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Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION TO JAVIRIICA. GRlICUiLTI.TlAL. Iit'jlijiVs Xih;ISiQ to i'itr thin1- A solves Of the vet-i- adivaintaeeont, Act, pn~sc-i by hle As~- si-:nitir of ,alatirien fir thoe ctrioraglii'tiloit, of ltt:migrtioi to 1 tait Colonty, tony aipplyv persoliiilly t Ti 11mvr cfiviAv, lit 31i11 oC Isitnelfiith or t5 Air- ?? a at Cll.,ldobleiaii A llwhie- Sinviti, a Tflictri. rt shoiiicwrte. aitri, ri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '110 LflX6B3T, ?? SIPORTS1Ifl3N, A ND IF rN - NI A E ii4 I1 FIImo q I VI-nOI ., I. Ito I e 1' III it o eltefl) li. Li, it t he lie S 1 2i,- .XP lie'ilS ha--i~th itr isiie il otil l Iiieoil by the t;1~IC ti o ea r il fth eli- P ellOI'\ CAtii us Pri sit'- 1:11 sI or Wm ill,' C~:.i to eeiit- lie. kll i- iii l aipptiii. li be3 yti( ?? w i ~xst.v thf OW Ilutl li oc ?? shall of mule e'iqt't 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMOVE. N WVILLIAM EDWARD Awill, onl thi' 90th Instant, V pnthat new and cornitodious, SHIt'. %Vest sidO of KING STI1EETr, first oil the left front Castle Street, where 1;u will be glad to see his Cuistolmerl. WV. E. itasjtist got to hand. ats rusier, vi.: eve A general assortment of COHI)IAL1,5. ing A fewle iarrels Arericall IIHNNETI'S. ie French PlUM13S, In Fancy Cartoons. French FRi UITS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,8a Dissolulionot f Parliament mnust shntllJ ?? jda1Ce. illcnsC1OqIuMCC l(/ tie lant ented Death of tiĀ¶ lute ilujesty, I bel1! to annlhoufll to yon eut~ ilitenel al k of oisqain offliriny naysc/fjfir the hieh honor of rqap-c. (ruts' sentinq the ?? tq. I conlti'l ne to reqjardi with the ?? has ever actuated inq conduet in tile !Irenl T'II Ptiacipltot oftile (.l,'ntitstion ina Church rind S.tate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '!TURTLiE. : Vet y lint 6REEN 'iF1wrPLEl (tie fitviq t: sot.lson,) It-ill liX I)t:E SSr ?? A PF ?? iS, OlT 'IrF i:DA ebc t 2e1til. ?? lliied with ally jtaitlstity, aid elltit e seat :tttv ?? ie ;l. ~l~lt.+I)orfeetimil. vt:cltiit vit: inig tlte Svleltitt tuiltl evety ratre tid chtietieo 8 :land tlha, ?? tse Procuediz~ ve-'Y S11wim Wliist' andxg: :1llt.- ti 60;,16c.111ell 'iwbli'l\ith ?? TrUlTI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO blASONS, ENDERS Wanted lbv the ATANAGERS of the T LUNATIC ASYLUIIM ABERDEEN, for BUILDING ENCLOSING lVALLS to the Property of Clerksoat. C Specifications to b seen at tle IOffice of Alr Storsox. Iittlo Belmont Street, and with MIr ITODGN, at tile Asylml w.ho w^ ill point out the Ground. R Tenders tobelodged with the Treasurer at the Infirmary, on or before Tuesday the 8th M3arch. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - sUBSCRI1PTION FOR A FArI~LY IN DISTUESS. 'I 6 HE Svitnpatlivalsi Aidi (if it lls'tieirii l Pllli('is I. L eaarestly reque~tcd l tthe casuro M1 \1 A M ES ?? It U 1 S- e SI-tAN IK, Dait aolST, Guil' isimgte Aberdecll rslwhi, by a eel - e dentril Explosion of F ltnionlting .Powder, inI his Sholl, was, it !- short timtle ago, rendered totally Blind w wals thereby obliged to d givse tip his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J FEn(.E D-XTAVIDSON 1l-go to ilrtilillte to lrio II ?? anldthe public, that ire h Is eozlttlezlefdltl irlsata Ii, 0 : t~l tiv SE1.Elt anid S1TTI0 Et. it treQ Shop)., i . lr-ti' Stri-t, under the Town liro-.e rtlid rres trri l( y :olirito . abiate of their m:itrolraiie. ?? andil Nwr ?? reguiltflY r;lpp^lld. Ieti:.- Staoirir'r ?? eivel for liii.VAilNIA iltmVE Eit. A.-rrtcett. I oth o.l y, 1837. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICU. -f I (.e.1or1- TelfMN-eiiv Motlilrt of the PARTT. T NIJS of the IIAlFF nnd LONDON SIllPPING COA- l'AXN-, swill hte held here. ol Monday the 28th dayof tiis f 111o01th, at I 'cineok iftuoroiri, for the purpose of examining tile Colilpainy's Ilooks and Acotntsq, and for ElectingI a Conm- Intitteo of Manoagemient, and a 3laaager, for tbe ensning yenr. lonlf' .v London lhipping Companly's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AND GENERAL ADVERTISERT Y2,1V V~~OR THER CO NTE- OF AJBE1?DF.EX; BAYFF'.,~ KIYIJ I i n,arcranerid ?? of the ADlERTI in a feir st-rei5. The leading objects contemplated in es~tablishing titis Jour- fila, woere explained in a former adrertisenient. 'I'D uphiold the Constitution in its; integrity ; to defend the prerogatives of the Crown. and independence of both lhouses oif Parliament; to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MiE Ll-,A'i'IIIE 'I TRADE,, BOOT AND SMIOE 1MAXING. T ait- eelatv~l ytdlsv reporteti thit t WI LLI AM 1CLYNEF.& SONS are ?? to gve up1 their bulshne~s itl Ii bv li~i t I ey tzike ite ?? opportititty to rft It e stielh on HIMi~ 'i-ealtabl1e ass.ertioni, and to acqttinat their otutt1evoli, Ultretonlis thtiitte ottt ocry the bitsiie~ssittall its ?? tIIttal. ant ll solieittiCl. a ?? Of ti~ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DI1ASDEU WINE. -1,3lighit aid mitrevanhle WINEl, which ihios Muit trii .11 s so lniolll celetirily. bothil iii Londonh jilt Edinborghi iloi be had of tlro Sub.4crtier', 4~,OQi ?? Street, 11th M11iy, 1537 J0!5L-T rDvFFU & CO. T1-EPFCT'FU LLY iritirrol1 the Plluihlr, tht 12w 'kt hlj-v recently elrecteit a 1to1gi alld PoiiriI ?? NGltl ).tll.i. it-r the Miriirfactilre of lBOttEtI PLTESll, ...