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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? PlCROQ'S OEPRESENTATIONI ~oretSATURDAY, November 25 053F for the B ENEFIT of the I6j4DEI.,T1T'ITTE SICK SOCIETY. full f bh will he appropriated in aid of adoti &,vc institution, and under the Pa. NLoI PROvosT and XIAGIrSTATEs of the 3, Darro will perfoi r his- celebrated Rols- , irto swift horses) with Miss Woolfiird, call- j. ,TAWI MtAID & SWISS BOY, thte Ne Spectacle of this Yeek. 1 ieloi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~sresct ~is epetulyif ormed, that S s&D3 t-3aT fI!PEA'!RE; To WIVtLL OPE N FOR THE SUMMER SEASON ~TURDAY EVEING JuNE 10. 1837, of c Entertaitnments to be announced in isernent- rf~i~eelil open at the Theatrs Royal on rl1nrsdcY, . EO ROOM_ 4AJftK1RALLELE D SUCCESS. J. f. ANDERSON'S ENTERTAIN_ M w1ENT S hove heen crowided wiitht fashionrnble au- b, .,l ?e coantinues nighltly his wonderful FEATS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WT' A SERMON iC7 be Preacbed in ST GEORGE'S UHURCH, on THURSDAY Afternoon tyse l9th e Rev DR BROWN, of St John's, Glasgow, When a Collection swill be made itn aid of the Funds of lie CHARITABLE or JUNIOR FEMALE SO. CiETy fur the RELIEF of AGED and INDIGENT W1OMEN. ?? to begin at Two o'clock. N.13..The Church will be heated. E,lehurgh. I Itli January 1837. ABOLITION OF CHURCH RATES, &c. // ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEW EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF LIVING ARTISTS, ILL OPEN on Saturday 18th March, in BirucE's Rooms, 4, St Andrew's Square, which will include Haydon's celebrated Picture of Christ raising the Widow's Son. Open from 9 till 5. Admission. with Catalogue, Is. Season Ticket, 2s. 6d. Bv order of the Committee, JOIIN CRAIG, Secy. CARRIAGE HORSES. For SAtLEj at Mr INGmst' Livery and Commission ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIOPETOUN ROOMS. l16 OR EMILIANI has the honour of tlnouoiog to the Nobility and Gentry, that he u ~ive a CONCERT ef VOCAL and INSTRU- E'TALj MJSIC in the above Rooms, on MON- pAY EVEN ING, the 20th FCORttA It. Fnrther particcilars will be duly annaounced. 'fi-iete, Fise Shillings each, to bae bad at the prin. ripl ieic Shops, and of Signor Erniliani, 2, Melville Street. EDINBURGH GENERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 't7 R 'AL MONUMENT OF SCOTLAND, OoUR and to she MlEMORY of SOLDIERS lS SAILORS, OFFICERS and MEN, who have 5;olsend themrelves by SEdA BOS LTAND, in DE- jiis fete MoJ yGE OR GE THE I V. Forinder anrd OTICE is hereby given, that ?? GENE.. N RAL STATUTORY MEETING of the 5oVAL ASSOCIATION of CONTRIBUTORS, BOintce by Act of' parliament to be held on the 18th ?? 50ually, will, in consequence of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF THE DIALECTIC SOCIETY. /ZW; lpIETH ANNIVERSARY of 8tir be D LECTIC SOCIETY will be Celebrt- g' R i D tl]E , ;D the HOrETOuON Rooaast Queen 'lnaDli &rbo nn FR;3)AY thelthAaIS7 he,, Bjv.Dr ROBERT GORDON, ?? of Edinburgh. in the Chair. P ofe' ;AILLANS of Edinburgh, prafe5;°or Aar ?? GILLESPIE of St Andrew, Croupiers. f I°r 1Is. each (WTine, &c. included), to be T clr 13 ioroS. at the Hotel; or ...


... ) ? a S T OF T11re J/;ORKS OF LIVING ARTISTS, - O p E NL- in BitucE's Roojrs, S, t dre s-jlture, incluh1es IiJAYDOIN'S cele- ?? ' Chri-t l1aining toe Widow's Son. '.~jFive. fl rltoll ,,ithi Cataloegue, Is.-Serison Tickets, ?? B order of the Committee. By order J. CRAIG, Seey. ?.Gn'A D 1RESS PROM7EN7ADE *~ Air O! 'IrF TnE FI'sTJS t IF31111'; PELIEF OF ThE );-TITUT1ci; IN THFE HIGHLANDS |A$h> ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 1cROw.S ROYAL ARENA OF.ARTS. 7vDENTIRE CH{ANGE (OF A 4vD SPECTACLED EXTPRA RDINVARKI GRI2DAY, SATUCRDAY, and MONDAY' orFni~, Novembher 3d 4tb, snd 6th, 1837.- n I)UCROW will appear Three Timesr luring tbe following rotation of Entertainment, el'itb are to be given for the Firrt Tim hi ibis City), rahich will be a Granid Equestrian Character rm all Vith Rs Emid ohtioro. elled the FAIR SLAVE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ES VANIEWICZhaveresum.. ed givin INSTRUCTIONS on the PIANO ILTE HARP, and in SINGING. tu4, GREAT KING STREET. WITINGS ARITHMETIC, AND BOOK-KEEPING. Iffg TROTTER of the SCOTTISI NAVAL 3|l p MoIrSAcY ACADEMY, Resumed his LASSES for the above Branches on WEDNESDAY the th u oat 10, NORTH ST DAVID STREET. FRENCH AND ITALIAN. EWCR CLAPPERTON begs to announce, that his health being now re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHARES FOR SALE. FK OS SCOTLANDAN S1 15 ?? Bank F Cadedoninn Insurance Co. Iti Ellin. Water CO. 6 Edin. Gas Company 200 Sqottim.h Union ?? and Glasgow Railway 40 Glasgow and Ayr Do. ,,VTlD._B'itish Linen, Royal Bank, Commer- g ,n and Glasgow Uninn Banti Stocks; also, es of tde Standarl Life Office. ROI3ERT ALLAN, STocx:Borora . REM1OVED to 8, ST AODRRIW SQUARE. ?? NSURA5cE COMPANY, JgctLCO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH ACADEMY ///fi/OF r, SCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE. H IE TIVELFTH ANNUAL EXH1IBI- TION of the ACADEMY for the WORKS of 1OG ARTISTS, wi1l Open at the Glleries, kOA INSTITUTION 'BUILDING, MOUND, iv the month of February next. m~~e 3feintbrs a1 other Artists are requested to take t ris will be open for the reception of Art intended for Exhibition on Thuriday I.t of February, froun 10 o'clock ...