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Advertisements & Notices

... U AOMYCHOMJ, or ELASTC WATMfl PROOF BLACKING.-At length eacutchouc is used in the composition of Blacking for boots, shoes, harness, &c.,hlwhtich 'ies b a~ deioan The composition- allu dedt is prpa atmsct~ure of acid5,0 is =e=clywtrpr6 produl most brilliant polish, pre- sereth lot~,gers itiir phal~iablnd will not soil any wecaring appar T his prepaation ih sole invention of SAMUEL WOO~et~ eN.4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WTANTED, the SUM odEE HUN- *At DEED POUNDS. for tha efrs, fo r which ite pandrunl~ acppoiy /to Mpr.2' fis~r HeFfSolicitor, I * Pool- street, Princess-streci, Manceaeter. £-20. The south or westerly sideoflnc oude Preferred, and distance fron towl ppy y letter (post-paid) to A. B. at the Printers. TO MANUFACTURERS, HEALD T KNITTERS. and SHIPPERS.- ThA~Oiib baa ON SALE WORSTED FIEALD ilf~od~O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mantel+. I WANTED. a neat JQ,'TAGE, with four . or five ied-roo5 o rd, in tht. viinity of the S9ls sp f' I Longoighe toll-bar. It must have a il- g roun l - a1hled. IlenL iot (I I I. Al (psost-paid) A. Z. at the Printers'. I AW.-WANTE y a Yotng Man, 30 M ears of age, a SI Uv~J 0 t Arn y's Offic, ;is COPYING anl ENGI SS G LERK.-SatisC- tors refcrences -anbcr2en )Iby1tr(pspad to lessrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To5ne Second-hand`DkAL or MTt rqf3ANY COUNTERS.-Address B. at the Primters'. A N APP ICE to the LETTER- A PRESS ING BUSINESS is WANTED in Manchesterl No onepeed appy twho has not been well eduess.Alrs etr (ot-paid) to A. at the Printers'. . CALIC~l NTERSs BLEACHERS anT O i The Subscrier receives weekly . from Three to Four of SCOCH ARet- Sa~mples roay be sen 1 Isoffice, 74, Fountainsre. 'JAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CTURES at the NEW JERUSALEM b CHURCH Peter stC e 'Itnhestere. fyo,-tontaow Evertnii,,fO 6rRj';en~tips adRgnera- asthe oesyrilncoes of /altair; and on the following csnday. the 7th of Jatitax,f' On tile ?? Charity- jih. andi Good Works as the ?? riniy BN 1. Service to commnruce sA I~ ix OTIC E is hereby given, ta e' C,(Building,1named the PARTICULAR BAPTIST C f1A I., situated od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rpOYArL 10ANCHE ERi I telrL ato r IsColour. ironnAI si OE Tis At G ovro n d nh Aille mebers of their famni ticket C! W ac T. W1. WINSTlANL EY, I-Ion. See. 26th August, I&37. r -EAT PUBIC DINtNER TO U jlOSEElII BROTHE ION ESQ. AL¶P A PAVILION capablenofg wmodasing ;twards of one hosn pcroons wilbee ?? ~LFORtD ihEFOR 6C0TO ,o ensa ntif as l or t , teectayf the or ?? eptione a xt the' the Hall, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLOBE 1NS RANCE -Mr. JOHN HZRIZOR .I aaplg AGENT for the -GLOBE FIREIIn LIolv I.$J1A4E OM A at Macetr nterogaii~ r .HLV5ofO tha nsshhen..POosl kbe hd n plirt. na his offino, No. 3,Kn-tet ~acet -ONSTABLES' ACCOUNIS.-11 puar- sunene of the act of 18th Geo. 11 f 'the Poor of the dersugned Churchwardens and Overseers oftoor ofh township of Manchester, do intend, at the Town Hall, on, da.o J 'et, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oa04.SS.-t1sed ir Hfi Mes M '5 C ?? Rtlgmet5~i ' Jd AMES' 11 ia FS ir Ext~racttfrom h R ofnd rec ?? r -Geinded by; GMi er Sir General of His:Majesty!s' 6-valrY ancsid iatlY, Inspec~thn '`he horse mayt be turned to. grass immed3a teoy ater thel application, as ino horse, mehantivr his t reedeor. core will gnaw it, although fired at the, same time. .It aill not touch the human hand. It wlI nt er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - r *alerf bn Attettonl Continucion ot 2he Sale by Auction of the Stock of Gloria, SC. !c., at the Dresden Booms, ANewall's Buildissgo, near the Ezeharne, Mabtet steed Manchester. It. SPAIKM begs to call the attention ol the Public o this valuable ant useful stock oi CHINAl GLAS9 A!ENWARE. LAMPS Lt7S- TRES &e. ac. t 7e b0;t y AUCTION, ss't~lrnt the leaot rese~roce ti t~rap r relin~siqohiyg the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1JNER2Ag.( Eli EATS NARS1TY F HINO L1lU ID 1O~1 '1'HTt eflrtt talh' rccvr end Constejes ofr. 9antbester have to'exprem tllti regret that the day named for the funeral of his late n1ejesty should be one on which the ordinary transactions of business * aloot be suvperrled without the greatest inconvenience to the public generally, and most especially to the loboutin classes. Being thereby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S~~iN'SftIN lOTION ?? ort evr pcisahe Thisd' nd ,5.e i sac 14 ,h 'l tg.. s invluablh lotioyn is now. cxtends'vl±' used and recommetided unvarying ?? in some ojt pili tu i Lo n- don, Itestains ?? aa ,o fesv al nd ur dt to th patssoaew miue ?? tions for the treat f t he e use ofth lotinaegve ih ?? rc 2s. 9d., pint us. May be had ?? all the npchmssand eti n miie ven- dors inthe kingdum ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O U R 4U N T-''0U SAND F BR1CKS.FOR 5 in n croft adioining the RochdalecanaL.ApplY/flc ILLIAM SMITH, Lamb- lane, Clyus. {_ Ct C il.MISI'S, I)nUt(m ISIS, AND JItlGI-.ONS. I-T() BE DISPOSED OF. in a -u ilt asl mprsvifl tOhillurhiid. the SHOP and TAI IL Tl t A*W of and Apolhevary. The -t a. w a' so lou' that the amiont rqijir rd t, enter' uvrn ii eiceed £120 or #130.- Fir furtbei~r ...