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... ED PATRONAGE. ./44-1D PROMENADE FOR TvHE rENEFIT OF THE DISTRESSED opERATIVES IN THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. T HE RE willbeaGRAND PROMENADE T in ST ANDREW SQUARE.- on MONDAY the 17th of July, at Two o'clock, on which occasion, by tlte find permni-sion of the Comrmnanding Officers, the ce- rehnated Band- of the 14th Light Dragoons and the 79th lliblanderf will attend. The proceeds are to be appi~ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF ABERDEEN, ?? a numerous 31eoting of Electors of the Burgh of Aber- deen, held within the Hull' of the ROyal 11etl, o .a 'i'Thurosday the 29th Jlne, 1837; 2 On thernotion of Convolaer oomo.o, seconded by ril. ltETTIE, H li5NllY l.AISDEN of Tilwhilly, wvas called to the Cllh ?? D r #i H1 CIAl It IUMA stated the general obje ct (if thie pI e. se Metin, after hl the following Rtessolitiors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE 0 THE tAlEMBERS OF THE S,;OT-l ISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. T aCOURT of ORDINARY DIREC- ATORS of the SOCIETY. speciqliv called and I ell on 29th iost., for the purrose of considering and de- bhertinr upon certain ALTERATIONS proposed and red tc at a Quarterly Court of Directors, held non 5th to le made on the DEED of CONSTITUTION ef tie SOCIETY, it was Resolved onaainn,,lv:- lijnt ...


... INVENTION OF PiRINTING. r~HE iESTIVAL in commemoration of bthe FOURTH CENTENARY0? the INVEN- 'fJLO of the ART of PRINTING, will he held in the Tr ROYAL. on WEtD55SflA' tbe 12th current- THOs. CAMPBELL, Esq in the 1Chair. Ti preventcfusinn at the Theatre, Gentlemen are requbted to aseeoble in the Calton Convening Room b five o'clIck. When the number required for one Tahje have umet, one of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,8a Dissolulionot f Parliament mnust shntllJ ?? jda1Ce. illcnsC1OqIuMCC l(/ tie lant ented Death of tiĀ¶ lute ilujesty, I bel1! to annlhoufll to yon eut~ ilitenel al k of oisqain offliriny naysc/fjfir the hieh honor of rqap-c. (ruts' sentinq the ?? tq. I conlti'l ne to reqjardi with the ?? has ever actuated inq conduet in tile !Irenl T'II Ptiacipltot oftile (.l,'ntitstion ina Church rind S.tate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN: 3o S vn v-tn lmvn t>v nivia PRINTEDAND PU;LISHED Tl' DAVIDI C2AL.ME1RS, 13, 24, atnd 29i, .delphi C wre, Urniai Stceot. E 1' F. AY IV F, DS Dk41 AY It rl PI I;:N O. P a1w, per Annrie, 211s. delieed in To'u'm, jn 21g. re'kensenlto the Guatry-iipeh cet, diin atji,' 'd.rh. WRDNESDAV. JUly 12, 1237. Sribjoitcil is a List of Agmnts fir' the JThUxtX st., bv whom Ordlers ?? Adverltist-ments ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ofI( NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ?? Lj2'' -AIlS fo:]l~l, 1; x ]'bllltmvl t1tvX lAlA90N.' . ?? ?? It ?? I'iiAit'llt[, .TERl~, uil PUMihlIt to N 'mI4, If N'C\v OUC ti if O'FIC't'lS wto Mt tLL- ioUsi., eve tW l' hielilot '1ll Si'(GVtNl', Irtil-'11 (If M I't'tl't'lilj.teSS, IL'l :111 Ituiltlvr lii tito teollmnt, till shleov ?? tild Syp- holt ('lirlltitS0sItj1Vsil)ttii ot SuttlIl'uti let for Ito o'olt' ...