce the premature death of this estimable and highly gifted gentleman, which melancholy event took place at his father's house, West George Street, on the evening of Monday the 16th instant. Mr M'Nish was a native of Glasgow, and in his 36th year. His father, John M'Nish, Esq., is a highly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I' I 4W C a 4 - . tli tI ?? ,ith t ta, ll ,r VI'S' It (Itu a tatyiitet' ti. 131wOZII.-At tll 12 :l11SCof Il~vlildic, oi the Withl iiictanit, ',Irs 6il 1t8lyvi,xv otl U':1zIlgtel'e. Dtied, at .b\erlicc, o(t ti lie4t ct rneett, ilisis ..NCL GOItDOjN If C raigip yle, aged :11. °1 D:Qlt, a1t No, iu, ?? Street, ?? thle l1th Curealt, Mrs W.a tic it, wile of Mr Waltker, t11.bstv'i'r. iulC hr', ...

BIRTHS. At Hirsol, o

... n the 20th current, Lady DUNGOLASOC, of a son. At 9, Union Street, on the 28th current, Mrs BISSsT, ofra daughter. At, Montrose, on the 5dthicurrent, Mr J^Sires MuoiE, mer- Chaatc,tc ELIZA, daughter of Mr William Caird. At Port'bellu, on the 27th current, Mr JoaN MaRsHALL., plumber, Edinburgh, to ANN, youngest daughter of the late Mr Alex. Urquhart, builder, Mills of Forres. DIED. At her house ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'BSIRTHsS. At 2, Nelson Street, on Lbe 29t11 oltimo, the Lady of HENRY GLASOrOnO Botrt, Esq advocate, ofa son. At 22, York Place, on the 27th ultimo, Mrs Goae BooTit, ofa daiuliter. At Edinburgh, on the 27th raltimo, Mrs BeGu, wife of the late John Begg, Esq. of a son. At Dundee, on the 24th ult., the Lady of Colonel CHAL- ?? of Glencricht, K.U., of a daughiter. At Paris, on the 14th ultirno, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Russborougb, onl the 22d ultinho, the Countess of MILL- TOWN, of a daugbter. On tlhe 26th ultimo, at Castlemilk, the Lady of JAMEs Hoiecscms, Esq. of a acn. At Kenmure, onl the 2d current, Urs St111LIsG of Gargun- nock, of a daughter. At Rhynagour, Aberfoyle, on the 29th ultimo, Mr3 MAc- DONALD, of twin daughters. At Edinburgh, on the 31st ultimno, TnOsoIAS CiRYasIE, Esq. R.N. to ...