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Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIIONIAL TO SIR JAMES GIBSON CRAIG, BART. A T ainumerousandrespectable MEETING, bhell in the Merchants' Hall, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 1'dth August 1837, - to consider the ropriety of conferring some Alark of Respect on Sir daires Gilison Craig, Hart. for his long continued and valuable public services, The Right Ron. the LORD PROVOST r in the Chair, It oas nmoved by ionic FJIsarIm Euq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L L CORPORATION BILL FOR 'I6v1CIpA SCOTLAND. M EETING Of th1e HERI. LIC RATE PAYERS of ST CUTH- TOfl aad held in the WEST CIHURCHn tapon neilt rho 1th cult., ot 12 o'clock noon, -pA , e f .tking into consideration the Bill now -.1uhPuP paliament to provide for the better regu `Oelin3i l ?? corporations ie Scotland, and that aL as1 lee adapted sith refereace thereto as er3atief, mjr seem ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /, / EDUCATION, 1fSES BROWN bave Resumed their jt CLASSES afterthe vatation, and continue to Teach Ladies all the usual Branches. 1, HJLT. SQUARER Nicolson Street, Edinborgb. NFANNr SCHOOL for the 3Higher ?? aa'e.. 10, DtfirmcAN; STREET, Dr',aorn~lls pisre. Mfr STiRLING langato ininnate, will be Resumed on Monday neat, the 25th Septemnber. WRITING, ARITHMETIC, AND BOOK-KEEPING. M R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS lAtILY ROOMS. -ou BUCIHER has the honour to an- F 310''>° ' the Notbilityanit Gentry of Edinburghb, r rzA CONCERT cill take plaee in tbt' ?? Room, on MONDAY EVENING, le 'Irte A-e '1l hkih occasion lie has engaged Mrs V. d 3P, ll being her First Appearance in Edin- e ogp-e Oat half-pa't Seven o'Clock. Concert to I IDol P htlf-past Eight. t :rcer0 ae Shillings each, to hte kai at all the Mu- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |NEEW AND CHE A. P STOCK OF WOOLLEN tlj,? tBDRAPERY, HATS, &c. LEX. GRAIG & CO. beg to intimate, that they have received another extensive addi- tion to their Stock, selected on the best possible terms by their A. CRAIG, who is at present in England. IHATS of the most fashionable Shapes at all the va- rious prices. 104, SouTHe BRInGE, Edinburgh, 16th May 1837. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Q4,,MS-LE OF:'LADiES WORK. &DERt. TDssTzNcusunen PATnoRNAcGE. FWIHE DIRECTORS and LADIES of the COMMITTEE of the HOUSE of REFUGE for the DESTITUTE, have resolved upon having a SALE of LADIES' WORK, for tie Benefit of that Institution, to take place in March or early in April,'and they respectfully solicit the aid of those benevolent ledies who may be inclined to countenance this interesting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF THE TENEMENT AT THE CROSS yPOSTPONED. tv: SALE of this PROPERTY, advertised co proced rnnthe 15th carreot, is POST- PONED0tl forther notice. P1, PAIcECs STREET, Edlinhugh, 5th 1'archl 1837. /jf ?? ii, 3SuTnu Biaauo, dth Gtrb hlS3. I &AT ES WILSON respeetfully intinmatee, ti te i,)l, (l.dsinuj the pseset week, have, a SAI.E of the remiairider Of lbis Wiuwer Stock of Plain and FirlUred ...


... f4L SHORTLY CLOSE. IIS EVENING, SATURDAY, Decem- T ber 2, last night of the present Sp ndid Enter. icoieote AMAZONS & WARRIORS. ?? DUCROW & MISS WOOLFORD m their Ru-tic Scene of JENNY JONES. RIlT~lll FOX HUNTER, HOLIDAY ROMPS, INFANT PHENOMENON on his Four PIGM Y STEEDS, &c. &c. Which the Programme announced. gopnAY 4th Dec.. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THUR.SDAY. SIXTH ENTIRE CHANGE; hicb Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rplD JCHANICAL MUSEUM S OF 9 /JY~OMATON FIGURES, flW ~iOAS LARGE AS LIFE, Br SIG. GAGLIARDI, OESENTTING DON CARLOS in stans of Old Castile. surrounded by -5 OF ZUKALACAREGUL Vt D, nest promtinent Likenessesiare, Portraits I gRLOS and the INFANTE DON SE- l ;, GS~ere' ZARIATAGUI, Colonel 0' SiLs the Carate Merino, Cabrera, &c. ALSO, A PANORAMA (f the Principal Towns in Europe. , 6d1 - children ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6To THE //b ECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF 1-o-y L ROXBURGH. AGI~NIG bis day received an Address, t a1ed the 2d, from the Hon. FRaNtCIs SCOTT, rL ?? a Candidate for the honour of Repre- ,t:inrhe eonty, and signifying to vou -the intention u ent Mem bernot to offer himself again iease r cub . I lutose no time in assuring yon, that in , Di-u i~trhtile wihes eof those who bave hitherto rpliante ? d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IBLY ROOM1IS, GEORGE STREET. /DIRECTORS beg to announce, ,b~t at the request of many Ladies of Distinction - ropoe Opening the Rooms for the Season with a rIj) FANCY BALL, on the Evening of FRI. Gg 8N 1, 12th of JANUARY next; and that there ,4b at least SIX DANCING ASSEMBLIES be- ,ideUi particuiars ?? be announced in future advertise. F'tdjanurgh, I3th-Nov. 1837. A7 ANNUAL EXHTBITION GOF THE- ...