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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... . INX F I R E O FFFICE, Vr pROTECTOR. LIFE OFFICE; LFgHLY ENDOWMENT AN11 ANNUITY OFFICE; ROBERT ALLAN, Agent; REMOVED to 8, ST ANDREW SQUAARE. t'X, 5C L E R K. Ji'fUATION is Wanted by a YOUNG A 31AN who has had considerable experience in n oks and Accounts, and is willing to make himself generally usefol i6 any Counting-house or Office, eitjer St burns or abroad. Apply by letter, post-paid, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ES VANIEWICZhaveresum.. ed givin INSTRUCTIONS on the PIANO ILTE HARP, and in SINGING. tu4, GREAT KING STREET. WITINGS ARITHMETIC, AND BOOK-KEEPING. Iffg TROTTER of the SCOTTISI NAVAL 3|l p MoIrSAcY ACADEMY, Resumed his LASSES for the above Branches on WEDNESDAY the th u oat 10, NORTH ST DAVID STREET. FRENCH AND ITALIAN. EWCR CLAPPERTON begs to announce, that his health being now re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHARES FOR SALE. FK OS SCOTLANDAN S1 15 ?? Bank F Cadedoninn Insurance Co. Iti Ellin. Water CO. 6 Edin. Gas Company 200 Sqottim.h Union ?? and Glasgow Railway 40 Glasgow and Ayr Do. ,,VTlD._B'itish Linen, Royal Bank, Commer- g ,n and Glasgow Uninn Banti Stocks; also, es of tde Standarl Life Office. ROI3ERT ALLAN, STocx:Borora . REM1OVED to 8, ST AODRRIW SQUARE. ?? NSURA5cE COMPANY, JgctLCO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / 3ANK; OF SCOTLAND, 4th October 1837. 1IE GENERAL MEETING of PRO- TI' pRIETORS on 27th September, bovinz, in terms the Act of Parliament, authorised a DIVIDEND I! ~ PBoFI on the COMPANY'S CAPITAL STOCK for the half year ended on said 27th Septem. ler the pavment of such Dividend is by the Court of I DieCtots of the Bank of Scotland appointed to com- I aeace On Tuesday next, the lath instant. ...


... FRIENDS and SUPPORTERS of T ROIERT PRINGLE, Esq. of Clifton, and ?? c -,,nourable J. E. ELLIOT, M.P. are to entertain Gcrtleltmenlat PUBLIC DINNER, in the 13'1iDGE INN, GALASHIELS, on FRIDAY the 3d NOVFaaER. Dinner on the table at Four o'clocc-. Galashiels, 27tb Oct. 1837. OYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, /2/R Edinburgh, 28tb October 1837. TFF, COURT of DIRECTORS of the T ROYAL BANK of SCOTLAND Rive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'W OENING NI&HT /JZ' O DUCROIVS ARENA, ED1N-URGH, W;TH HiS LONDON ESTABLrSHMENT, 1VILr. TAKE PLACE 0Y FRlDAY (TO-MORROW), OCTOBER 20, 1837, Anl will he continued open every Evening during tle short stay of the Company in Edinburgh. The Doors will be Opened at Half-past Sir, ansd the performance commence at Seven o'clock precisely. Th'e INbility and Gentry will he accommodated with a prato ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TD G LASGOW RAILWAY. 131yBIRGH A- S1#NERAL MEETING of the SHARE- 1 OLDERS in this undertaking will bc held on .he 1st November next, at One o'clock kel e~d,5 the Black Ball Inni, Glaseow, for the pUr- r,!l.Vtbleeiniiv- a Report from the Directors, and re- eo the future proceediigs of the Company. 1ltearnestiv recuested. that those Shareholders who I at iaready intimated to the Secretary their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAOlDINARY CHEAP ,rERrNcEs, TnXJN CA/N 1 FAREN, 329, HTGH STREE?;T hag just received a very large assortment of NEW SiEilRINOS in a11 the fashionable shades, De pi ices greatly below any former assortment. The corn- mon qualities in double widths at Is. Sid., Is. 6td., is. 7d., and Is. 8d., good qualities, Is. 9d., Is. 10d., Is. I I&., 2s., and 2s. Id., and finr goods at all prices up to 2s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last Week butone of THE PANORAMA O- THE SPLENDID CITY OF FLORENCE, ONe TtrE MOUND, TalrO on the spot, by R. BURFORD, Esq. of London. r gsH grand PANORAMA PAINTING is allowed by all who have seen it, to form one of the most striking exhibitions of the kind ever submitted he public. Its sllccess during the time it continued pi ian Leicester Square, London, was altogether un- precedented. and ...


... . S UBSCRIBERSWill receive tbejr TICKETS at the Stand; and Day Tickets at Five, and Wvek Tickets at Fifteen Shillings, will also be issued there. The REFRESHMENT R3OAVS will be open only te those who have Tickets. H. MITCHELL, Secy. Edinburgh, 6th October 1837. A SHAWL LOST. 1r OST a large BLACK SH[AWFL, with jJ Scarlet Borders, between George Street and Tri- nity. Whnoever has found the soe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;H OFESSIONAL SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS. -;i , FIRST PUBLIC PRACTICE of this SOCIETY takes place in the A SSEMSBLY L tGS oaCES STREET, 0n SATUJRDAY, 28th Oc- go°3tresthre frreo'clock A Erijat~s^ will receive their Tickets at the Assembly B00eins O that day-. JAMES DEWER, Secretary to the Professional Societv. ALEX. THOMSON, Secretaries io J . P. IBERTRAM. Association. 2.ltli October 1637. / GENERAL ...