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... - , I - - . . n WVillinl Burke, aged 61, a professed schoolmastcr, was charged with robbing his Irish countryman, D'iniel Blarrigan, of a quantity of fur skins. 'li'e caso excited roars of laughter, all parties, ?? otbo Counsel fr the prisoner, being of' the Emerldd t Daniel Harrigan, the prosecutor, told a plain s-or., - that he was a dealer in fur-skins, living in St. it- _ trick's-alley ...


... A NGLE.SE'Y QUA ltii!J{ E 3iSSt)ON..S Thei~e Ssicons were livid Oil Tiue'sdaiylat ?? hail ~ ~ ello. 'Eqq., Capt., IIi les Pq ,e spairaw ?? R:-v. HIugh `Avl J ?? Rien. l 'Inn pond juiy lnitnein lpatlillld, The L ilirII ll] .:'jul Ie;t icoo LI Vai Iv tif ?? of taI I, e ?? to ofler it few aobsursvlini, bcI.N'r. tli,~v ivould clilur oi ?? duties oh Ilivir i:~itihe lie' hodj 0il a tarner ? ...


... Mi ULT UM IN PARVA0. I .. .. I 1 . .. I lespig o-f I a resherough Spa lisa beers lost it, A hC consequecire of ?? d igging f' a tunk ?? w its SusIIIce. a rl -At Stitiffod assizes at poor- wo maninamied H ?? uid'i he ISmith was tried fur tire mu rder of tier son by t Itrowvrigl itdur hiina into a wcll. She was declared by , tite jury ID Il cir- iinsane, anrd ordered to be confi ttd ottt i Iis ...


... MIDDLESEX COUNTY COURT.--MOSD~r. A 1 REGOLAn LARK AND A WItY-NiCx D 'c ._ Trhe legal acumen of Mr. Serjesnt lle-th tild the ?? tience of the jury was put to the test yesterdtiy by couple of Whiteebapel bird-cagers-gnlondimen who not ailonc prided theriselves on taking ainthding with- itt their reach, but weho could stuff and preserve ?? rirt ice afterwvards. 'Ibe plaintiff was a tail ...

Denbighshire Assizes

... 73enbighshire AJizes. llU'TliN.-Tl'UIISDAY MOIINISr. Ion di The Commission for thcse assizes wa3 opened on1 'S Wedinesday night beforc Sir J1. 1. 13o-a silet, Bart, bi, 1t, when they adjourned utntil the following morning. in OuTlbursday morning his Lordshill acomipanicd e in by several of tbe county lagistrates attended Divine u, worship in the parish church, when a very excellent , and ...

Merionethshire Assizes

... Al a The Cuotnission ?? was opened at the Court th Part I-louse, Bala, on Saturday seornight, before Mr. Jos- , aths tice Boanquet. On Monday morning the court was CI AlSO, opened at ten o'clock, and thle follo'wing gentlemen mn (r it were sworn on thle be tim- GR~AND JURY, In tas Robert Williamnes VAughan, Esq., Foreman. re ates R.. Watlsin Price, Esq. TI. Price Anivyl, Esq (It lays 1Edward ...


... I i ci BAIIDI r.V. Pscsswicii.-We regret to state that our aeamiable friend, Mir. Pickwick, has been cast in very :he breavh damages, in an action brought against him for ice be of promise of marriage. We regret that our cespace will not enable us to give at full report of' this c'very fusnnr trial. We heave only room for thle address m-n of Alr. Sergeant BuzFuz. Mt. Th uses sagaiss called ...

Carnarvon Quarter Sessions

... 'lre ilichaelmas sessions of tile peace wvere holden . in the County Hall, Carnarvon, on Ihursday last, s before Sir Love P'arry, Chairman, Major ?sanney, S. 0. Prieitley, Elq., (eorge Davies, Esq., F. Walker Jones, Esq. liev. Ai;essrs. Roberts, ilaler, J. Parry, Henry lihcirard-, Griffith Owsen and John Jones, Justices. it TheChairman addressedthe Grand Jury inexplana. a tion of some recent ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Aunglsey Ouarter Scssions. 'I'bee Se siiolas were field on loueslay, before John kVillitIIS, F si. Chlnirsini; Sir R. It. W. JBslkeley, 13; rt ?? oltl 'nice Esq, Caipt. lHamipton, \V. ii Ie lies Est,, \V. ?? Sparlow, Esi., anld IRev. W\. . I iti aI'4 ?? lit Chlir isan addressed the grand jury on tile a p7 plicatioit of Seseral pallial notaly clltactciments, anad enctered into explanation of ...

Anglesey Assizes

... Anglesey Assize3. li- The Spring Assizes wyere opened onl Monday before Sir John IBosanquet, With the usual formis- ties. Tiefoilovwing gentlemen were then MwOM SrRichard B. V. Buloky rt., Fremnanl. 'iefl- John F. Bleyrick, Esq. IL II. Howard, e an onPrice. Esq. Robt, J. Ii ughes, Esq. Be was WV. Wynne Sparrow, Esq. Lt. .toln Prvice, E-q1. edl Charles 1I. Evans, Esq. Stephen Rooss, Esq. thle ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Carnarvonshire Assizas. [lit On Wednesday ]last the learned Jurlge For 'lie NorthII shi lI e Wales Circuit, thle Ili,-,it lion0. Sir Johnt Bernard 13o- t II Iba dsanquet, one of the Judges of' the Court of' Cummoa 'da- Pleas, was rmet at the su bit bs oft lie boronll b of r ~u-narvoti, by the lion, Price Lloyd, the Mollc Srlo- to riff, and thle usual attendants. On Tlhursch y 113in at) t9Jer% ...


... INTILSMPtANCE AT A TEMI'ER5ANCE SOCIF.TY. Peter Johnson, a young coach-painter, a tee-total. ler, was indicted for knocking down and blackening the eyes of 'T'homas Huggins, an upholsterer. and a member of a temperance society. Air. Phillips stated the case, and palled the prose- cutor and other witnesses. From the facts, which were with difficulty got at, it appeared that Mr, Huggins was a ...