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Advertisements & Notices

... sqy AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF FIFE. H1strugPle has terminated. T, the Reform Candidate, am once more your Representative in. tbe unbribedi the uncoerced, the glorious majority i is a result at which you may well be proud; and Mohro sn that it has altogether been-accompliahed by therrjtje working of your Parish and District Com-n. t le'i5and thus evinving to all Scotland- how ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / KIRKALDY DISTRICT. g tTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of the Act 47. Geo. III. cap. 12, that it is intend- ed, at the Annual Meeting of the Statute Labrsur Trus. tees of Kirkaldy District, to be held at Kidkaldlv on the 6th of April next, to apply to have the Read lenrling east from the East Port of Barntisland, bv the New Feus, towards the Lochies, inserted in the Liat of Parish Roads. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1, I RYAL ARENA OF ARTS. CI) rgOW'S RIDE TO THE DEVIL. OzLJ ENTIRE CHANGE OF THE r WH0LE iSPECTACLE, artr ?? rCRONV WILL APPEAR THREE TIMES. On MONDAY the 13th. gERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK. The first time in Edioburgh, a New Equestrian Delineation. entitledl SIIE SYLPH AND HIGHLAND PIPER! TEIE LITTLE BOGLE OF THE HOLLOW OAK, pfrmed on the hacks of Galinpinz Coursers. ?? ighland Piper-Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~TIONAL SUBSC'RIPTIONS AND .'rRCHl COLLECTIONS FOR RELIEF OF s TrH3 UNEMPLOYED OPERATIVES IN PAISLEY. l.r l M.Gibh, Royal Hotel L.5 to A widow in Neohaven, per Rev. James Bachanan, North Leith , . 1 1 N~ Tahoj M bcell, per do. l Mlelmber of North Leith Church, pef do. I ,jflor Johnstone, per do. I . Cienstant Hearer, per do. . I Mr 13onlrof Warriston, per do. 3.O Mr D. DaviiisOn, per do. .In ...


... ED PATRONAGE. ./44-1D PROMENADE FOR TvHE rENEFIT OF THE DISTRESSED opERATIVES IN THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. T HE RE willbeaGRAND PROMENADE T in ST ANDREW SQUARE.- on MONDAY the 17th of July, at Two o'clock, on which occasion, by tlte find permni-sion of the Comrmnanding Officers, the ce- rehnated Band- of the 14th Light Dragoons and the 79th lliblanderf will attend. The proceeds are to be appi~ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE AT GREENSIDE. rMHE COMMITTEE appointed to manage A the FUND raised for the SUFFERERS have to intimate, that the Subscriptions amount to about L.1S80. And that they are daily engaged in examining the Sche- dales of Losses lodged with them, and the Claimanis and others relative thereto; and that as soin as they come to a final determination thereon a Reoort of theit proceedings will be laid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cALEgZNIAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETy. 4FAITTfMN CO MPETITIO:N l~lEETING 'l be beld on Wednesday the DIth September, it the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, exr e Street. Edinburgh, vrheo 9Pr`d will be awarled f, p aches, Neetarines. Apricots, Plums, Figs, Pears, .pes, Aipple9, nnd Meln, in terims of tho Prize it rtich has been circulated, and copies of which may ,roedL from- the Treasurer Or Secretarv. - , ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / PUBLIC ENTERtATNMENT 'TO 'T~k h t foriourable -JAMES AlERCROMBY Anl SIR JOHN CAMPBELL, I -n the ASSEERLjY ROOMuS, GEORGE- STRE:ET, 1 nWEDNESDAY first. l-eing the Day of Elec- fee of Membrer3 for the 'City df Edinburgh. Tbe SOLICITOR-GEI~RA6L in te 'Ch air. -c CROUPIERS. Bailies SAWSRES. DONALDSON. THos. IIA1TLA2OD, Esq. advocate Trearuorer -M'LAsEN ROstRT HUNTERh. Esq. advoneate Ancup. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT TO THE Rigbt Honoourable JAMES ABERCROMRy .And SIR JOHN CAMPBELL, I ii the ASSE~tl[Y ROOMWS, GEORGE STREET, [ nWEDNESDAY tirotthe 26th July, being the DaJ of F.Iection of MembersD for the City of Edinburgh. The SOLICITOR-GENERALIn the Chaair, CROUPIERS. Bairles SAWERS. DONALDSO.N. Tsos. MAITLAND, Esq. advocate Treasurer NPLARERr ROERaT HUNTER, Esq. advffcate AaCHn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIF AN OFR FIFE AND FORFAR. 74; TAY FERRIES. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. E SUBSCRIBERS for the purposes of the Act of Parliament, for Erecting, Imnprov- le, fegulatinmt and Maintaining, Ferries and Passlages tree'sthe ler Ty, in the Counties of Fife and For- r, are egnested to meet within the Town Hall of D ndee. on Wednesday thle 27th day of September cur- ?? o'clock Noon, (or the purpose of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | gREAS1NG DESTITUTION IN PAISLEY. |.j/d aiamitous condition of the unemployed I operatives nnd their Families in Paisley has now JL trul al;rming/ for in addition to the longconm tbrĀ°e santyy supplya o food, they have to cnnterid with atieeant feepr, the usual consequence of great priva- I ?? have been established, but, the of SOdil suppteinli even a pittance. to upwards of ISpecso d0ns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jriCAQ 0,,CrRT-ASSEM11BLY ROOMS. AIEVN ARD, M11ACLAGANT respectftallyannottnne that B;l hani ' ' ?? to give a ONCEOT of ,i ~l , rco ,tistinfg of a Chaice Srlrtinr nf nlt ?? c~ lbu; ewts, atnd Songsl7. in *ilo As- F.Gls STmOET, tiL nAONDAY onav he had of Mr Xeneard, 7, VTi~ ; s rcet: ailr alarlagan, 35, Scotland Street; 9 14 M~ntgwrY Street, Leith Walk, and -BAN3 oF SCOTLAND, l.t: AprvT. 1837. ...