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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... RF A~lN OF VOTERS FRTT ,GISTRVOTERSFOR THE R SANTD 1RGH IN THE LIBERAL INTEREST, 1837. iARTIES in the LTBERAL INTE_ REST, desiroos of being REGISTERED either rithin the City or Burgb, may lhave their Claims oade ot, and every iiformation afforded then), by ap- ,,at tie Side Room, Mercbantbt Hall, H-lunter t cetween ten o'clock forenoon, and four o'cloek ,ooafte, and between six and eight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rZL~nE P U B L I C is most respectfully in_ formed, that T3i.DELPaE THEATRE WILL RE-OPENt, 4/2/U `Ander his Majesty's Patent. FOR THE SUIMMER SEASON ON SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, JUNE 1. 1837, When the Amusements will commence with the NATIoPN AL A N THE M OF G O D Sa IE ItI THE KING. The pricipal Vocal Parts by Mr BARKER, being his First Appearance this Twelvemonth, Alisses HYLAND, from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COIAERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. UNIUARTERLY GENERAL COURT t of PROPRIETORS of the COMMERCIAL -AN of SCOTLAND having this day ordered 5IALFYEARLY DIVIDEND on the CAPITAL STOCK of the Bank, the same will begin to be paid on Tesday the 4th of July next; and nao transfer of Stock .ill take place in the Books of the Bank till after that date- JNO. S. CUNNINGHAM, Sec. Edinburgh, 14th June 1837. ?? 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * IJGHLANDAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY . /OF SCOTLAND. * GENERAL MEETING of thiS SO- A CiETY, pursuant to the Charter. will he held jin the Society's Hall here, on 3TONDAY the 3d day of JULY next, at One o'clock afternoon, when it is re- quested Members will assemble precisely at the hour. as. ceirles the ordinary bolinesp, there is to be a BALLOT for the aldmission of NEWV MErMABER$; and-it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AL EASTERN YACHT CLUB. JWS7f/REGATTA for 1837 takes place on T qTlIURSDAY the 22d inttaut, and two fallow. s . 's LEITH ROADS. vdl *j.l Tea~t wvil he pitched on Wardie Brae, A .h.ler rn , nt y of description will he provided for the nefreni edatino of Members, their Frieuds, and VisitAGe eeting of the Club will he held in the A 05 rdie Brae. on Thursdoy at ten o'clock Tent a Ballot for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~sresct ~is epetulyif ormed, that S s&D3 t-3aT fI!PEA'!RE; To WIVtLL OPE N FOR THE SUMMER SEASON ~TURDAY EVEING JuNE 10. 1837, of c Entertaitnments to be announced in isernent- rf~i~eelil open at the Theatrs Royal on rl1nrsdcY, . EO ROOM_ 4AJftK1RALLELE D SUCCESS. J. f. ANDERSON'S ENTERTAIN_ M w1ENT S hove heen crowided wiitht fashionrnble au- b, .,l ?e coantinues nighltly his wonderful FEATS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 't7 R 'AL MONUMENT OF SCOTLAND, OoUR and to she MlEMORY of SOLDIERS lS SAILORS, OFFICERS and MEN, who have 5;olsend themrelves by SEdA BOS LTAND, in DE- jiis fete MoJ yGE OR GE THE I V. Forinder anrd OTICE is hereby given, that ?? GENE.. N RAL STATUTORY MEETING of the 5oVAL ASSOCIATION of CONTRIBUTORS, BOintce by Act of' parliament to be held on the 18th ?? 50ually, will, in consequence of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~TIONAL SUBSC'RIPTIONS AND .'rRCHl COLLECTIONS FOR RELIEF OF s TrH3 UNEMPLOYED OPERATIVES IN PAISLEY. l.r l M.Gibh, Royal Hotel L.5 to A widow in Neohaven, per Rev. James Bachanan, North Leith , . 1 1 N~ Tahoj M bcell, per do. l Mlelmber of North Leith Church, pef do. I ,jflor Johnstone, per do. I . Cienstant Hearer, per do. . I Mr 13onlrof Warriston, per do. 3.O Mr D. DaviiisOn, per do. .In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I I i I For farther particulars apply to John Dunlop, writer 2 Miller Street, , Glasgow, e whose hands are the title- dd and' coditions of sale. Glasgow, 12th Juean 181. I I' I EDINBURGH EMANCIPATION SOCIETY. FiE ANNUAL MEETING of the above ' SIOCI- will -he held ift the WEST ncil 0X TUESDAY EVENING nest,tthe 27th int~it R. George B. Cheever fro .The ev Ieer fro Massachusetts, GergThonson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /g 'ATERLOO ROOMS00 T HE GREAT MAGICIAN'S ENTER_ T TINMENTS will CLOSE on SATURDAY. Let not this Treat pass 'inseen-run and see the GUN TRICK! With splendid changes. D,,rs open at Seven o'cCol-CommnenceS at Eight. Iloxes, 2s.; Pit, Is. ; Gallery, 6d. On SATURDAY, a GRAND DAY PERFORM. ANCE. Doors to open at One; to commence at ljlf-past One. FINAL CLOSE OF. THE-PANORAMA, 32 ?? -MOUND, IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VT/r GREAT DISTRESS *7'N THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. COLLECTION will be made in all the i CHURCHES in EDINBURGH and LEITH, A U14pDAY the 11th of JuNF., in Aid of the FundI ei n I-,f or the UNF.-NPLOYE D OPERATIVES in for IgDT f SCOTLAND. In Pai51y alone there are Nineteen Tlwrrauur persons ?? of total destit-tion. Utite distt5F is so urgent that the Joint Committees of the istratesand Inhabitants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oyAL EASTERN YACHT CLUB. vj!REGATTA for1837 takes place on U TERSDAY the 22d fnstant, and two follow. jcdavs, in LEITH! ROADS. A spledid Tent will lie pitched on Wardie Brae, where refreshmentn of every description will be Pirovided fer the accommodation of Members, their Friends, and Visitors in general. A General Meeting of the Club will be held in the Tent e W~ardie Brae. on Thursday at ton ...