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... MULNI IN i'P P.tivo,-IHer Majesty, barling a slight cold and .sore throat, did not leave thle Ilavilion Saturday or- Sainday-Dr. Clarke, her;1~ Majesty's physician, arrived onl Fridaty night, but ro- turned tot I Sunday, leaving ?? Majesty quite convalescent. -Earl and Countess of Surrey arie rdyon a visit to the Queeii.-Divine Service performied Sunday in Royal Chapel, but Duchess of Ken t ...

Published: Saturday 21 October 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 6035 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... To t7te PDITOR of the OXFORD JO URNA L. Sir,-I beg to avail myself of a small spiaeo in your ceisuing number for the purpose of' calling the ,attention of tile rate- Payers, in this district of thle Boaniury Union, to the election abolit to take place for Guardians c th e TPoor, 'huosels the new Poer Law be warmly approvei of' by a ma;jority of peitsons of all political parties as a system ...

Published: Saturday 18 March 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 810 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... :pOSTSCRIPT. LONJ)( ()Ni){)-F1cm.It.l Ai'HIJ, 7. Iv ina the 1loue of Collins, Mr. WAnnv1n'e ob- to bring it bills to alite tile ?? qua'lifiiotjlos t.jille t 'n seir iii parlihowtun.; lt cd to alnll(jll tile l:vs re- 111115n tic lof beC'.-BtlMr. iVALLAC], move(d a r-e-ltitie tisg tt ;-that it is the opinion ot this 110uso that the GeInral ,lec13lrtteer rcee g boxe3, at tihe branch Cl csCS ...

Published: Saturday 08 April 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 489 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TT tJ%~AYS POST CONTINU ED. VN,-, LY- * Pram Ad LONDON GAZErTE of FRIDAY. TIla Aueen appointed Mlajor-Gencral George 'T homas 'NaperC. I aa Governor and Connn'mder in Chief cf the 'atlesnto ?? of Good folie. flANELRUUTrS. lhot. hireyKinare, Staffordshilre, Avorsted yarn mneunfacturer. Derby, toa dealer. *Joh~ EeriuhamHarrison, N~ottinighamn, hatter. lRobertSheppard, Boston, Lincolnesiro, corn ...

Published: Saturday 14 October 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 157 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... SUNDtAY'S AND TUESbAY'.s Pos'1S. HOUTsEp OF LORD-S1MvoND>Ay. p~v1XE OP THE UNIVERSITIE8. 1 i,-i of HtApsnlt rose tO move for the appointment of a Careittee to inquire into thoe sttat Of the Universities Of Oxford g!ambrdgo Th~e Noble L~ord oliseirved that ho had formerly od ., bill for' tire appointmetnt Of at Commission for this pr sieilr h thn considered anld still thought would bo ...

Published: Saturday 13 May 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3229 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... 4 TO THE MOIRHT 11ON. LORD VISCOVNT AILnLuoRN71Ne. .St. Jiieo'/)e-j/i'c-)eu, &'jii. lii. Ply Lord,--I taklc tile lihorty of adldressing yvo, aid of calt- ing the attention of tile public to a sitijoet which seems to have been little thought of by both. I allude to the notablc epedient of selling the Royal Steti by publie auction, avitliuut exception oven Iif the beautiful Arabians, 1 ...

Published: Saturday 23 September 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1323 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... T UESAY 'S POSrT CONTINUED. BANKRBUPTS FfOlf FRIDI)AYS GAZETTE. Benjanmin Oram, lilckman-street, Soutwi.ark, chemist. T. Gaunt, Upper Smith-streCt, Northampton-square, gentloman. Edward Scagar Bale-, Treacher's-ploco, Waudeworthi-road, Sur- roy, livery stable keeper. Ralph Barber. sen. Ralph Barber, jun. and (etorgc Barber, Southwark Bridge-road, Surrey, hlat-manufaletuicrs. George Snelling, ...

Published: Saturday 25 November 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 198 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... hOUSE OF LORDS-3IONDAY. Sixty-nine petitions vere presented against the abolition of Church Rates, ald 10 petitions in favour of their abolition; one petition ?? presented against alteration of the law relative to coanty rates; one for alteration of the Poor Law Act ; oel ag:jilist the abstraction of the revenues of the WVelch Church aid one for the better observance of the Sabbath. Thle ...

Published: Saturday 06 May 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2485 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... T'iat benevolent Institution, the Radeliffe Asylum, held its Pilalinal meeting onl Tureday last. Tho Earll of Abingdon irs the Chair. Prescut-tlie 1Rev. Dr. Joires, Itector of' Exeter; the Rev. Ih', Bridges, Presidenit of Corpus ; Itobert Marsirrsm, Esq. W\rdrrterr if Mortona; the Rev. Dlr. Barnes, Cerroui of Christ Chulrcrh; lDr. Ogle the Rev. Vaurghaiu 'T'homnas; P. ]3. Dulireal, lieq. ; ?? ...

Published: Saturday 25 February 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 713 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IllS MAJESTYS hEALTh. We re?ret to qa? ? . frcyashre~ to sayro that sine our last puhi lihatise the at pelrtsli a'es iieotin thlnes healt mofsth Kling aveben mstalamjan Se grete~tdane hasr eet ool aprehe nd. Saturappar that hisla aje yslgty, thormn yeans peious tor hisin ahcessaonntoeth thronm, iastpie lo~ t:coally. ubjctoa vioilet, attack of w ha ut hassl beenc rcomlled .lacy fe as ...

Published: Saturday 17 June 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 629 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... SA'T'IURDAhY, MLAY 18. AlIuch as wei adire~', ili-a-i conduct of Sir F rancis C tMA'dett, ve couldliardly hlelp regrcettin, h Ils dd'isi~isifii se Vacate his seat, under 'existing circuicanes fw. S could Suppose that tile weighlt of' his example, ?? 3iil aftertimics, induce other high spiritcd Members to0list'en ini like manner, to thle caprici'ous demanids'of' a tnjrbu-' E lent fraction of ...

Published: Saturday 13 May 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5703 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... DANBURY AGRICULT'URAL, ASSOCIATION. The annual ineetitig of this Association wvas held ont Tuesday last, at the Red Lion Hotel. 'tle meeting wvas numerously and highly respectably attentled. Amongst those present were Col. Doyle. IV. It. Cartwright, Esq. AlI'. Sir Chas. Knigh tley, hart i.W. lT. A. Ar. ParkIer, Esq. Ml'. Major Caltwn'ltight. Col. MIiller, IV. iolbech, Eesq. Ii. Norris, IEcq. W ...

Published: Saturday 11 November 1837
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4024 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News