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Advertisements & Notices

... I1) FOURTH CENTENARY OF THE 2 YINVENTION OF PRINTING. T HE FESTIVAL in commemoration of the FOtURTH CENTENARY of the INVEN- TloN If pRINTING (postponed in consequence of lb, smented death of his late Majesty) viil take place, as forme~rly advernisd. in THE THFEATRE-ROYAL, EDINBURGH, 'WEDNESDAY the 12th JULY 1837. By order of the Committee, A. C. GL1ENDINNING, Sec. NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS 9 /I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7F TO TIHE XIgERS OF THE COMMISST(N OF THE BLAST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. T the request Of a numerous body of the jlinisters and EldeMM of the Chirch of Scotland, ee bi ntt an EXTRAORDINARY AlEET- 1c I the COMMISSION of the LAST GENE- XI ARsEMBL Y to he be], art Edinbu'gh. in the ild Ch,;riml Ai6le. on WMINaoSiAv the 12th dlay of lt ?? neatat Tw eve o'clock noon, when a motrin will lietrnle ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISSOLUTION Or COVAflTNM51Y. ~~i ,Coprir-tierv betwe'en tir ip roe1sribi n l';r irs, 'e T Un dec thre Firm' of ALI.EX. rORlBrS & S-MIT11, Wine 3'lercihants, Ship and Insurance 13rnrkors, and Gitniral Agents. , iii Aberdeen. tis this day Dissslvvd bhy Inuitrial consent. ThiW Busioness will lie carried onrr. fas lcr'rrery, by Mir Fle()I*i ; arid o ill accounts doe to or liv the ('omupane woill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELE-CiORS OF THE COUNTY OF ABEIRDEEN. woo Id I,1 GF. V-T LEM iN, oelio to /fS a issolut.ion of' ?? nis nt hort ~tl ffzfi.e r V;/tpac, l cosqec offtie lamntcued D1).~ ?? had hi 5 his la/te Mi?!/ts'ili, Iuse/ffto ano cet yoniiq intwlia li torte li li rk iil senting Itoe Cunatq. gailisi I conitinute to re~la/o'd a-thi tilleS linlt' veneral'tionl t/w/ie hahts ever acetuated iiql con duet lin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7DND DUNMB EXAMINATION.7 HE ANNUAL MEETING of the SUB- SCRIBERS and OThERS friendly to the TEA anlDJB INSTITUTION wrillbehlli Rooats, George Street, on WEDNES- D ey xext, the bth of July Current, vien the Pupils be Examined, and the ptoceedings for the past year ,eoerteil* The Chair will he takenataS Oia° O'clock, by the Right 4,n THE LOID JL(51TICHCLERK.- ie method of intercoqrpee between ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GARDENi'S MIXLL TURN1ilM i. Hirtrev ?? I I El'INt; ti 'I'lil1' M ETNEEi rll thilk ile ofr Ilal, to be held atrir( T'r 1 b'Y, en l'hrli.i- dty tihcr 20lll instnt, tit 1I n'clelt iei, fell ?? irll'-li0o of taking into vonsidorltion- Ist, F)Ie St IrIef to e ?? IIs; Lid, The tvercieres 1 rport. awl aTidgivinW lteiherity fioi 1p0i. ceitaing with the lttpairs thercin reerrtimieinicled : .d, The ...