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Advertisements & Notices

... At a numnerous %ieetinig of the Friends andl SmPlom~ters Of ?? ROSS Of ?? , EQm h~eld iim tite Poyalmm Ilote, Aberdeen, time allhdy of J11ly, 8153,- RJNc A~ilfN, 1,Sq. of Tilmeimilty, itl tile Chair g-- x Ime 11ottoIii or 'tIm .IA v I T~soN. if 'r~ill lchetly, ~ ?? bV 341i ItIADO[ ..Vof Uniton C lame. I. Thiat wh ile tihe Mcotin- dooilao regret the( aimmnent of Mr 7Il- :ithisin.mtrc,,'tmtttr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISSOLUTION Or COVAflTNM51Y. ~~i ,Coprir-tierv betwe'en tir ip roe1sribi n l';r irs, 'e T Un dec thre Firm' of ALI.EX. rORlBrS & S-MIT11, Wine 3'lercihants, Ship and Insurance 13rnrkors, and Gitniral Agents. , iii Aberdeen. tis this day Dissslvvd bhy Inuitrial consent. ThiW Busioness will lie carried onrr. fas lcr'rrery, by Mir Fle()I*i ; arid o ill accounts doe to or liv the ('omupane woill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~owipxmnarlc soodls, &c. ?? RAUG & (r Ile!e reoesiil fJ Iv to rein in t dd r L best thlantts to t;eir tttinterouts Friends and the 1hbliki, for tle lib:h:at slppoop tlhey liave received obie they cenll- btCIlC d b!Iusillne;s, 1t1i(1 to intimlItC that their ]. ?? Iltton ?? ?? roe.urned ft i l Glo an otiti hlllifoiet oriei Iio wn ill the slltoi, inth :1 hlrlgo ond wvell-seltetld loslt ocllellt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TtMY1tb!NG OP BTAUISCJAL COLLEGiE, AIIERDEEN. PUBLIC~ ZINNE.V-R 1-lis uraice the DUKEliif 111011311 N D, i ii the Chair. lis At l~P tiiDNE houldl taho. plalel- Oil Thle ocvi oI Oil ,,f briqt' The F1 V UN1).TI'IN STttN K f NEW I t'il .1)1N Xi fee2r AL it 181 [LU COLLE.[GE a nde WI dnsmiii the 1811, oi.. lb * ,i.el liltl tiil fixed fee tile NIASO iCI ?? 1 11ION (nil EllEtNIL the tlriieiet ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D. IVYLLlr & SONS C IbC U LA T ING L I BRA ItY, 511, UN'ION- S-i-lREEr, AtIIEitIMAIZX ~ - ~LIBRtARY1 is eteitietVR supplil'd Wtith ilth 3& E'iW BOOKS unl thle difrorelt w-'W EWS atnd 0i1~ AZi N ES injimediately ,II puiblicationi. Terms. I -t lascsaro entitled to till the Now BooL', thi Pt3Ct-t eriodicals, Sxe. ) is? t7-e: ., 3 , Book~s in Tea'.~u 6i in (Country Yt £ 3. lot £1 Ith. :Quar-tet. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOTIAE 1'ANA(MR6I~ 01' TH2.11BERVED1T 11 A tolv~th il c eel i tt hiirisry itt1 cil r itsmv yoiteo thate tiuttI..hiri. tl!re tlittle.i Of tire oflive II itI St C ofnnet. I bavse tlo hionor to lie, mr ?? 110.1'l ~vll ?? A ,o 7. 1:1 ?? IMortiltiz I 1. 1 MAi0. It SA *:tie..end xviutS illhe ttivci r fe ssiie Ts i:l, 0 ?? .f.lhteo s I, i I~o I0l. Tl:r1,fllilarry. ?? to0i10s00ii1lt'TIttS', TIlly b, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... III etsff to injtintlttp tint ilii PUPILS are io be I*EXAMINED oin Monday next, 10th hist., !II Melyilti, Tiesilet. Otus Mitillitg Vach, tonly Iti hald at the Sctuitisat , 19. Qiseon ic-ies-t. 'fle, ti~s'cctc to bie hanuded oveor to the Commtiittee for the r R it i of titte Llestituttl Ilighlatiders. NgEW INN MIOTEL COFFEE Roolyl. 5 7f011\ (-.iDAN'\T bvgts tot ettir-i hisgritttf'il 01i:stihts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARI. .R ALEXANDE R, StITGEON, begs IvO n ost G Mlt respectfilly to acqmaint tie l'liofessioi. and the Pub- lic. that on the siggeslion of several 5tedleial G(Lutloion, lito intends to devote n portion of his tiho to the depalrtoit of 8 CU PPING; and having had extensive cxpcerince as Copper to the Goncral Dispensary, he trusts he will be found to per- h form this operation. the success ld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SilJSCRll'TlOVS MOi TilE PE.IEM' 01' Tilc' D T S x T - 2 Ti 0 P U L A T: I 0 MOIIOiLAN DS ANT) ISLAN DS CF SCO'TLANI), ?? N '1r ms o' the ?? of a ()etiecal Mleotintg oi J Li:e Iccicabitiit or Aherdiree, hid cel thce 171th Febrccacy, 1137. ALe-'c AceX. W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB i lSIII t le t. I ,lon'I o nS nd; l it~li of April eonI out. hess 4o d-liner exactly at Imi alpast five Wclnch. Ab. ,nlcee April 10, 1837. eneoland Rtg~ue-12dofey Assessrti'ents. CITY AND ROYALTYOFAill)E YEAR ENDtING ]IT.In AP'RIL, 11. LL Persolis inl Arrvar, of tlheailiin Assl'ssiili-ols Wil A please tealce payment of tile aiine wilhoo ldli itiv 'fax Oiffice, 4, lluxter' lHOW, 215t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. D T. T'i vf~sm',r ?? Hit I i I., FI'ill' AND) I i I ;V. Sc1:ooner eVi'vlaraet,j, I , SA i I' H I. ;c- , Nollt o11111 ''8w^trii,:, i'Alil7t._ 5!t, 111ll! 1 TO X4' ELYI T, ?? X1'tfll3113f,,il ?? ct ipi.alll 1.1I : ol~lloid ,* _, ,_ ?? Nr3:L mti : ' O ?? II fIG YwOII A GIII I I~ tl ANI) Sl'liil'l' JiEAL!E. 11 - ?? l' I' ?? n Il ; i Ithout to, llodii ';1ill ills, IC!x Fir ?? t~tl'ii', ?? I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I _, . , ~ l~'f COW, Thf1, . . . ?? 1_ i I S~~~051A'n4zi D ctosv', ;Pt!1 ,t S~l~si r ,I C() ?? , 1, It tk ?? I, 12II20 1to1Fill * -e a IIl, *, , , Wj r~lp i ttl of MOIlm It, I022 Itl l' INli t- ?? IC 2:41. If Ille ;:.aiI :le co I' , Iv i I hl, limodlitrkll , anlzx~ I¢; t~llsol ?? :flpli4'ltiOlo il Il I. to t tllltld . ti tl.'l 'Il, l l 12 1 21 , 1 ?? ?? A~lftN. o ,] I. I I N I I ,. I _. _ _ _ ...