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Advertisements & Notices

... il Lcittrs,; Post-paid, eddreused to Advertisers, l,'reuah the .Prilders. arebivararibly forwarded to ihe party advertising; ij, thrrfee, an .djppjjcaat does not receive (in ansscersvithifl a raoale tinoe, lie must cocld ?? that the Advertiser is already sutited, or l,ot,from soiecuepoal wsnotobe eaver the' parties the expes fpsae th~ntbe !ltraght necessary to return a71 answer tothe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j gs~~yfti v*rTU HST. ,le) i writillO scrFtalarIetiC of d 4. ci -i t} o ber of the chest are subjeCt. os-!r ! t hlorstr of these deformi- het 1rat side ?? side, attie ded 0$ *oo ?? 1sitilrli(t Uhe spine bckwaurds, sad a *6* re~~~I ?? aIrnsatterliolly. A ithesigi o Jlet that ItI altt1itr tabs too irtxited . it so tro5sse tiis an.ctnll, yet se 'et, o the renedial ameasure .. , c ti'L, ! )f Irh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A*alto br Rurtian. ?? the Houese of Mra. Dentotni the School STE Inni, in Aekwortii, ion .seilrrpy, thre Aqylte,ri~th Dail of frue?, i 18597. at Three ?? the ,Xlternoon, by Mr. RiClHARD o' CUTTLE, L pr MI11E blollming very Valuable FREEHOL A rI anid TItTl-iE-F, ESTATE, in the under-menon-A tioned (Iiisuch other Lots its may he determined on at the Time of Sale. Gins Lot 1. All thlat NMessuirne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAf-i DL Fttflitti 15 AXSAT iiORSF(RTt'-l- ELI ii (i a idthofa Felutittittly next, tha Dc,)y ccc Place ol Si- li cclciccinre iiicnti eeiit r of thle Lois licc - Niiclth'LOcparty ccil Licc -ti~a~iii), to be clam ihd iii cc NA, Nb itel tdie Si~ii cii uj~ o suchf Cotjci ?? ccc of .cill Is roici cd lit (tie Timcce ci 8f a i tic ' ,i 'l-N 'cit N 'with, (Ice Gicindeic, Out-Of-ficesi, actleei t-i ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * REAT REFORM FESTIVAL, PUBLIC 1)NER It vill be, givenl by the WttIC httIIS IIItht LF 'OS POLL DIMl ~IC'T Ii thVWFl.'4.RIDIN'G Mlt lyitRS sd the LItIIiSAL NI\I2RRS ha(salON stttl-S Ill thle WesI.Ilitidint ATS LEEDS. enl THAIIAfi]lCO f110aiill-i Ix' Tti~t 0f1tfJS. * P follisoissis Ns't.O.K ssa sssl( Ge1 Tc,!A1;.Nis -ha i e already - T'tis R*. llswo. itLoilD Ns tSCov.NTl tNIOCCOITl'iP S L~oRD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~&AIRS. BUCKING11AM'sANNUITY. 1i 'I~eSUBSCRIPT'IONS to this 'FUND having N1141eearly' ail collected in, the Subscribers are re. Nel--,oie that the Books will be cloeed on the 5th C r,(,etlber tie ;U. ANNUI5TIE5Satan ITA0`TUR d-z64I4 For Mr. B..kin'g'han`s .XIOO d * 30`atulmsted- 2,157 IFor Mri..Buicltingbaafl.. ..B - Me istaenste a adre Go. cnet -Aslarities, OIeetivent r edti ieh 'Ratle of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Aadeo lp !auctwon. OATLANDS, NEAR HARROGATE.-At the Queen Hotel,I High Harrogate. on fWcdltesdat, the Twelrf'th Day ofJulyJ nexzt. at Four ?? In the Afternoolt (if not ?? disposed itt by P'rivate Contract. of which due Notice will be given I A Genteel FAMILY RESIDENCE, situated.I A1~ near the Rlace Groundi; High Harrogate, with comn- modiousk OultbuildincO. Pleasure Grounds, a good Walled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DS SCHOOL'OF MEDICINE. oF LECTURES for the Session of will Commence on mondtay, october -] > ' plSIOLO'GY' and PATHOLOGY, by Mr. a tiV. GARLICK, and Mr. JONst HEY, F.LS., ?? inty eek, ?? o'Clock. The IsTrODUc- onday (Oct. 2, at Twelve. b A r *FlMONSTRATIONS, by Mr. PRICE and Mo1JlCALganday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, Witt5 TheFIRST DEMONSTRATiON, Tuesday, Oct. 3. and PRACTICE of SURGERY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [A I)'V'TIT ISEBIrET. 1fORLE~jY CUlURCH RATE, on N EE SUTOR -U LTRA CREPIDAN1. r TO THIE EDITORS OF TiH7'. LEEDS MERCURY. . M orly, '2nd JanLuardy 1l37. GE ST'fLT.`E:i1E- I any one can believe that I ever thougl t of Such a thing as a correutnedvere wilth a m ere puppet, who is only pulled by the strings of the shotmmen behind the d scese, that Parsoc n m ust thinc It is Mill time for ine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At thle ROYAL OAK IN in SETTLE , on M11onday the C 18thDsp f Ocster 183, at. Sxo'ClOck 1n the Evnn, Lb that long-established and 'well-accustom- A ed INN. called the Royal1 Oak. situate at the North- 'western Entrance of the Town of Settle, and extetndhlg into the Market Place;t having a, Frontage of Thirty-seven Yards in length to the Street; tiogether with the Stables and Barns, Saddiern' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADCOIIM LER CIA L I 0volt1ll.k.NI.A.- c- ern int lilt_ -I Tb.' i~,.Ae ~reeivos nio Day Seliilarsr, li I qq.1 I di . 1'lV I- ~ex usie AttlltIl to l Omit SoprnI :t~em d ties Iirn to iv to tc ho Ad vantliges of Lit, ΒΆ -11s.1; il itdo. rt .Otd the Beriolits of til In~ridst tile Iteoutifii! Seicotiy iif I'Vestinoro. to rII B 'oi b) itidu1lgill! Ie w.h ?? Exco r. , i.I ~sice ,irt IditOh, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INFORMATION OF THE GREATEST IMPORTANCE. xTEEN endnent Physicians and Surgeons, afteri varidijs Ciisultations and Ekperiinents, can now IXTEE etistate that they believe the following Medlines are vqf'.far aupeuior te any others for the Coriiplantis eeldeo ided and they beg to state, as their decided Opinllon. tata there ate rery fewv, if. any DDisenses they will 5it re rommrC 'her etlicatee.) ...