Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF SHARES-LoNDON, WEDNESDAY. Paid. Per Share. £ s. £ e. £ -s. Anglo Mexican Mining Co. 100 O S :5 to 3 15 United Mexiean ditto ?? 40 0 1 10 to 2 0 Bolanos ditto ?? 150 0 85 0 to 87 10 British Iron ?? 50 0 40 0 to 41 0 Real del Monte ditto ?? ?? 400 0 11 0 to 12 0 Canada Company . ?? 0 34 10 to 35 0 Brazilian Imperial do- 20 22 0 to 23 0 Alliance Fire Ins iik*l4 d ~12 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADCOIIM LER CIA L I 0volt1ll.k.NI.A.- c- ern int lilt_ -I Tb.' i~,.Ae ~reeivos nio Day Seliilarsr, li I qq.1 I di . 1'lV I- ~ex usie AttlltIl to l Omit SoprnI :t~em d ties Iirn to iv to tc ho Ad vantliges of Lit, ¶ -11s.1; il itdo. rt .Otd the Beriolits of til In~ridst tile Iteoutifii! Seicotiy iif I'Vestinoro. to rII B 'oi b) itidu1lgill! Ie w.h ?? Exco r. , i.I ~sice ,irt IditOh, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lir. WlLLIAMi IF zALLdeceasedl. LL persons who are indebted to the Estate of Mr. A WILLIAM WALL, late of Steeple Aston, in thle county of Oxford, bu teher, and all persons who have any demand against the same, are hereby required forthwith to deliver the particulars of their accounts to hr. 'l'homns Creek or Mr. W'illiam W'ing, c younger, both of Stetple Aston aforesaid, thoe H'Eccutors of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O U R 4U N T-''0U SAND F BR1CKS.FOR 5 in n croft adioining the RochdalecanaL.ApplY/flc ILLIAM SMITH, Lamb- lane, Clyus. {_ Ct C il.MISI'S, I)nUt(m ISIS, AND JItlGI-.ONS. I-T() BE DISPOSED OF. in a -u ilt asl mprsvifl tOhillurhiid. the SHOP and TAI IL Tl t A*W of and Apolhevary. The -t a. w a' so lou' that the amiont rqijir rd t, enter' uvrn ii eiceed £120 or #130.- Fir furtbei~r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOULIOGNVE SIR-flE?. R. MUQUARDT receives PUPILS, in Germihn and Mathematics, during the Vacations of Colleges and Schools.-Address at the Marine Library, 54, Rue de 'E cu. Ilcanwell Coleqgiate School (Jirmerly Dr. Bond's) Middlesex.' Principal-The Rev. J. A. EMEATON, M.A. Oxon, Curate of Hanwell. THE intellectual advantages of a collegiate coufse are combined with religious instruction, moral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /RS. NEWMAN begs to offer her grateful aCknoNv- ; ledgments to her friends for the liberal ensourarement. l he has received, and respectfully informi them that the duties of her SC [OOL will re-commence o Moinday, July 17. f ddin2gtoa, Jusne 28l, l1137' EW11rELME SCHOOVL. T GARLICK most respectfully informs his friends a and the public that his SCHOOL will re-open on Monday the 17th instant. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PI foX Cke)icI Soehety. o vrir- of the Suffolk Clerical Charity, will r10 ]eenrejlt (ine Court on Thursday, Jul r 1,jihre, ill th,,L , Xe Forentonl, at the Cburch . ,lorv and their Seeond General Court on jiluriday, the °Oth, at tbe Church of St. ;fiat~cr4 l, lBury, rrid Great White Horse, Tlrec' o'clock. , npswich, will be preach- .nOO(' ( I. pARKER. ?? iRingshall. lit se'l l aflerwards will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - q 7vT PZfl29=D, price 64. V - 111E LORD's SUPPER, its USES and ABUSES; a Discourse, by the Rev. PatLiti HAxwOOn, To be had of Mr. PHILP, 29, Clare-Street. seaiaei Work of interest, Price 2s S the MOuse of Bleeding by Lancets, Leeches, and > Yuppingshowing that it eonfirms diseases; whenuseful rrtfi~l: tdso, on Sudden Inward Infiammation, particularly erlBy a Rtetired Practitioner. 'hisr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ladies' Seminary, 8eadinqton, near Oxford. ISS IIATNI'rELL respectfully informs her friends 1V that her SCHOOL, wiI re-open on Monday, July 17. IL, Annual AMeeting of Subscrihers to the OX- liFORDSHIRE CLERGY WIDOWS' CHIRITY will be holden at Mr. Baxter's, printer, opposite the Town Hall, 0xford, on Thliursday, July 6, at One o'clocke. It is requested that all Subscriptions hi arrear may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T3aEMOVAL OF' TAPRiELL & Co.'s TEA. ,*A.1.EZIOUSZ FROM No. 13, TO No. 12, BROAD.STRET. . r1APRE LL and Co. most respectfully beg-to inform their Friends and thePublicner6aIy, that they have taken , Lhe Ad30in~inp Premises, which areWnetich arget, ani more convenient for conducting'the, AEA, d COFFEE TRADE.-i %ilnd.piourciig~telmr Rem oval, they teillIJy acknowledge the ample support they have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k I' 0 I I 5' U /O TMRRO 0V M OORNIN Gi E X 1 I to be I.eac lleil IN SZ PAUL''S cii At2CcZ IlY TIMl: n oaid i othe Finds for the stpporit of tis above aSeoebl. Dkivn Service cit ?? itua hoi/,r A. ?? . DnI p UflAPER AND SLK MERCER,, 5. 5,ish'riqate, opposite the Town-hMall, - -,rPCTFULT.Y 5105 ?? the Ge rtry and the Inalbitanits ' (,f preston and its Vielsitv, that he has to offer foor th ei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Now ready, prise ML *11., 'No. XV1II. of thle M~AGAZINE of ,POPULAR SCIENCE and l i JOU;RNAL ol' *th USEFITL, ARTS. The First Volume. prlco ILeg, zloth boards; and the &ecoind. prier 3SO., way be had complete. -London: John W. llakkfer, Weat strand. Ifs, Pleesdilly, July 1, teas'. TpHE BRITISH and FOR~EIGN REVIEW; oL o~r, EURO`PEAN QUARTERLY JOURN~AL, No. IX., Is ready I. NorwS ...