Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRTAGESi On Tncsday last, at Sanmlesbary, by the rlev. Thomas Hayes, Mr. C. Schorield, to Jane, second daughter of Mr. George Hayes, of Clock Ilo;Le, Fuiwoud, and formerly of Sandlesbury. On Monday lart, at the Pa'ieIh Church, Dlr. David Wales to 1\hiss Jane Iabilla Trearson; Mr. Peter Dobson to Mrs. Aun Ball; Mr. Williaim Rhodes to M1iss Jane Bibby; Mr. Edward Satipldus to 3iss hlizabeth ...


... Clemnent Dancs, Will~iam Napier Rteev9,.Fsq, of Alder- manhury, to Maryanne, oldest diaughter of~-William. Waugh, E'sq. of Esscx-strcctMri. Chals. pemiterton, of Hfunter's Festall, Kent, to Sophia, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Munyard, of Connaught-square, London, and youngest daughter of the late Thos. Pemberton, Esq of Birmingham. Frederick Harris, of B~irmuingham, to 0iqAu 1isn onl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iNOJIWECH, iatriel3 MIARRIED. 18th inst., at Dorking, John GCuturney Samuel Hoare, Esq., of Hanspstcad, to ( ?? daughter of Charles Biarelay, Esq., A. P. ?? the county of Surrey. 28th inst., at Richmond, John Gcorge MlU5i{ eldest son of John Chaworih Musters, EeSl q Nottinghamshire, to Emily, youngest du(ght5a; Philip Hamond, Esq., of Westacrc, in talii(o'u DIED. 111th Inst., at Garboldisbam, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On~the 28th ultimo, at the Collegiate Church, Mir Jolih Monks, of Sheffield, to Miss Ann Aryowsmith, of Astley, in the garish of Leigh. On the 29th ultimh, at the same place, Mir John Shtdliffe, Pixton, of Stretford, to Ann, daughter of the late Josiah Twvyford, of this town, On the 30th ultimo at the samdie place, Mr Henry Cock.' shott, to Miss Mary 4asquoine, both of Clieetham. On the 16th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? week, Sirs. W. iclrforVice, Blrlld!fsr~. On. Thrct's'iv a. at our, pairiah Alrcic, Nit.J b1ib CordiJrig, icy, dyer, is 311cc i cry Alsa A tin~y, 'ork of nBuries, cc es' thiis towni. Smein day, Sit. 'A.Marsltial, tailor, tic MIcss Arni Green, louch 'iri thin Cc Wwn. Oct iY,:Ociodcn', Air. ietiry Jciwict t, clthO t lr, if id~le, tq Iliss llicrttr~l i~tcocicccn, Of title litwi,. Or 'T seday, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 31st ultino, Madane Movarn, of a dlauthter. At Springbank, Falkirk, on the 2Gth ultimo, Mrs ADAtM, of a :,eo. On the 22d rlt~imo, at Aberdour House,. Fifeshire, Mrs r1, LINDSAY, of a daughter. 1frARaTED. At ITaddington, nn the 28th ult:, ANIDREV RlICHAT130Y, Esq. W.S. Abbey, to ClAeRLGTe, ?? ofthelate Da id Davidson, Esq. Saltoun Mains. At Comely Green, Edieburgh, oe the 26th March, Mrs ...

BIRTHS. March.28, in

... Upper Brook-street, the lady of Lieut.-Col. Sir John M. Burgoyne, grenadier guards, of a daughter. MARRIED. Lately, at Clifton, Capt. Adam Carling, of this city, to Martha, 5th dau.-of the late .Mr. Wm. Thomas, Portland-place, Clifton. Lately, at Weare, William,eldest surviving son of M1r. William Tilley, of UpperWearc, to Mary, widow of Mr. Wim. Harden, and youngest dau. of the late Mr. Jos. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Her Belgian Majesty ,as safely delivered of a son on the 24th nult. The Bel- gian Legation at Paris celebrated the event by an illuminatiot. At Stephen's green, Dublin, the lady of the Hoa. Waller O'Grady, of a son. On the 24I1h ult., the wife of John Rmoilly, Esq., of a daughter. On the 28th nlt., in Hanover square, the wife of Dr Locock, of a son. MARRIED. On the 28th ult., Edmund ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? At Trinity (.hlurchlg laeylebotte, .loho Cottoyer, Enq. of Lhic'stit' soo flonlreivtee-at.L aw, to tGear. I ginol t'raiceo hmels dtgtr; Sir Win11. Johlostan, Lhirt. c . of ItItlslmin, Aberdeenshiire.-On the Oed inlst tliP Rev. (ti~rtes v1 lheytliM.,L1.I, nf Lhicoln Ca~ltge, Oxtford, sond of Christ's . ospital, Lolilton, to Sarenh ,Xinie, daughlter uf the litel Ites. ?? - I Illotlwll I-tame, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THIE LATE M~iS FITzb This d oi ?? 1- r , ' a ?? --gunsneu iatiy [as Oe-tie a place in ;he history of the c °2upied ?? teo deosand at our hands som ntryt for hestr,1j Those of our readers *rho vil1 I a t the events that marked, iti a very pnki c to beginning of the latter half of the e III. v oll remember the very f the r of tstr position she then occupied in this e t ti Hasiing avotided, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bi3RTht5 On the 2ttib at Frlmouth. the l ady of Licut. Srnyth Orimtth oF HI Md. Paltciet 2Iog net, of adaughtee.-- ?? Sent sea, on c le 211th ult., airs. tC. iS. Theasktno IsAltRIED.. At St. Pancras Church, Fr rnrlei *onn oF SirF, Mll Onmec4y .- Julia. d aughter of T. Melcalfe, E s l, Fiearoy4squarej an Ll On Thursday laut. at llayilittg r. Oeesrcte RogessDtt.n Ntt~h Ha.yling, toMltS Rogers, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - I Ii- Uirtl)j, 0tiig1 &1 iAetI)0. O sed] the DIHTHB. On the 28th ilt, at Friars Terrace, the Lady of ,rty E. L. JEvans, Esq. of a son and heir. su On the Ist inst., at Beaumaris, the lady of tie Rlev. Al John Williams, of a son. _ Ur. On the 13th ult. at Woodlands, the seat of Walter - ms, Watkins, Esq. the lady of IV. Aleyrick, jun. Esq. of a - 22, daughter. On the 26th ult, the Lady of ...