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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... the Crossings 'of Frederick iSrce. a SU- of MONEY and PIECE of gVMWLLER Vy. After ?? expenses, the balance will be restored nponidentRtiicatl'n. ALEX. KIRK WOOD. Die Ctiter and Livery Button Malcor, Aletse Lane, St Andrew's Street. NOTICE TO THlE PUBLIC. ,N iprst ipetflle Cloth lin Britlio, ia fltat Sale ioonz, No. 41, Xorth. E7iirle. y jlE.RE ivill be exposed for SATE by Pri-. tI vote Rarenin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIF AN OFR FIFE AND FORFAR. 74; TAY FERRIES. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. E SUBSCRIBERS for the purposes of the Act of Parliament, for Erecting, Imnprov- le, fegulatinmt and Maintaining, Ferries and Passlages tree'sthe ler Ty, in the Counties of Fife and For- r, are egnested to meet within the Town Hall of D ndee. on Wednesday thle 27th day of September cur- ?? o'clock Noon, (or the purpose of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /,/ORREST'S STATUARY, 7ATrONAL MONUMENT, CALTON HILL. fliS EXHIIBITION is now OPEN, in- ?? NEW EQUESTRIAN STATUE QUJEEN ELIZABETH, sculptured firom a beauti- fin hleck of CRAICLEITIt best Liver Rock:. Open from Ten ciii dusk.-Adnittanco, One Shilling. AIR ESPINASSE'S FRENCH ACADEMY, / , 42, NO&Ttr FrEnLERxc STREE. A -/J dFiEIS ACADEMY will RE-OPEN on IL MOIXDAT the 2d October. A Class for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pEjSE UTION OF THE POLISH PATRIOTS. vIlE Rev. A. FLETCHER, A.M. of Lon- T'j don, is to Preach in behalf of thnle Victims of 3,,so Tyranny THIS EVENING (MONDAY the 9.5th).at Seven o'Clock, in the Rev. ?? NlS-EfTS CUSA- ?? Co)WGATE it is expected the Collection will be liberal. FUR S. WHIll~TE m'ost res5pectrully inti_ nste* to the Ladiest. that he has returned from rondon and Paris, where he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ALE OF LADIES' WORK. ,^I¢ MANAGERS of the MS,,ISSION to he ISLAND of 'CAPE BRETON propose to ,vea SALdE of LADIES' WORK for its BENEFIT s jrolarr. Larlirs whno take an interest ill tile ox ?? h ledge. spiritual and temporal, amongst ~tbr ex;trirtid countrymen, are respectfilly anil ear- nailtoqr1. ed to contribute and pro-rre ;.rticles for th Salo, ohich will he thankfully received at 9, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DINlURG I LAD]IES' INSIrTUTION FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICrS, t.1 55, GCORGE SQUARE. pl,/DALGLEISIT? JOHN MONNARD, Rev. J. F. BROWN, Moaozagers. l I s INSTITUTION Wvill be Re-Opened en MONDAY the 2d of OCTOBar. The fid..- ln r the BRANCHES taught, and the TEAC31 RSr of tihe different departments (M. . Wr Awritru, late of St lilementtry English. George's Sessional trt ?? GCelgaphy School. A1vaoln ...


... RCH. TH E Re-painting of this Church being now conpleted. it ?? RE-OPENED for Public p7r hip en SABBATH Rext (To.MORROW) the lit of October-Forenoon, Afternoon, and Even- i6 mvS C~oAhMBE5S, ElinbUrgh, 30tlh Sept. 1837. SH4ORT'S POPULAR OBSERVATORY. jfjjS INSTITUTION contains splendid j Reflecting and Achrnmatic Telescope; grand Cormpound and Solar Microscope; Camera Obscura and J.elcida; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIIONIAL TO SIR JAMES GIBSON CRAIG, BART. A T ainumerousandrespectable MEETING, bhell in the Merchants' Hall, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 1'dth August 1837, - to consider the ropriety of conferring some Alark of Respect on Sir daires Gilison Craig, Hart. for his long continued and valuable public services, The Right Ron. the LORD PROVOST r in the Chair, It oas nmoved by ionic FJIsarIm Euq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /, / EDUCATION, 1fSES BROWN bave Resumed their jt CLASSES afterthe vatation, and continue to Teach Ladies all the usual Branches. 1, HJLT. SQUARER Nicolson Street, Edinborgb. NFANNr SCHOOL for the 3Higher ?? aa'e.. 10, DtfirmcAN; STREET, Dr',aorn~lls pisre. Mfr STiRLING langato ininnate, will be Resumed on Monday neat, the 25th Septemnber. WRITING, ARITHMETIC, AND BOOK-KEEPING. M R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURGH VETERINARY SCHOOL. E COMMITTEE of the HIGHLAND ,aid AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY of SCOT- LAD. chargedl with the Superintendenec of the VETERINARY SCHOOL, here-y intimate, that tbJ FIFiTEENTH COURSE of LECTURES on VITERINARY PHYSIC and SURGERY, conn- prulleade g tbre Anatomy and Diseasses of the Horbe, Ox, heep, aC. 6ill be delivered by 3ir DtrK iin the euluing Otluree will commence in ~the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fTllS DAY, /i;VTnlllrwSnAy, 21ST StI-TEMBER IS37, 'ins the La~rge Assein61 J9oon, 'eorqe Street, H E Sl)lelldid E X Z I B I T I 0 N of DT AHLIAS and FRUITS will ie open from 0reiel till thre; admittance, One Shilling jilh FFSTIVAL of POMONA tnkes jlace in the 11vlonat romm.'nring at half-prist s:r. and el'osing .t hlf-p pt eigt F.W. The Rlight IiHn. mlbe Lord Adesetci. V. P. Ilart. Soe- in the ...