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... The inlelliuence from the Continent confines ,'selt to our two Allies, France and Spain. III France the formation of a Ministry is the grand » lupic. The King's position is difficult. The age leans to flattering the populClce in all lands. In France the populace arc the nation. The lil1g, without the support of a Peerage, is but Itttle-wilholttthe affections of the Bourbonists Is less-witii( ...


... FORGET ME NOT Tho'igh in the tempest's aweful hour G )d speaks, as once lie spake to Lot, Not lessis heard in thee,sweet {1)wcr, His still, small voice- forget me not. And He who paints each gorgeous hue, And He the rainbow's arch who spaun'd, Gave thee thy robe of tender blue, And fashioned thee with equal hand; And bade thee, thus arrayed, proclaim His power, through many a mountain spot, ...


... THE MAGAZINES FOR SEPTEMRER. The Mngnzinefc for the Month of September ably maintain their character. llluckwaod, though feeling ihe absence of the Editorial articles, is still powerful in all its departments. The clever papers entitled, The world we live in, have suffered no kkbatenient. Frmver is very strong; its political arl ieles are crushing, and its satire has lost none of its ...


... COUNTERFEIT COIN.-A large quantity of spurious coin is at present in circulation, consisting principally of hall-crowns, which are well executed. A consider- able number of counterfeit sovereigns is also in circulation. POLICE EXTRAORDINARY.—On Tlnirsday, five men, whose faces have long been familiar to the officers as thimble-riggers at Ascot and other races, were apprehended in a house which ...

[No title]

... The beautiful prize Harps, wrought by Mr Bassett Jones, Cardiff, for the ensuing Abergavenny Cymreig- yddion Anniversary, arrived in the course of last week at Castell Gower, the dwelling of Mr Beyan, the worthy Secretary. Ni fu o'r blaen ar ddulawr—delynau, V n dilyn rhai seinfawr Angylion gwynion eu gwawr, O warfycj y ef eurfawf. E. C. J. ...


... SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRA T/OXS.-No. 214. PSALMS, exxIT. V. 7.— Let them be as the grass upon the house tops, which withereth atore it g-roweth up: wherewith the mower filleth not hi* hald, nor he that biodeth sheaves his bosonj. Though the art of constructing several stories in a building is very ancient, as we know from Noah's Ark and the Tower of Babel, yet it ap- pears that the houses of ...

jHonmout)i £ Utrr.

... jHonmout)i £ Utrr. Mr B. Hall refuses to resign his pretensions on Marylebone; he will stand in opposition to Sir S. Whalley or Mr Murphy, or both, UllÍess a large por- tion of the constituency desire him to retire. MONMOUTH CORPORATION.—A council meeting was held on Monday last, when the motion for the admission of reporters, of which notice had been given, was again brought forward and ...

[No title]

... On Saturday a nnmerous and highly-res- pectable meeting was held in the Egyptian Hall, Mansion House, for. the purpose of receiving and takin into consideration the report of a deputa- tion from Scotland, on the subject of the distress which at present prevail- in the highlands and islands of that country. The Uev. Dr. M Cleod gave a painfully interesting statement of the sufferings of tbe ...


... To the Editor of the Mining Journal. SlIt,-Observing a very curious and valuable article on the anthracite coal of South Wales, in your pre- sent Number, I beg leave to call your attention to the very numerous experiments which have, from time to time, been made upon the use of this sub- stance as fuel in the United States. They have very many sorts of stoves, in which it is consumed in houses ...


... The following advertisement appeared in the Tmes netvspaper of Satitri-lay DISSENTERS' CHAPEL AND BuniAL-GitouND, ROSE-LANE, COMMERCIAL ROAD, These premises having devolved to the ground landlord, in consequence of the expiration of the lease under which they were holden, and being about to be appropriated to building purposes, ren- dering it unavoidably necessary that the relics should be ...

[No title]

... INDISPOSITION OF THE BrSHOP OF BANGOR We regret to state, tbat while the Bishop of Bangor wr s preaching on Sunday morning, at St. Mary's, Lambah 11 he was taken suddenly ill. Tlie service was of course ffP suspended, but we are happy to sav, that in a quarter SE§ of an hour, the venerable Prelate resumed his sermon, which he was enabled to conclude without further interruption. Kg The quay at ...

[No title]

... BRECON, Saturday, April 1, 1S37. The Welshman, in its usual tone, has thrust its officious impertinence on the Public in the shape of a complaint on behalf of the Cambrian, that the Advertisement of a preliminary Maet- ing of the friends of the Established Church was not inserted in the latter paper. This Meet- was held on Friday afternoon; the Resolu- tions, in the shape of an Advertisement, ...