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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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... INVENTION OF PiRINTING. r~HE iESTIVAL in commemoration of bthe FOURTH CENTENARY0? the INVEN- 'fJLO of the ART of PRINTING, will he held in the Tr ROYAL. on WEtD55SflA' tbe 12th current- THOs. CAMPBELL, Esq in the 1Chair. Ti preventcfusinn at the Theatre, Gentlemen are requbted to aseeoble in the Calton Convening Room b five o'clIck. When the number required for one Tahje have umet, one of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SINGING AND ACCOMPANIMENT. s)I3 SIGNOR BUCHIER EGS to acquaint his Friends and the Pub- lic, that he twill Resume his Instructions on the 1st 0f Oetlber. 2, GREAT STUART STME~ET, 16th July 1837. ,j7 { GUILDRY. gr314+E DEAN of GUILD requests the i GUILD BRETHREN tn Meet in Merchants' eon Wednasday first, the 19th current, at II o'clock fniO'rn. onl husse.s iof importance. The Council meet in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7/EBLES-SRlIRE ELECTION. is particularl reques h ne, qof Mp CARMICHAWES S.IPPORTERS enter jo giTIE ?? tin with e Ato -RGYLLSHilRE }:LECTIl6N. j4t~ery ?? and highly respecgtab -J/MEETING of the ELECTORS In she EINTYRE DISTRICT of APGYLLSHIRE, held this day in the open air, at the Market Place of Camp- lbefitnWn, GEORGE MACNEAL, Esq. ofgadale, in the ehsir. The folloring -Resolutiun was uoed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I1) FOURTH CENTENARY OF THE 2 YINVENTION OF PRINTING. T HE FESTIVAL in commemoration of the FOtURTH CENTENARY of the INVEN- TloN If pRINTING (postponed in consequence of lb, smented death of his late Majesty) viil take place, as forme~rly advernisd. in THE THFEATRE-ROYAL, EDINBURGH, 'WEDNESDAY the 12th JULY 1837. By order of the Committee, A. C. GL1ENDINNING, Sec. NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS 9 /I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 41 D>5SSTO T!IE QUEEN. ON TIJIESDAY Evening, August 1st (the Anniversary of Negro EmancipatirIn), at the re. quest of tbe Ediasbureb Ltrii E~m~ancipation Society, On the present oppressed condition of the Apprenticed ?? the llriti4h Ctnies will be dlivered by NMr GEORGE THOMiPSON i the 1Rev. Mr M'Gichlrist's Chapel, Rose Street. To commence at Seven o'Clock. At the conclision of the Lectrure, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7F TO TIHE XIgERS OF THE COMMISST(N OF THE BLAST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. T the request Of a numerous body of the jlinisters and EldeMM of the Chirch of Scotland, ee bi ntt an EXTRAORDINARY AlEET- 1c I the COMMISSION of the LAST GENE- XI ARsEMBL Y to he be], art Edinbu'gh. in the ild Ch,;riml Ai6le. on WMINaoSiAv the 12th dlay of lt ?? neatat Tw eve o'clock noon, when a motrin will lietrnle ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ROSLIN, 25th July 1837. kNNUA`L MEETING. of the ROS- J-LIN GYMNASTIC CLUB is to beheld here on ?? 4t b of August, when Medals-will be given for Qootiog. Leaping. 7suaning, Putting, Throwing the Hammer, Weestding, &c. The Games ore to coosn eace wib Rifle.Shooting (limited to Members), at oalf-past iigbt precisely. J. ls. See. SPINASSE'S ANNNUAL EXAM1. -* WNATIONS will take Plase on FRIDAY Sn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY ELECTION. ABERCand SIR JOHN CAMPEL L requect that the EELECTORS f thje CITY of EDINBURGH will do them the EET themn in the WATERLoo Roomsr on ~IND.A Y tiiit, at ELEVEY ?? 20tlh Iuly tR 7. Zr Pt7ILIC ENTERTAINMUENT (T Right REfnoarable JA ES ABERCHOMBY And SIR JOHN CAMPBELL. pUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT is to L be given to these Gentlemen in the AssE.ULay Roo'ts, GEORCE STREET. 05n the Day ...


... ED PATRONAGE. ./44-1D PROMENADE FOR TvHE rENEFIT OF THE DISTRESSED opERATIVES IN THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. T HE RE willbeaGRAND PROMENADE T in ST ANDREW SQUARE.- on MONDAY the 17th of July, at Two o'clock, on which occasion, by tlte find permni-sion of the Comrmnanding Officers, the ce- rehnated Band- of the 14th Light Dragoons and the 79th lliblanderf will attend. The proceeds are to be appi~ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / PUBLIC ENTERtATNMENT 'TO 'T~k h t foriourable -JAMES AlERCROMBY Anl SIR JOHN CAMPBELL, I -n the ASSEERLjY ROOMuS, GEORGE- STRE:ET, 1 nWEDNESDAY first. l-eing the Day of Elec- fee of Membrer3 for the 'City df Edinburgh. Tbe SOLICITOR-GEI~RA6L in te 'Ch air. -c CROUPIERS. Bailies SAWSRES. DONALDSON. THos. IIA1TLA2OD, Esq. advocate Trearuorer -M'LAsEN ROstRT HUNTERh. Esq. advoneate Ancup. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT TO THE Rigbt Honoourable JAMES ABERCROMRy .And SIR JOHN CAMPBELL, I ii the ASSE~tl[Y ROOMWS, GEORGE STREET, [ nWEDNESDAY tirotthe 26th July, being the DaJ of F.Iection of MembersD for the City of Edinburgh. The SOLICITOR-GENERALIn the Chaair, CROUPIERS. Bairles SAWERS. DONALDSO.N. Tsos. MAITLAND, Esq. advocate Treasurer NPLARERr ROERaT HUNTER, Esq. advffcate AaCHn. ...