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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... porough Conservative & Independent ASSOCIATION. THE Members and Friends of this Association w vill dine together at Air. H. Cantrill's, the Saracen's Head Inn, on Alonday, the 8th Milay ?? 3s. ,eacb, to be lad at the Bar, and at Air. Biemrose's, Market piace. Dinner on Table at 3 o'clock. Those Gentlemen who intend to be present, are requested te leave their Names at the Bar on or before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .tt his BY 3 Iri. Pba- SALE I sin- rac- UB ce's TO B pre. T BE the B re. On Monday next, . day LL the vez A linen, china, the brewing coppers, z teen other effects, helon ek *Vine Inn, BIurtonil first Catalogues his _ well Th elate M.3k and and A LL Persons ffi . A:1SAAlI UU I ged Builder, at the tim tn- amount of their res we of the Borough of I one month from the any claim or deman tda, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2 SNOOI's APERIENT FAMILY PILLS, Ae Most Excellent Medicine for Bile, Indigestion, le A GIddiness ol [Ile Head, Piles, IDrrrpsical Coinplaibus.t aud are it; a conisideraible degree a preventive of various other l)iseases. T'beir Cormipositioin is truly execllent ; they do mct conrtaini say Aut oiniil or l'dercuri. I Prepura ioni whatever, rnnd do not require the least cnrfiiienieint or alter. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ashford Hall, near Bakewell, Derbyshire TO B1E LET, CAPIrAL FAMILY IRESIDENCE, com_ A manding views of the most picturesque and beautiful scenery, situate within a mile and a haif of the Town of Bakewell, and a quarter of a mile of thle high Road from Manchester to London, Coaches passing daily to and from Lrondon, Manchiester, Derby, Nottingham, and Sheffielid. The House contains spacious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SHOPKEEPERS AND OTHERS. ON FRIDAY NEXT, MAY 5, 1837, 0. BULLOCK & Co. ILL have an extensive Assortment of SUPERIOR BLACK and GREEN TEA. Also a large Assortment of RAW and ROASTED COFFEE. The whole of which hls been stcl.cted un er t!hu permoal inspection of z5ir. B. from the most approved Breaks in the iondon N~W;tE; and owing to the 0Present very depressed state ot Trude, havce been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reJOIIN LGNUA & SON'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, lter LoTION, ANI) OINTisENT, I o IHIS Medicine wvill be found of great service for g it, JLScorbutic Cuoiplainits ia tier various lornts, as Pimples, u I Scaly Eruptions, igituerahle Irllxsig of thie Skit', Scalled t c. Hearl, Blotelies of vorious colours, Ulcerated Legs, &c. c . 'lie ANtisconsiuTrc Dnaopo.have stood tde test of public a in experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEl1l1Y AND 1 EHtBYSHI RE IgoI&TICULTURAL AND FLORAL SOCIETY PAT ItO 50 Ilis GRACE the DUKE OF DEVONSHiIRE. PATAON SSES, The MIost Noble the MARCHIONESS of HASTINGS. The Right Hon. LADY SCARSDALE. PRtESIDENT, SIR GEORGE CREIVE, Bart. M.P. HE Subscribers are respectfully informed that T the SECOND SPRING SHOW and EXHIBI- TION for FiOOWFRS, will take place at the Town Hall, Derby. on TUESDAY and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hi Public having lately been very much T T inrcovenienced by the discontinuation of a COACH BY NIGHT to u Birmingham, Sheffield, and Leeds, have made application to theundersigned, who, from the great X patronage already received by the MAlAI , TELEG RA PH, F and RAPID COACHES on the above line of Road, have C thought it their duty to render the accommodation tequired, F by starting a NEw and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TgE Cowlmissioners in a Fiat in Bankruptcy bearing date the 20th day of December, 1836, awarded and issued forth against JAMES ELLIOTT, of Derby, jn the County of Derby, (Currier, Dealer and Chapman,) intend to meet on the 27th of May instant, at eleven oftherclock in the forenoon, at the King's Head Inn, in Derby, in the said county of Derby, in order to audit the accounts of the Assignees of ...


... AYCOTT. av w (ierteel and Useful HOUSEInOLD FuRNIvrunE. Brewing Vessels, Dairy Utensils, largc painted Cupboard. tCop. pera, Ovens and Boilers, Orates and Chimney Pieces, Glass, with a variety of other Eflierts; TO BE SOLD BY AUCT'ON, By Air. BiEAR It'EY, I On the Premises of the late Mtlrs. b1ARY JOWETT, at ?i. Draycott, in the county of Derby, on Allonday and sa Tuesday, tite 22d and 23d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERRBY IMPROVEMENT ACT. I v 7OTICE is hereby Given, that an Adjourned S r 'NflI General Illeeting of the Commissioners under the said a Act, will be held on Saturday, the 20th day of May instant, ] e at II o'clock in the forenoon, at the Guild Hall, in the J Borough of Derby, pursuant to an Order of the said Corn. c - ruissioners at ar Meeting held this day. o t J. B. SIM1PSON, F 8 Clerk to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY UNION. DERSONS willing to furnish Plans and Elevations I for a NEW WORKHOUSE for the above Union, to be built of Brick and Stone, to conta n 500 Ivanp ers npupn the principles laid down by hte Poor Law Conimissitoners, may have a plan of the site. and ob ain other pavriculars by applying to the Clerk to the Guardians, at his Office, 65, Friar Gate, Derby. Each design must be sent ...