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Brighton Patriot


... R EGISTRATION COU RTS.-COU N' I OF SUSSEX. EAST SUSSEX. TOWN- HAMt., Ewnls, TjIUIRSDAY, OCT. 12, 1837. [Before Messrs., KNOX. anid RucYNOLDS.] The Barristers having Sat till eleven o'clock the precedling night at Hlorsham, did not arrive unitil nearly twelve o'clock. 1.Before proceeding to thle gelucral business of the Coart, thle Bdarristers said they would give judgment upon the DRiaGnTON ...


... T;TUESDAY, Dec. 27.-Present, V. Srinmouu. Esq., and Major . ~ALj.EN. . A gentlemncm namned Angestein was summoned by thle driver ,- of the liv numnlbered 167, for ls. Sid., the amount of his fare, which the gentlemin refused to pay. The flyman stated that on0 Friday evening last he took the gentleman from Gilburd's H o llotel to Adviklidte-criseet, and that he was again ordered at eleven ...


... INCREASE OF CRIME AMONG THE CLERGY [From the Western Luminary]. I am not in the habit of often diving into the lengthy trial that fill the daily Journals during the time of the Assizes. it my attention has been unavoidably attracted, within the 1aqt month, by the extraordinary insertion of several Rev. Gentle men's names amongst those summoned to appear in the jles tice-room, or at the ...


... MuRDER.-Charles Samuel Bartlett was indisted for the wilful murder of his mother-in-law, Mary Lewis, on the 10th of September ?? being called upon to plead, the prisoner, who is a very respectable-looking young man, said, With the word of God upon my heart and lips, I can firmly and truly say, not guiltv.-Mr. Greaves and Mr. Talbot con- ducted the prosecution; and Mr. Alexander appeared for ...


... BENCH OF MAGISTRA'IES. TI1IIRSDAO, Novmi;ctia '2.-1'resent: Sir D. SCOTT, hart,, G. L'A.FVI,, ]tsq., 11011 Major Alei:x. Morris Nash, a lad well b nowil at the police-oflice, was committed for two months to Itard labour forl being Psoud upon tilc promisevs of Mr. Marthaint, Confectioner, North streat, for sio m ilavful purpose. E'dw'ord Lipssoo'b and 11 'iffiain Holwidm, both of Worth~ing, ...


... BEINCCH OF MAGISTRATES. TIRURSDOAY, JAN. 12-Pt'et'cnt, Sir 1,). SCOTT, G. ItASEVI, and J. HALL, Eamqrs., and Alajor ALLEN. A boy named Harmanr was charged upetn suspicion of having stolen a Is. od. sponge cake from the shtop of Mr. G. Phillips, confeetiotter, in the Western-road. MIr. Phillips said thiat scarcely a itight passed without his losing something out of tis windo:w, by means of a ...


... FiRE AND LOSS OF LIFE. On Thursday evening last the wife of a lahouring man named Wicks, lodging at a beer-shop, in Trafalgar-street, had put her only two children to bed, the one, Ruth, four years old, tile other an infant, Harriet, about two years, and had re- quested her fellow lodgers to listen if her children should cry and want any thing, as she was going to the shop, when sud- denly, ...


... BENCH OF MAGISTRATtS. TUESDAY, FEB. 14th.-Present: W. SEYMOUR and R. PEDiDER, Esqrs., and Major ALLEN. John Godding was charged by Robert Evans, of No. 82, Edward-street, upon suspicion of having robbed his house on Sunday evening. Complainant stated that on Sunday evening he went to chapel, leaving a servant girl, who is very deaf, and two children at home; that, upon going up stairs for the ...


... CHIICHEST'ER QUART1ER SESSIONS. e The Michaielmas Sessinns for the Western Division of thi County e were held in the fiuildhall, Chichester, on Tbursday and Friday, betbre Mr: Sergeant D'Oyley, and a full Bench of Magistrates. BIeniumin Hawkins, clhrk, aged 28, was indicted for stealing at the - parish of Siigleton, on the 3rd day of August, a silk reticule, contain- Y ing a yencil case, ...


... PETWOIrl QUARrER SESSIONS. The Quarter Sessions for the Western Division of the County were held at Petworth, on Thursday and Friday last, before Mr. Scrjeaat D'Oyley, (chairman) and the following magis- trates -His Grace the Duke of Richmond, Lord Surrey, Sir C. Taylor, Sir R. Hunter, Major Newland, Major Sandliam, Capt. Pechell, - Tredcroft, Esq., H. D. Goring, Esq., - 'ridger, Esq., - Wood, ...


... A Coroner's Inquest was held at the Town Hall on 'Wednes- day last, upon the body of a roan whose liame was unknownI, but was generally called by the cognomen of Black Will,' who was found deild in the snow in Black Lion-street on the morning of Monday week. William Riglihain, a lamplihliter, stated that he found the deceased on Monday monrning lying on the pavement, opposite the ...


... IMPOtrANT DECISION. TUE BANK OF ENGLAND V. THE LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK. Lord LANGDALE, upon entering Court on Wednesday morning, gave judgment in this case. He observed that it was an application by the plaintiffs for an injunction to restrain the defendants, who were a company consisting of more than six persons, from drawing or accepting bills of exchange in London at a less date than ...