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... REGISTRATION OF VOTERS-SATURDAY. I CITY OF LONDON. At the sitting of tho court Mr. Cit~xii. gave .isdgmient in the following eases:- Mr. Beck ii the clerk of the fironnmongers' Compainy. H1-e wits elected to that office in Januairy, 18-3:2, by the liver% of tilt coloipaii. lie would seemi to have been 1e nI iiectced for at year h le has since beien ann uaiv re. elected for the v'ear .ensuing. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-TLuESDA. MANSION-I0IUSEI. A ?? French woman, of ver respectable appearance and t;ddress, appeured before Sir Cliaptuata Marshall and the Lord Mlayor lect, upon mr inforniation, charging lher, toge- ther with her husband, with having stiuggleti some worked muslin collars and other French goods, by mcuanr of a trunk containing a ialse bottom. The Solicitor for the (ustonms ...

Westminster Court of [ill]

... Wosmtnasuter Coant of 1 sts FEES AT TuEATaEs.-On Tuesda, Mz., jmee IlHems- worth, e gentleman of private ibrtuue, ituieored Mr. Drisdale, the box-keeper of the Eglisl Opra- ouse, Strand, for the recovery of thei-san of 6d. It app-ared thatafew nigh age the plaWitHwc.,T Vo tbe English Opera-house, accompaied by a In V wha bld oil a bonret When they wore showu into a bOki (in zhe dress cireler) ...


... TUBflERcuRRy PETT1Y_ SESSIONS-SEPT. 28. MIOST IMOPORTANT INVESTIGATION. (Froom the Sligo Cliawtpion.) One of the foulest c'orspiracies which tbe heart of man could conceive has been brought to light by Eire investigation bheld in Tubbercurry onl Thursday last. It is now quite evi- dent that the only disturliances which have taken place in this much injured and much calumniated county have been ...

Central Criminal Court

... Central criml~nd Ui Courts i - . A, X , : * ~i I (Befere Mr. Justice Vaughan nd PMr. Justice P'attuer. NECLECrriNO A- PARXSIS ApPsEXrrirc.--Williara Snith, de- scribed s an. optician, was indieted, :for having .caused the death of bis rappientiee, Benjamin Broadway, by.withholding 'fromoim a sufficient quantity of food. Elia6 WinVdsor-,-,Ima madwop ad resido .in [slington. The deceasad was my ...


... t p r Observation and inquiry have our iimpression of tire a : .ortbcoming supply of wheat being, as far as England is cap- I .i corned, barely equal to that of an average crop. But as rrgards tl r the supply of food, taking Into account all articles (of domeatic e agricultural pro;3uce which constitute humani food, the questlon oe assumes a very different chnracter from that which a mere con- ...


... flJVA.b.K1UJ~a .VUUkLU~iJW (Continued from page a.) CoDuNCiL-HoUSa, Thursdayj, October 5, 1837. . Magistrates present: Messrs. Ash, Newman, and Stock. Joseph Munday was charged with delivering a fictitious parcel to Mrs. Sarah Clarke, Upper Arcade, and obtaining money thereon. The prosecutris, having been sent for, declined appearing. Mr. Phillips, of the Prince's Head, Welch Back, having ...


... EXTEtNSIVE FORGERIES AT DOVER. On Monday last a more than usual degree of interest was created at Dover, arising from it being known that a yvaig rman who drove his coach and four was tobe finally examined on a charge of forgery. The accused, whose name is Hei;ry Brooks, about twenty for years of age, was examined btrefo; the mayor, William Cock, Esq., and several magistrates, alzd tultimately ...


... BRISTOL.-CLIrrON, SEir. 29.-A circumstance oc. ,curred yesterday which has t~rown our beautiful village into a state of the utmost agitation and excitement.- It may not' generally be known that, at nearly the summit of a cliff, rising 300 feet above the surface of the river Avon, and which is commonly styled St. Vincent's Rock, there is a hole or nearly circular aperture extending 20) or 30 ...


... [From the Examnner.] Englishmen do not want to be told that a demand upon the pocket is a serious matter; and that there ought to be made a priimafacie case to support it. A man who begs an alms in the street ought to have a blind eye, or a lame leg, or his appearance ought to betoken the misery of having a Famished wife and family at home in a garret. When a well-dressed fellow, in good ...


... Yesterlay a Court was held for the dispateh of a grrat deal of public buiiness. EXTREME DISTRESS OF THE polES, AND APPLICATION To TIll. COIRPORATION IN THEIR BEHALF. P'etitioners iappearcl at the her of te rroirt fromr the Literarv Association of the Fri jnts of Plo!and, %%hen Mr. Deputy PEACOCK prensentea the following ?? Oct. 4, lS7. To the Lord Mailor, Aldermen, anti (ionoinn:, in Com- mon ...


... MURDER LV LIVERPOOL. Saturday and Monday' an inest was hel( to inruire intet tile c ircumstances iouc'hing the deat! of Jameis Cilla- ghilan, ceach -triniiiner oli thi. towm. A N oung tn l, nam d Charles Vortilington, was sotme weeks ago taken itito ht udL on a charge of I luing St dbbed the deceased with a chisUl, lie was held in cust od) till the fate of the un. fortunate linml ,hould be ...