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Caledonian Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF WILLIAM THE FOURTTI It is our melaineholy and painful duty toantottnc the death of his Majesty King William. IV.-ar event for wbich the subjects of the British Crown have for somo days been in a great degree. prepared. It is consolitary to rcflect that the successor to the 3British Throwe is a Princess whose education, under the vigilant guardianship of a high.principlcd and devoted ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRIT3HS. At 9, Clarence Street, on the Cth current, Mrs J. S. Jo ^ew- STON, of a eon. At 25, Minto Street, on the 9th current, the Lady of CUeRISTOPueR ItITCHELSON BRODfI, Esq. ofa son. At 53, George Square, on the 9th current, Mrs Dr FAirt- nOAIRn1 of a daughter. At Herne Hill, Surrey, on the tth current, the wife of R-. H. RossuRTSON, Esq. of a son. At Carskey, on the 4th current, firs A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE DR MArXINTOSH. It was-with the deepest regret-a regret rvhicb will be felt wherever medicine is practised.4eivdirth and talent appreciated.4hat we recorded on Satur- day last the premature decease of the late lamented Dr Mackintosh. Dr Mackintosh was a son of the late Captain Mackintosh of the 4th regiment of foot, who dis- tinguished himself as an active and enterprising of- ficer ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 129, George Street, on the 8th current, Mrs DOUGLAS MsCLAGAN, of a son. At 27, Dublin Street, on the 3 d current, Mrs Jo H to- oeRTSoN, of a daugh ter. At 3n, India Street, on the 6th current, Mrs 31usja,%y, of a son. At Leith, on the 6th current, by the Rev. James Lent,, of St John's Church, ALoXANDsin DixoN, Esq. Kingston Iouse, East Latirias, to ELIZAta eIn, fout'th daughter of A. A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Russborougb, onl the 22d ultinho, the Countess of MILL- TOWN, of a daugbter. On tlhe 26th ultimo, at Castlemilk, the Lady of JAMEs Hoiecscms, Esq. of a acn. At Kenmure, onl the 2d current, Urs St111LIsG of Gargun- nock, of a daughter. At Rhynagour, Aberfoyle, on the 29th ultimo, Mr3 MAc- DONALD, of twin daughters. At Edinburgh, on the 31st ultimno, TnOsoIAS CiRYasIE, Esq. R.N. to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 2, Alva Street, on the 8th current, ?? SHlELD, of a son. At 32, Charlotte Square, on the Sth current, the Lady of P. S. KnRo, Esq. yoernger of Kinnonthl, of a daughter. MARRIED. At the British Ambassador's Hotel, Frankfort, on the 31st Januarylast, JAMRS Rocenina, Esq. of Inverleith, to SARAH CAsTHARINE, Only daughter of the late William Patterson, Esq. of Wimapole Street, London. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF HIS LATE IlAJESTY. Ceremonial fir the Interment of his late vnost Sacred itelajeoty Kinq William the Fourth, of blessed lmemory, in the Raoel Chapel of St George, at Windsor, on So- torday, July 8, 1837. The remains of his late most Sacred Majesty King William the Fourth, of blessed memory, wifl lie in State in the Waterloo Chamber in Windsor Castle, attended by one of the Lords of ...

BIRTHS. At Hirsol, o

... n the 20th current, Lady DUNGOLASOC, of a son. At 9, Union Street, on the 28th current, Mrs BISSsT, ofra daughter. At, Montrose, on the 5dthicurrent, Mr J^Sires MuoiE, mer- Chaatc,tc ELIZA, daughter of Mr William Caird. At Port'bellu, on the 27th current, Mr JoaN MaRsHALL., plumber, Edinburgh, to ANN, youngest daughter of the late Mr Alex. Urquhart, builder, Mills of Forres. DIED. At her house ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 28, Hamilton Place, Edinburgh, on the 24th ultimin, Mrs Durti of Craigiuscar, nf a daughter. At 1, Royal Terrace, onl the 28th URltiMo, Mrs WArsoN, of a daughter. At Mount Annan, on the 22d ultimo, the widow of ALEX- AND5R DiRosi, Esq. of a son. =IARRiPIED, At 11, Bellevue Crescent, on the 23th ultimo, GsaoGR Mst.Locli, Esq. Brockuille, Upper Canada, barrister-at-law, t f EtLz~snrET ...


... DOWALL. 16/y1h`4?3l1 riast. a' e24, Regent Terrace, Etdin:bargl: ?? i'iacclosall, Egq. Al. D. ninth son of thei late Alexander Mlacdoall, E~q. of Pailhill, St Vinwent, in the forty-xifnth year of his age.' The death of tbis ex- cellent and'acetomplished individual, in the p1irne of ?? age, was, it seems, occasioned by an organic disease in the brain, which, affecting the optic nerve, produced ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At sn, Frederick Street, on the 1st current, Madame D'EGVILLR, ofa daughter. At 41, Northumberland Street, on the2d current, the Lady of S. LAMOTON, Erq. oe a son. I On the 25th ultimo, the Lady ALBERT aONYNGHtM, or a daughter. At Stitchell Rouse, Roxburghshire, nn the 30th ultimo, the Ladyv r.rznsRU lMi. PaiNGor, of a daughter. At Roseneath, near Cove, the Lady of the Rev. H. W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THIE LATE M~iS FITzb This d oi ?? 1- r , ' a ?? --gunsneu iatiy [as Oe-tie a place in ;he history of the c °2upied ?? teo deosand at our hands som ntryt for hestr,1j Those of our readers *rho vil1 I a t the events that marked, iti a very pnki c to beginning of the latter half of the e III. v oll remember the very f the r of tstr position she then occupied in this e t ti Hasiing avotided, by ...