Advertisements & Notices

... - Plso b Cauctim, akrt I, ESTARLISHED P[UX6C4IOS-E AT GARFORTH. Apd,,0ORN and MUSTARD MILL, at HULL. toV BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Earlv in the Month of FEa1U.ARY next, A N old-established Freehold PUBLIC- A HOUSE or INN. known by the naue or sizzi of the Swan or Gapin,- Goose. at WEST GARFoRT14. On the Road from Leeds to Selby, being within a short distante of the Junction of that Road with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOWI% for *ailini, &c. FOR CALCUTTA, DIRECT, The fine A. 1. Coppered Ship WIILIAM LEE, JAMES SHEPHERD, Commander, Is intended to sail for Calcutta latter end of Feb. ruary, and to return to Bull. All Goods intended for Shipment must be along. side the Ship on or before the 25th February; and the advice thereof given as early as possible, to secure Ship room. Freights same as at Liverpool. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PINES. '1To BE SOL D, Choice COlection of PINEAPPLE PLANTS, h rges.-A pply to l r. SU Eiir E UD, Shardlow: ~ ?? B1L LET ON LEASE Qua utfnurnif lWed, with possession at Lady-day next, quar Fpi, RcJ tHOUSE, in a cheerful awni Coff S i ation at a short distance from the Turn. Rea 'flieu25d.I: L between dordn and Alanchester, three PAoV i i,~5rr,, and ten feom Derby. T i Hat~ is rait ble to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i Margt'S ante, Derb * , lSS BRLN'I-NAIL desires to annou ce to her R Erien~ a -drrnd tbe Public, that her Schoul will corn. MOnday, ther *22td instant, and she respectfully ren~C °'rt *~ot of the patrunsge and tsupport no lhberally ?? Od pbn.M1 isis 'SjTCIS tr0w hose Ebtablilshmettt sfte t2 IIUcEN~daTNA~t~ taker- the present opportuonhy of oy5n l ose ?? who way honour her with the cane of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Eighth Week of the Re-engagement of MRS. FITZWILLIAM And Last Night but Four of the New Pantomime. THIS PRESENT MONDAY, January 15, 1838, the I Performances will commence with the favorite Piece Of THE RENDEZVOUS. Captain Bolding, Mr. Hudson; Quake, Mr. Duff; Simon, Mr. Johnson; Charles, Mr. Ray; Smart, Mr. Eas; Lucretia, Miss Pelham; Sophia, Miss Egan; 4ose,Jrs. ] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (n t t i ji.S. = ld 1INAI2r in th c - I X I'I')N ,t 5 f ?? lie Cv uI I a rith ?? O WinIl ilt.ll | ; t. it - l t , ti ii I i j, 1 i r hibo.M tN i tII ?? whil.11 Cloy ll'Xl''' t I; l~ W!te\itl; HIPi r,1il~l~m) :.f aill : . .t it 'l 1 1' the th0vel 11 IV ' i r,, ibrs. Hai ot ;ier id is- It; i elgli~.Ii i li:~i l w % ti, ii h e, dom loli thi holi ?? of :wieIt- ,, t ., t tt,,6di e, i!,. hli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITERtMTJDRE. fUBI3LIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE FOR JAN. 1838. )re have perused the Dub lin University ikaqazine for the present month, and it affords us real gratifica- tion to be able to give it our mosthearty commendation. It continues to be ably conducted, and gathers evident strength in its progress. The Tale of Farelorouqh/a the ?eliser, by Carleton, is still carried on, and we must say ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L ODGIN'GS.-A Gentleman may be accom- rmodated with a genteel SITTING and BED ROOM. pleasantly situated near to Woodhoose Moor. Apply at the Printes, No. 140. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EONS. MALLAN'S NINTH ANNUAL VISIT WILL POSITIVELY TERMINATE, t On- Weapiesday, the 7th of February next. kCURtVY IN THlE GUMS EFFECTUALLY REMOVED. INCORIZOD71iLE ARTI;CIAI L TEET}, rIACED -ITHOUT WIRES OR OTHER LIGATURES, e AND MINElAL SUCCEDANEUM, s Fer Filiug Decoved TFectl, trilhout Pain, licet, or Pressuer n ONS. JAMES M. MALLAN, SURGEON .L1 DENTIrS, from No. 10, Ludeato luill, London. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -of TO TANNER3S. her the TO BE LET, lis A Compact TAN-YARD, in the City of Chester oal at a moderste Rent, comprising eeventy.n'n is- Pits, with commodious Bark Bars, capble of holding ol, upwarde of one hundred tons. io- Application to be made (if by letter Post-paid) to are Mr. GERRARD, Land Agent, Newgate-street Chester fies nd To Coal Miners and others. a TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION tey ALL that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rite Ladies and Gentlemen of Preston and the N~eighbouwaood, are reipectfidlly informed that Tihe Horse Fajir Ball ILI ,IL be held at the ASSEMBLY ROOM, BULL VY INN, onl TUESI)AY, the 9th of JANUARY, 1838. I).tNCING TO COMMENCE AT NINE 0 CLOCK. Admittance. Ladies ?? Gentlemen 7s. Stewards, Lient. Col. Austen, K.H. J. Hi. Norris, M.D. T. Miller. Esq. T. M. Gorst, Esq. M, r IOiRRABIA'S Q ...