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Advertisements & Notices

... j TO ToHE I|OWS pErSENTLY ON THE ROLL PI V ANNTITANTS OF THE BURGH OF AND PAROCHIAL ,-CHtoOLM1ASTERS WiDOWS' FUND. | ITH reference to an Advertisement inti- ra~tin a NIRETTNG, of the WIDOWS nr IlANDATORTES, to bc h.l ' on the 1Sth ?? n 5. hi appeared in the Nrorth British Advertiser, of hst I think it right to state, that oevry infnr- 4tel ly It' , the nature and objects of the Bill, in If 95 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;i EINASTERN YACHT CLUB. t;t suing REGATTA of the ROYAL 1le TERN YACHT CLUB, has been ?? tO t P T15TH of FORTH, on THURS. ter ?? l J UNE, and two folluarvig days tia tio rer the Cups to he sailed for at thi hthe °p en to die vesseis of all Royal Yacht Clubs. so e S 6iill he ayivn in future advertisements. 5rdtlIb ?? 5th Slay 1837. ~ ~C is ereb givn toProprietors, that t vment of the DIVIDEND, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I THE GRAND DRESS BALL - aiI of the SUBSCRIPTION for the rELIEF of the DESTITUTION in the HIGH- 6 , ISLANDS rrill take place on the Even- .A NnrIDAY the 17th of IMARCH, in ahe AS- 1r;L O R y OO:US, GEORGE STREET, under the ?? 1 i,tieguished patronag:-_ PA TR o NESSES . 1 DUCHESSof BUCCLEUCH. \II,\ar etterIIARCPIIONESS ofLOTBIrAN. Tile 11011. the COUNTESS of CAITHNESS. Tlhe n 4oe. the COUNTESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IiATURAL PHILOSOPHY. AND pflACTICAL MECHANICS. V1LEE9' SUMMER COURSE of LCCTURES on NATURAL PHILOSO. 10 ahfvina for SURGEONS' HALL, will corn. 00ore !th; LECTURE ROO3MS, 9, BROWN SQUAEE, r lWed'esoY the loth of May, at one o'clock. The Lecture. ?? Studen of Ge- ,,e .~e ill embrace. h s t usual branches da'' ?? io MEChANICS, ENGINEERING. I Oprtaflce In CHI of 1%'j~AIMAL PHYSICS, &c. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON C EiRT. sV.I07,TIONv IN THE: IIIGfILANDS. IINBU11RGI{ PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS liavino mtwt * offegredI thlir gra.tuitooi s ervices, thc Ccom- !0 D11^!lytaJEJro l lESrTITUTION in the ,:Tro , d ITS15ANDs have the pleasure of announ- r t RANDf ,YORNING CONCERT f I.C~ AND INSTRUIMENTAL MUSIC .nr VJr in ?? ASSENIBLY RooTms, George Street, ; ?? the 18th of Mlarch current, at Two r.Clrrg. AID OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE TEUPEST. LgS TABLEAUX VIVANS. THE gINlSTER OF FINANCE. i/// iONTAGUE STANLEY has the ~fh Ot fannouecing, thgthis BENEFIT is ?? A 24th April- on which occasion Wll ?? Tragedy of d~el IA L E T, ?? ff ?? * first appearance in that character), (hi ) . STANLEY ?? of Singing and Dancing. tfier lirhiato c hde with, for the First Time Tbe hole tthee Two Years, The Grand Eastern Romance of 'rU]E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r NPABALLBLED ATTRACTION. 1E O ? OOLWS. N0nscqueence of the enthusiastic Approba. vith vhich MiONSIETR PHIILLIPPE'S s-cur(0rra'cc ras received by a Fashionable anl , us Audience on Saturdly last, 1he will give ano- ther DAY REPRESENTATION On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1837. - re alt balf Pa5t One, performance cormmences P kAD( icr the Eveniig, doors .open at half past at troO c~nnn~ence at Eight ? ...


... BUCIIER has the honour to an. L to the Nohilitv and1 Gentry of Elinburgh, b AnolNUAsoL CoNCE r,; will talre place in the l ehtb lv Roem. on M1ONDAY EVENING, rjr Aem 'hichl OrCnsion he has engateil Mrs V. rbeig her First Appearance in Edin- 'rc en Sthalf..past Seven o'Clock. Concert to i}'nr Pt lal-pstEigh~t. ve ShtilliwrS each, to be hall at all thp Mu- ~d of Signor Bucher, 2, Great Stuart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RF A~lN OF VOTERS FRTT ,GISTRVOTERSFOR THE R SANTD 1RGH IN THE LIBERAL INTEREST, 1837. iARTIES in the LTBERAL INTE_ REST, desiroos of being REGISTERED either rithin the City or Burgb, may lhave their Claims oade ot, and every iiformation afforded then), by ap- ,,at tie Side Room, Mercbantbt Hall, H-lunter t cetween ten o'clock forenoon, and four o'cloek ,ooafte, and between six and eight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 1IGILAND AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. L ANNT1VERSARY GENERAL SiltyEETING of this SOCIETY, pursuant to the will be beld in the Stciety's Hall here, on ftterD ~the 9th da of J~AtrY next, at One o'clock when it is requested that the Members will teer 4precOly at the hour, as, besides the ordinary aeri he BALLOT for the admission bu NF' ME~il3ERS; and it is prescribed by the vi tot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMA, LOTHIAN ROAD. 7/it ?sOW oOPEN, ' ViE of ST CLOUD, iith a most acrate nnd splendid prosfotdt * f a large extent 0f countrv, taken from an eminence near BAS MCErJDOq, all,,t'ci mniles from Paris, between. which, capital Ga ar rig!t, and St Cloud on tlhe extreme, left, the view . r'nal, over f,rty miles of the scenery in that vi- : itncludin.g, among other interestine rtbjects, ...