Advertisements & Notices

... &r.~~~~~~~~~4 kbte i2prirnttiR Press, ie. .Sc. BOO E SOLD -BY AUCTION, BF y 11R, STAMP, 0i-the PANTECHNICoCN, Market, Atb l A THURSDAY, September 21. 1837, Afellc 00cloc o in the ForerOtB, pia umbter of BOOKBINDER's - CT Bumber bfas&tiogof good Stand inU S T OyOLS, in d F l of Letters, Grainong o l aid d Filletil, PI,~ ~*Io pRlNTZNr - EP d i 11OLDERNESS. S O BESD BY AUCTION, BY MR. DANIELS, ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... + , a~~~~~~~~~~t'Ac3e e. )fttd |15ci~t~b~ at Tthiee 1:h iec it~f bte d I sOpsh at the time of ; h gb dA Coiditio las -f C Saehl a bm p-elPodti iblY e and plea ; & . , 1dp k Nte w Ciaept of Fsioeod in tbe peiv i Jostephl ene if the Port of oda e, and from ats, Johrwa boa conideribly sin le. oy !s at po thes th panit'5 Dock now K. ete is a lil ete e Pet*e9 at-ndii futher a 1'e05 sained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eIe o plgz t eea corrsodents ?? our appa- sat is after pledging ourselves to their appancr as fling to notify that we had received them. ?? eorns I C iC .ice~ditor) are concerned, we do not Pleaid gult so i i,n inimputation. We were hint week soovrstocked with as~ Sltter. tillt we bad to lay aside about a pageK when we tensecfinailly tonmake up our jouirnal. Under suchicireom- statne s, thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE 2i3iEt ACT -TinS Act recciyed the Royal assent ODn fhe23:1 of Jot3, 1(3(, under the Ministryor the Doue of :Wellington. GUIDING ?? indefatigable correspondent, A Sitdent, wvishes to know whether ve ?? having ever t beard or read of eagles being mado subservient in guiding balloons? In anvwer, wO can meroely state that Nc have heard of such a project, but thiat we doubt whether cesr it Was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fEATIArE ROYAL, ABBEY-STREL T. sent SATURDAY, September 23d, 1837, IS Pwill perform (2d time this sea. 1~Sbaks~ea CTAMING THE SHREW. h r Adderley; Baptista, Mr Penn ; Hortensiw, reirtlrb Gr taO, Mr Gardiner ; Biondello, Mr H Wil. Mre~ 'fey1lO; r Mr Wallace; Catberine. Miss Julia Nicol; pa09 flre iC Jimes ; Culrtit, Mrs Gardiner. lieC 'Te hich w~ill be added the dom~esticdrama of DAUGHTEREA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... isViLUAI3LE' EXT7RA LIVE STOCK, A T B E,,CK12EY OXOKjt 0~ BE SOLIl) BY AUCTION, Td Ly Mr. TP. MALLAMI, CAt thle Rectory Farn', Lit Tisekley, Oxon, onl Thursday thle, 21st ,c, NY if eptllier, 1 1i117,-7'J good hialf-bred V '1%V S and `11IEAVES 7Wether S IIE'EP, 711 excellent Wetlier LAM11S, I1 111'ARIiOGiS and II RAN ditto; 5 in-calf COWS, 1 At- derniv) ditto, 2 Icirroti IEIVEIS, and 2 ST' RKS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Flpour, and oatmeal Stores, 113, NORTH-STREET. W0BgEBT CRAWFORID NFo1RMS his Friends and the Public, that he has re. 1 ceivede Fresh Supply of the CRsun.nnln NEW OAT: ii w~thlich, and the CARLOW, ex/ected in .a ew he rill be regularly supplied, daj5 *C begs to call the attention of thema/nagers of the iic Inetitiittonc of the Townv to the above, aq the use 0fetlheth sl oe found a savitig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1flhi 'I'll IS HA lit. OIL. Ingredients), X? ?1?1-Ll ii- I h igititil aitti httettit tic, and has, for niany :x. yells, 'tern nuts vitally titloit 'etl attn ackutneledgeil to tint be I fir test tutu vlie;tj'est tel ide liar nottrisltittg the Hair; Iteescttts it litijit Lillitt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 7 ?? ?? ?? A Z-d~~i .IEATRE-ROYAL-For the BENEFIT I of Mr. MACREADY, and the last Night of tho en- eel~n of Mtr. Macrady and Silss Hclcln Faucit.-This 6 tFidaY will be erformned. for the last time, Mr. g~engat Talfoiurd s newv Iraed of losz-.Mr. ?? 4 Tro ?? Ko srcs loplllr play of William Tell . ?? Mr. Mancready. *i tcwhec TthetrDl~l Edsinbugh Mr.fno BEDFT~ORclD.of wtheS Jn ;ddti~on tlth D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - m lIE FRIEND IN NEED OINT\i?NT LAfriend in need, is a fr such will be founibin the ? mud indeed, ox. 0 ? able Ointment. called that tcnlv ? ?? frkt? sal Ointment, prepa??? by GRAthititud ? Ce. liii. London, whose address 'sill be reond each pr Tii,? ? - snout was the disoosety of titot able and Seloilit I. William C orpenrer. Esr1. of ltlistel , and isuso 0 calty, and tuore i'rivate Families ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yvu - - ext e TEATRE OYAL, exte ABBE Y-S RELT. the equi esent MONDAY, September 25th, 1837, peri iles MejO5 Servants will perform (the second time) T ?? Dtrar a, called and nrjitore:, TS'ICF OR, THE LEX TALIONIS. undi Mr Hamilton; Konrad, Mr Adderley; Shal slilins; Beithold, Mr renn; Lotbaire, gil pi * rOthlo, Mr C ?? ; Gerald, Mr Edwin; Bip- _ oco'0'itn ^in ; Cyllibilli, Mr Gardiner; Theodore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY AND DEIRBYSIllIHE jjOITICULTURAL AND FLORAL SOC I ETY. PAT eON, Ills GRACE the DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. PATRONESSES, The 'los ,Noble the MIARCHIIONESS df HASTINOS. The Right Hon. LADY SCARSDALE. PRtESIDEN T, SIR GEORGE CREWE, Bart. M.P. T11 E Subscribers are respectfully informed that T the FOURTH SHOOW and EXHIBITION for FLOWVERS, will take place on TUESDAY and IErDNEs DPA, the 12th and 13th ...