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Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEW TEA WAREHOUSE, No. 3, ST. NIChOCLAS STREET. E W. J. COUBROUGH, Witole-tsale an Re- tail Tea Dealers, beg niost recpeettitlly to returnl ouri 1' fltiesit thian~s to the Public ofAbordeen, nod (to1 the V:LitrISo lant11ilics in tu oeotit onrfrteveer ilietti Iwucrt i- -trng wec hare ?? Since IeN sndth thv NVIteln we coutnl-elnecd [Htot-i n, hlere we c tltii ted, it rittics l,-, it, oneviws ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-ih C (LUBl mpt cs inl Ohl PuITIIC fl00-1s, t JL ?? tile 21st day of Iteeerbler vr-reltor't lil.,isc rind Ballot at I fait-past Five. IL Inner ?? Six 5i T1,1(lt)ilt'tNETT, Srvrt 5~w~c thdi Dee. 11137. %MIEr'ERAL COUDTTY flit E'I'iG. COltNVIENEil r-i-liit-. S ~ l N li?,1 A L ) CEET- I NG' of rho ?? i Oet of S1i1'L'r' LAND- lio ERS, toald. *Tlt of r-A ,of trho Coi[NT%' of A0 il;ll'. wvithn ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kAktOMY AND P.HY'SIOLOGY. R. f01R I'vill conum njolln his Wi,'rii ColtunsE 4fof, IFCTU~lS oil the above bioncell Of MEDICALI, ~( 11 NCE Iin bis R o- Oo, No.. I, Flour 3Mill Lane, on Lo ' ml'iva thle oth 4NOovember, lit 2 O'clock.O' Those 1,catiures will bie continuied dully, at the sZ1111 hour, be !kuneimistiation'.will be give Yuf ive timcs i-wveek, at ii o'clock. te `iwlnon11am for I'll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Q4,,MS-LE OF:'LADiES WORK. &DERt. TDssTzNcusunen PATnoRNAcGE. FWIHE DIRECTORS and LADIES of the COMMITTEE of the HOUSE of REFUGE for the DESTITUTE, have resolved upon having a SALE of LADIES' WORK, for tie Benefit of that Institution, to take place in March or early in April,'and they respectfully solicit the aid of those benevolent ledies who may be inclined to countenance this interesting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF THE TENEMENT AT THE CROSS yPOSTPONED. tv: SALE of this PROPERTY, advertised co proced rnnthe 15th carreot, is POST- PONED0tl forther notice. P1, PAIcECs STREET, Edlinhugh, 5th 1'archl 1837. /jf ?? ii, 3SuTnu Biaauo, dth Gtrb hlS3. I &AT ES WILSON respeetfully intinmatee, ti te i,)l, (l.dsinuj the pseset week, have, a SAI.E of the remiairider Of lbis Wiuwer Stock of Plain and FirlUred ...


... f4L SHORTLY CLOSE. IIS EVENING, SATURDAY, Decem- T ber 2, last night of the present Sp ndid Enter. icoieote AMAZONS & WARRIORS. ?? DUCROW & MISS WOOLFORD m their Ru-tic Scene of JENNY JONES. RIlT~lll FOX HUNTER, HOLIDAY ROMPS, INFANT PHENOMENON on his Four PIGM Y STEEDS, &c. &c. Which the Programme announced. gopnAY 4th Dec.. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THUR.SDAY. SIXTH ENTIRE CHANGE; hicb Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rplD JCHANICAL MUSEUM S OF 9 /JY~OMATON FIGURES, flW ~iOAS LARGE AS LIFE, Br SIG. GAGLIARDI, OESENTTING DON CARLOS in stans of Old Castile. surrounded by -5 OF ZUKALACAREGUL Vt D, nest promtinent Likenessesiare, Portraits I gRLOS and the INFANTE DON SE- l ;, GS~ere' ZARIATAGUI, Colonel 0' SiLs the Carate Merino, Cabrera, &c. ALSO, A PANORAMA (f the Principal Towns in Europe. , 6d1 - children ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g7'Z/WILL SHORTLY CLOSE, gjE PANORAMA of the Splendid Citv j O FLORENCE on the MOUND, taken on tle h by R. Bnrfotd, of London. This Grand Panoramic Painting is allowed by all who 1,ve seen it to form one of the most striking exhibitions f tb hid eer uhnitted to the public. Its succes5 g tle trienes contmnued open in Leicester S4uare, LrndO, ens ait oge th er unprecedented, and furnished a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SIR JAMES SPITTAL. pla peER tO begiven by the SOCIE. HIGH CONSTARLES to SIR JAMES YtOk plaee on WEDNESDAY the 29tb e Rooms British Hotel, at Five kA r.a ?? who hate been at any time members rpen? td wish to be present, ,ill please leave +50(tlYeth Mr Lindsay, Treasierer, 7. South St 'O. the course of To-morrow (Tuesdty.) I, Staee, 'o ~iVqERL OF THE POLISH GC0IM-'TTEE of the GENERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pEjSE UTION OF THE POLISH PATRIOTS. vIlE Rev. A. FLETCHER, A.M. of Lon- T'j don, is to Preach in behalf of thnle Victims of 3,,so Tyranny THIS EVENING (MONDAY the 9.5th).at Seven o'Clock, in the Rev. ?? NlS-EfTS CUSA- ?? Co)WGATE it is expected the Collection will be liberal. FUR S. WHIll~TE m'ost res5pectrully inti_ nste* to the Ladiest. that he has returned from rondon and Paris, where he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF RE3MOVAL. , EORGE DONALDSON 1as REMOVED f from Sellers' Close, No. 399, to ALLAN'S cLOSE19. HIGH ESTR RERET. where lie now carries °Ediobargh, 4th Augost 1837. g/46 ARTIFICIAL TEETH, &. -, R MEIN, SuRGEo-q DENTIST, formerly waith Messrs Cr.anE & llowAwn, Londin, may lie r~sulted on every Branch of his Profession, at 102, fCORGE STntEt. Advice to the poor from nine, to ten morning. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRADANNUAL FA:9'CY BALL , FOtR THlE BENEFIT OF ,(L# ITHE ROYALj INFIRMARY, FRIDAY, 3D MIrt1CH, George Street Assembly Room. PATRONVESS9E,& the DUCHESI; of BUCCLEUCH Her arceqnble the MARCHIONESS of LOTHIAN ?? Hnn LADY MARY ROSS The ht n. the COUNTESS of MORTON The H.':ht Ilon. the COUNESo E is n The -RIt fon. tite COUNTESS of WE NYSS and )Iht Hln. the COUNTESS of DALNOtSIE Te ?? the COUNTESS ...