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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... At a numnerous %ieetinig of the Friends andl SmPlom~ters Of ?? ROSS Of ?? , EQm h~eld iim tite Poyalmm Ilote, Aberdeen, time allhdy of J11ly, 8153,- RJNc A~ilfN, 1,Sq. of Tilmeimilty, itl tile Chair g-- x Ime 11ottoIii or 'tIm .IA v I T~soN. if 'r~ill lchetly, ~ ?? bV 341i ItIADO[ ..Vof Uniton C lame. I. Thiat wh ile tihe Mcotin- dooilao regret the( aimmnent of Mr 7Il- :ithisin.mtrc,,'tmtttr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARI. .R ALEXANDE R, StITGEON, begs IvO n ost G Mlt respectfilly to acqmaint tie l'liofessioi. and the Pub- lic. that on the siggeslion of several 5tedleial G(Lutloion, lito intends to devote n portion of his tiho to the depalrtoit of 8 CU PPING; and having had extensive cxpcerince as Copper to the Goncral Dispensary, he trusts he will be found to per- h form this operation. the success ld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNY! ELECTION. ?',1HE very unexpected announcement, at the HustinngS, to-day, of Sir THOMASs BuilNETT, as a ('andidato for the Representation of this Cout1tV, ?? the Committee for conductino, the Elect ion 2 ot [lhe IS)S. CAPrAIN GORDON to entreat thoe eil attendance of his friends, at their respective Piljling Stations, on 'IMI SI)AY next, the 3d August, be1inĀ¢ the first day of thc Pull. G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ntit a nuit IIOro It N etiiig of the 1civnds, O II Si, jt11ipatit'i of Illtitteio Ross of llussivi, 11 j, held INit tilt thoe Rloyal Ilote, Aberdoen, tie 2tttlt doy1 ?? lNiy, ii X VX PI yL dSD)EN, Esqt. of '111iwliilly ilit thev C'1i N th ?? iii Vt tt Mr D).tVi ?? t of 'iilh-liotl y, se~ o~ wdedt ,II% Mr lu D:Sof fitsitio trove, ?? 'tat tritlo fithe, Mettiitonit byl ithyon-I ?? I- illit L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. Kiddia Poelthumnoi Saermxis,. URCHtlALD COUTTIA(4E, BoohslIlvr, 31, Gpol-rt. A Stret, begsreipecird i y l i It IlatI ?? for(lis. +nsf II:1 few ?? ?? I to bovre va Iit: I NNcr\ 5ti;ll(Id to teader it more accusible to the larte clias for whls(obonctit it was hieftly intended, the plevioUllS vevy nodelcirto priee has been retdiced to ?? tid. Copies will therefore 11Wi 1bc forniie- ed for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~SPdlu ItTSIIANo 'S .ho't tt7 itt' 0ittTs Ottr1 ?? 'ttTI- te. ?? thitir thlt hi-.s tr)isedhimfo! duithoer fort a1imhett has thetiol S t ?? Ovp-t utttOO ..itt('tr thuio t'ta ttlt itng 110 lts'tCliortY' I,:tlaii. ioro oill Ihe fountdt it ?? otittog thatl Of tite tirot 3tttkett; itl Scotland. TOloc he xposed f/i'l Satiu. Iw Pul'icij Roloti. withi tit 1 1 thee0 of AtX.A L, ?? Adot-ti to. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1 ft SCOTTISIX PnOVID)E:XT INSTITUTION, FORi T:Irl A.SStURANCEt OF C'APITIAL SLTMS AND) ANNUITIES, ON' LIVES AND) SU1IRIV10IRSTIHIS. OfleeqS I il, Smitt i t. ?? Strleet, T'itinhorgli. 176, Vhi ,dolt Shode, Gl ot.9v R1EIT'VAItSM , 25 pe'r cet. lo it wit t lmn those of Offlices jlthat, like this,,dividc till tite prolitto SITR Iii'.I. . resetveti for' tule hottefto f lthospo wio live the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO DRUGGISTS. it F.ItI SAlE,' .~ i on or ii 80li ' FItitNlrrUTim ttrt io1ll- T I fto, I1llieIl til til ?? (: S10I t. inI ii rosoieet:loL piat't s tiloon i , Apply :It trlte oiico of tia; prter, if i [oletter, | I rjt-Iirt. AiiwltI'olt :81st .loiS, ItiC, t = I ., ?? 0 , EDEAU7TIrUL FURNISHED RESIDENCE . IN' ?? '1 01)1 lot fr a tote ow~f yeii.i. ?? e;n1ralileteI3' Cur- p tiiihe't rito tl leo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFT Ti TH C OU~ rP O P A3 5Si11:E i:F. a (G I:NTLEMI:N, i -Ncrnuaouncrinsg to voui. that the Sheriff ha c fised o ,it li!:DAY the3d aid Fitiri1,II the 4th of August foe thbe Poiling Days, I take ithe opportunity of re- p esvi~2P- t e expre;Son1 of mv artttide for fornmer bt !:1.11ks f 1. vo1ir fav sor. 'he seslt of the present lect j will. f hav l no t hobt, be such as to Inalke it , 1 ill:wi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : V1RMAN AND 'tRENCH LA?4GUAQIZS siTR. J. PR()ZK0tV`IKT ris-prpertifliv intimz tS, I 1M tlhat he Intetids to give llastretioti in tihe GERtMAN and l'Rf.XCII LANG C;AG w.S. MIir ?? having for sontie thie residedi in Gcrmtany and France, bad the he t opportunity ,f acquiring fluentiy in conversing in 1 both LfangutagOes. Further particutlars may be known by applying to Mr PRttotrWsKIt, ait Mlis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION TO JAVIRIICA. GRlICUiLTI.TlAL. Iit'jlijiVs Xih;ISiQ to i'itr thin1- A solves Of the vet-i- adivaintaeeont, Act, pn~sc-i by hle As~- si-:nitir of ,alatirien fir thoe ctrioraglii'tiloit, of ltt:migrtioi to 1 tait Colonty, tony aipplyv persoliiilly t Ti 11mvr cfiviAv, lit 31i11 oC Isitnelfiith or t5 Air- ?? a at Cll.,ldobleiaii A llwhie- Sinviti, a Tflictri. rt shoiiicwrte. aitri, ri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '110 LflX6B3T, ?? SIPORTS1Ifl3N, A ND IF rN - NI A E ii4 I1 FIImo q I VI-nOI ., I. Ito I e 1' III it o eltefl) li. Li, it t he lie S 1 2i,- .XP lie'ilS ha--i~th itr isiie il otil l Iiieoil by the t;1~IC ti o ea r il fth eli- P ellOI'\ CAtii us Pri sit'- 1:11 sI or Wm ill,' C~:.i to eeiit- lie. kll i- iii l aipptiii. li be3 yti( ?? w i ~xst.v thf OW Ilutl li oc ?? shall of mule e'iqt't 1 ...