... S.PRTliNG INTELLIGENCE. HUNTING APPOINTIMENTS. t le Pulie of Or.,ftmiao houads meet onl Wedne sday at Furunm Gehl, a,r1 Fridav nt Xo nd eod green, at half-imt teg. The Norfolk hoineas meet to morrow at Weeting, Thursday at WlI/emill-water, bl to ern Elenhain and Pereharii, wil b turday at Langor bridge, at ha f-past tcn. The Tlhanet barr~ers meet on WVednesday at Vincent, at ten. The Tickhnm ...


... TATTF.ISA L'8. YaTsraRDAY-The Derby prices will be foond to vary in Yeveral respect# from those qouted on the last betting day. The improve. raent in Lord Jersey's tvo Is decided, and the Flare-up party are already sanguine In their expectations ot being enabled to get out of theirdifficulties. Lord Exeter's lot Is Also up, Trolhis (the green. mantle colt) and Brotier to Cactus having ma de a ...


... SPORTING I'TELLIGENCE. DW)NCASTER, ST. LEGER, The fiitovirng Is a list of the entries In London and at New- market:- Lord Westminstel's Cardinal Puffby [antaioon ; Mr. G. Walker's Glider; Mr. T. W~alters's frhe Prime Warilen: Lord Suftidd's Pupil, by Peter Leily; Lord Exeter's Dardanelils; Lord Exeter's Adrian; Lord Exoter's Corban; Lord Exeter's Troilus; Mr. Sadler's De. feoder, Mr. Mower's ...


... TATTE IISA L L'S-YXsTR RD Av. Business was very lasgoid until near iie 'cilock, by which time the roos becamie filil nd betill, toler;ebly briTk. iae moot striking; chanige observable Is in Defender, against whom 20 to 1, asd In ft ooe iastance 200 to 100, were lahi; to make up In some dfgree izr fi this decline, another of the Stockbridge nags, 'intoioan, advanced fi in favour, 20 to I having ...


... SPOR1ING INTELLIGENCE. HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. AMr. Hall's hounds meet un Monday at Staiuridge-park, at half- pat ten. The Broolreide barriers eeet onl Mlornday at Newminarket hill, asd onl Friday at TelaceamteTye, at half-past ten. The Brighton harriers ineet ou Elouday at Pahhautn, on Wednes- day at the Race course, and onl Friday at the Dtyke. 'the Hustings harriers meet an Blonday at Sladen ...

Sporting Intelligence

... ftarting Intellfamt. MANCHESTER, Friday Nigft. We closed the year in predicting the Cup entry at Chester would reach thirty horses or upwards; thus far we are at fault, for with twenty-nine the entry has closed. Passing over our pretty close shot, we will proceed with the names of the candidates as they stand for TuE CHESTERTRAD.SMcEN'S PLATE-say 200 sovs. in specie, added to a sweepstakes ...

Published: Saturday 07 January 1837
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1368 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... STEEPLF.CRASE NEAR HAYES. A steeple-ehume wts run yesterday about two o'clock for a Gold Cup,bysubscriptionof 10seva each,8 subsby thefollowinghorse: Nr Bryan's The Flyer (Captain Becher) I Air. Weston's Jerry (Owner) . 2 Mr. J. Maon'aThe Mite (Owner) 3 Ceptain Willan'm Redman (Mr. Powell) . . 4 Mr. Anderson's Edwin (Mr. Rice) Ib lir. Nryan's Red Dleer (Owner) 6 Mr. Hall's Conrad (Owner) 7 Mr. ...

Sporting Intelligence

... I Poting -nte lfgente MANCHESTER, Friday Night. The amusement and gratification of glancing at a variety of entries closed for the approaching racing season may be said to have occupied some attention in our turf circles during the past week. The appearance of a few are really not worth recording, as being so thinly complimented with subscribers, &c., as to give but a poor chance of that ...

Published: Saturday 14 January 1837
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 787 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... TATTERSALL'S-YsHMTMAT The rnom was thinly attended and betting liat. The only altera- tlon wan ioi Defender, who hua advanced severiL potnt, above the price quoted against him a week ago. Several parties seem anxious to blatk him. 'Clesing odds. 8 to I agst Colonel Anion's Joyeed (offered) Pi to I - Lord Jersey's brother to Day Milddletoll (ditto) 1I to I - Captain Gardner's Plantasima colt ...


... TA1TTEBSALL'S-tVSTE RNAY. Three bets only were made, viz-9 to I agat Lord Jersey's Brother to Baiy Middleton, to e50; I,00u to 2$ agst Mr. Osbaldestan's Pocket Hercules; and 500 even beereen Mr. Otbaldestor's latbomnet n (brsther to Altuaulman) and ir. Scott's Mlisforturne (brother to Emigrant); S to I offired on thetield; and is t , I sgst liardanelles, take 20 to i. That business is so flat ...

Sporting Intelligence

... I *porting Intelligence. MANCHESTER, Friday Evening. We briefly alluded this night week to the pointedly given weight that Sir James Boswell's horse is destined to carry for the important cup race on Monday May the first. Since then the public voice, as well as able con- temporaries, have by nO means limited those expressions of dissatisfaction which the partiality (in the opinions of the ...

Published: Saturday 21 January 1837
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1290 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... S1'ORTINGINTELLIGENCk. TAITERS4LV$-.TluitSDA`YT Three bets only were made; vIz.-9 to 1 agst. Lord Jersey's Brother, to. Bay Middletbn, to 501.; 1,000 to 25 ageg;. Mr. Osbaldeston's Pocket Hercules; and 500 even be. tweec Mr. Osbaldeston's Mahoietan (brother to Mussul- man) and Mr. Scott'% Misforitme (brother to Emigrant); s to 1: offered on the field; and 18 to 1 agst Dardaielles, take 20 tbh ...

Published: Monday 23 January 1837
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1652 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Sports and Games